

3rd person pov

A phone could be heard ringing and someone groaned. The setting was a dark room with a dark academia aesthetic.

The person beneath the covers pulled the covers out of their face and revealed themselves by a man who looked to be in his early 30s.

He bore an uncanny resemblance to Rio and looked like an older version of her.

His phone rang again and he frowned, he'd already gone to bed as a time difference from where he stayed was hours farther than that of the caller.

The phone rang the third time and he glanced at the phone in annoyance, snatched it and when picking it, snapped at the caller.


There was complete silence from the other end and Lior almost put the phone down until,

"YOU CONNIVING EVIL SPIRIT!" A yell so loud Lior could hear from where he had placed the phone rang out through the speaker. Lior's eyes widened and he quickly picked up the phone.

"Rio?" He asked, surprised.

"YOU SLIMY BASTARD!" Rio yelled again and Lior was certain that his sister was mad at him.

He thought to himself, there were only two reasons Rio would be that mad.

Either she found out that he was planning to visit or...

"Oh shit!" He whispered to himself.

"YOU STUPID CENTIPEDE BETRAYER! HOW DARE YOU?! " Rio continued on the other end of the phone. However, her voice seem to be fading in and out like there was a network disturbance.

Lior quickly jumped out of his bed and opened his door. If she was already sounding like that it meant she was going to...

No sooner had that thought come to him did someone slam him back into his wall, grabbing him by the neck and pinning him there.

"The fuck do you think you are trying to achieve? A year?! " Rio screamed in his face. She was livid and fuming. The edges around her blurring and twitching and it seemed as if she didn't exist and was only hologram.

"Let me explain!" Lior choked out, trying to tap on his sister's arms but his arm fell through. The only solid parts of her body were the hands that were cutting off his air supply.

"Shut up!" She snarled and released her grip, leaving her hands on his neck and solidifying her whole body.

To Lior, she seemed to be listening for something he couldn't hear.

She turned her heads sideways and snapped it back.

"You live alone right?" She asked calmly, a complete contrast to her demeanor a few seconds ago.

Lior nodded in the positive as he couldn't talk properly.

A glare appeared on Rio's face. "The who the hell is -" before Rio could finish, someone called out from his living room.

"Lior! I'm in your house!" It was an awfully familiar voice. One that made Rio even angrier, causing her to unintentionally squeeze harder on Lior's neck.

"Lior? Is that guy still sleeping?" The person called out again, chuckling to their self.

"Relationship?" Rio growled in her brother's face.

"Friend." Lior choked out and Rio completely released him.

He sighed and rubbed his throat, only for him to receive a teeth rattling punch.

"What the fuck are you doing with one of the craziest potential villains?!" Rio hissed.

Lior stumbled and held his head as the room seemed to tilt slightly.

In his mind, he regretted creating those snacks that made the bionic stronger.

" Keeping them under check! "He hissed back, turning to glare at his sister." If they're still potential then it means there's a chance they couldn't be a villain. "

Rio paused. Then stepped back.

Apatia walked into the room with a smile on her face only to stop as she saw the scene.

Lior with a little marking on his face and red lines on his throat. Rio who looked to be calming down from something.

" Rio? "Apatia said immediately." Do you know Lior? "

Lior froze and then turned to his sister, some kind of rage in his eyes.

" You hypocrite! "

Rio gave him a sharp glare and turned to Apatia.

" He's my brother. "She answered with apparent disgust in her tone.

"Oh wow. Lior never mentioned a sister. And it's almost been a year." Apatia said with a hidden smirk on her face. She had heard everything from before and slightly prying into the two's heads, she knew what was going on.

"Say Lior. Since you never mentioned your sister, I'm pretty sure you didn't tell her of our relationship." Apatia smiled sweetly and walked closer to them.

Rio knew the smile was fake and she was clearly trying to spite her but something had caught her ears.

"You're friends. Right?" She stared deeply into Lior's eyes. The stare was so intense that even Apatia could feel it.

" Yes. Friends. "Lior's voice gave out at the end.

"Good. Just like you and Aelia are friends. Hmm?" Rio stated calmly and Lior gulped.

He prefered her violent anger to her calm anger because she tended to be extremely destructive when she got like that.

"Yes." He squeaked.

Lior shouldn't have been scared but Rio had been taking way too much strength enhancement snacks to the point her strength was on par with one who had super strength.

"You know I hate when I'm lied to right?" Rio stated again and smiled calmly, her eyes skimming over the room like she was searching for something.

Apatia visibly flinched after Rio's last statement but it went unnoticed.

"I will try not to again." Lior promised and Rio nodded, satisfied and she disappeared from the room.

Apatia turned to Lior.

"I have a feeling she was warning you to do something."

Lior nodded

"Yes. I have to break up with Aelia and I may have to cut off contact with you."

Apatia nodded, somewhat saddened by the thought but then she smiled.

If she cut contact with Lior the Vero is going to have a lot more work on their hands.

Especially when Lior stopped solving sone issues.

Apatia had been quiet for way too long. It was time for her to act.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Fantasy_14creators' thoughts