
Mean Queen

Cover by Lena Buncaras Ye Ju was the one and only daughter of the powerful nouveau riche of the city so naturally she grew up spoiled. She had everything and whatever she wanted she gets. That was until she crossed paths with City B's number one bachelor, Li Jisheng. Ye Ju decided to change in order to catch his attention. She changed her name, her face, her whole personality. Ye Ju changed everything that made her, her. But one day after she caught Li Jisheng in bed with her best friend she decided it was time to revive the old her. Her old, mean self. Regina Ye has been reborn once again.

wedielikerobins · Teenager
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2 Chs

I'll show you what's ugly


Ye Ju massaged her temples while sitting on her sofa phone in hand.

It was the morning after that incident and reporters have tried to interview the parties involved including yours truly, Ye Ju, and have most likely set up tents outside her apartment building.

She suddenly felt the price of overnight fame weighing on her back.

At first, she was quite proud of her doing but after one sleepless night, she woke up feeling terrible and guilt-ridden especially when what bombarded her the moment she tuned in to any news outlet was yesterday's events along with a fancy blurred out photo of Shen Jingfei in her birthday suit.

Her social media was bombarded with many comments from strangers who either praised what she did or condemned her.

User10234687927: @YeJu you are a sick human being go die!

Themanwithabeard: @YeJu it's normal for men to cheat

Twenty4seven: I don't hate what @YeJu did but I also don't agree with it. I don't know maybe they could've just talked it out privately and not humiliate her publicly plus the birthday suit was kinda…..

JulieT: @Twenty4seven she deserved it for sleeping with someone else's boyfriend all hail Queen @YeJu

JulieT: @User10234687927 go die yourself bitch!

Kangarooo: @PrincessJing you should be ashamed of yourself I'm glad @YeJu finally revealed your true colors. Everyone who thinks Ye Ju did something horrible is a bunch of idiots, wouldn't you do the same if that happened to you?

Sssnape: What if Li Jisheng liked Shen Jingfei but he can't say it coz he feels bad for @YeJu?

GraviTea: @Sssnape yeah @PrincessJing never had a scandal before so there must be more to the story

Ingenious: Shouldn't @YeJu be in jail right now for moral damages?

JulieT: @GraviTea @Sssnape Shen Jingfei paid commenters spotted. Go on spill m*therf*ckers how much did that whore pay you?

GraviTea: @JulieT what about you? How much did Miss Ye pay you?

Cat_sidhe: What's happening rn. just woke up. why's there a naked lady on my newsfeed? Lmfao

Ye Ju wanted so badly to deactivate her account but she finds a total waste of time because she'll just end up reactivating it weeks later. As she sat on her bed pondering what to do next her phone's screen lit up and vibrated.

Stefanie calling…

Rolling her eyes she answered the call and heard the high-pitched voice of her mother.

"Darling! How's your day going?"

"It's six in the morning mom, the day barely just started."

"Oh right we have different time zones, my bad."

Rolling her eyes again she went near the window and peered through a small crack in the blinds.

"So why did you call mom?"

"Why? Can't I call my only daughter and ask how she's doing?"

She chuckled at her nonchalance, it was too obvious why she called. Stefanie never bothered to check on her daughter ever since she was born. She would call but only for a few minutes since she's "very busy", which was what she would always claim. Ye Ju doubts it since knowing that her mother was only a lesser-known fashion model who sometimes appears on high-end fashion shows due to luck.

Or is it just merely luck….?

"Really mum, why did you call?"

"Oh okay, I called because I was…curious about you-know-what. Did he really cheat? I mean did you really-"

"*sigh* I was there, I saw it with my own two eyes."

Her mother groaned on the other line, "what a shame, I thought he'd be different. The boy seemed…mature and dependable, who would've thought."

That's what I thought too.

"You shouldn't have done the cosmetic surge-"

"Mum I believe we have talked about this?"

"Yes, yes, but you can't blame me. You used to be so pretty and now you look like those girls on the find-a-husband groups." Way to go boosting my confidence, mother.

Ye Ju sneered inwardly walking away from the window and going towards the bathroom.

"If there isn't anything else mum I'm going to hang up, still got to prepare for school." Besides you only called for the tea.

"Right, have a nice day sweetheart, say hello to daddy for me."

"I don't live there anymore but sure, I'll tell him when I get the chance."

After she hung up Ye Ju checked the time again. It was nearly seven so she decided to take a bath and secretly leave the premises. She decided she'll get breakfast from the school cafeteria instead since she wasn't in the mood to cook anything. Ye Ju left the apartment building without the paparazzi knowing thanks to a secret exit feature of the building.

When she arrived in school everyone who saw her pull into the driveway would start whispering and point towards her car's direction.

Annoyed and stressed out from everything that happened, Ye Ju got out of the car immediately and addressed the people around in a mean tone, "What? Did your parents not tell you it's rude to point fingers at anyone?"

Everyone was shocked at how out of character Ye Ju was. All except for Xu Linhua who, together with her minions, is approaching Ye Ju with a hidden agenda.

"Ye Ju you still have the guts to show your ugly face here?" Xu Lihua sneered as her minions snickered behind her.

"As far as I can remember Miss Xu I am a student of this school and whom are you calling ugly? Your looks are no match to mine Xu Lihua."

Xu Lihua laughed like a maniac after hearing that which confused Ye Ju for a moment.

Why's she laughing when I just insulted her looks?

"How shameless! Did you hear that everyone? The beauty Ye has spoken, a mere mortal like me can't compare to her divine beauty, hahaha! Too bad you're not gonna fool anyone here anymore Ye Ju…"

What Xu Lihua said next was enough for Ye Ju's face to turn paler than she already is.

"…you plastic surgery freak!"

No way, how did she-!

"That's right, everyone your goddess is a fake! You have been fooled all this time! She's a rich brat who had the delusions about being beautiful when she's just an ugly freak who had the money!"

Ye Ju's hands balled into fists tears threatening to spill from her eyes. The surgery was her deepest darkest secret and she feared for the day that everyone will find out especially Li Jisheng.

Li Jisheng.

He was the reason she had gotten surgery in the first place.

Her obsession with him was so intense that she changed her face and name to 'look Asian' because she heard he preferred Asian girls. When they finally got together she was her happiness was beyond the moon and she went on thinking that everything she did was all worth it.

But fate seemed to like playing games on her.

Thinking about him now she had the sudden urge to drive to his condominium and burn it to the ground.

That as*h*le, what did I ever like about him in the first place? I should've castrated him then when I had the chance!

Xu Linhua continued her childish taunting at Ye Ju thinking that the latter was affected by it.

"Ugly freak maybe the reason why Li Jisheng cheated on you was that he could see right through your face how ugly you were."

Her cronies laughed with her as more people gather to watch the drama unfolding.

As Xu Linhua began to say another taunt she was cut off and yelped when someone grabbed her hair forcefully.

Ye Ju had enough of the insults. The moment Xu Linhua mentioned Li Jisheng and the reason he cheated, all she could see was red and before anyone could react, she had already grabbed a handful of Xu Linhua's hair like what she did to Shen Jingfei.

She pulled her closer, fist tightening on the hair making Xu Lihua shed some tears, whispering in a wicked voice, "call me ugly again and I'll show you what the real ugly is," and then let go of her hair.

Xu Lihua's minions were too stunned to react and only seemed to regain their senses when she sprawled to the ground in tears.

"Sis!" "Senior sister!" "Sis Li!", they all said in unison and went to her aid.

The crowd was also stunned. They had thought it would end in Ye Ju leaving in tears. But no, it was Xu Linhua the bully who ended up crying instead. Who would've thought Ye Ju, the Ye Ju who was never seen being mean or angry at anyone, was be capable of making the school's meanest girl cry?

"Move," Ye Ju told the surrounding crowd in a cold tone and with an eyebrow raised and it parted for her like the red sea.

She walked away from there while shaking off the hairs that were stuck on her hand.