
Me vs The Billionaire

Elara's life is turned upside down as she enters the life of Marshall Wyatts. Betrayed by those who are close to her, she knows not to anger more, and seeks shelter in his embrace. But, life isn't going to be as simple as she thinks as it was before, a lot of debts to repay, a lot of mysteries to uncover, a revenge that will be served cold. And a sweet love, that she deserves. BUT will she be able to face it all? Marshall is quite the coldhearted fellow, it'll take a miracle to melt his ice cold heart, will he let Elara close to him? Or will he turn her away like he did with others? Will he let Elara on his secrets? Or will life get in their ways? Will they be successful in finding each other, or give in fate and let them go? *FIND OUT!* (Also, I do not own the cover picture that I have used for this novel. Credits goes to the actual artists for the picture. cover Illust_Day.n)

Suraiya_ · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
20 Chs


Elara finds herself getting a call from Naia. Upon receiving it, Naia screams out;

"What the fuck did you do?!"

Surprised by sudden agitation, Elara questions; "What do you mean?"

After a quick breath, recollecting herself, Naia yells;


Elara yells this time; "WHAT!!?"

"What do you mean?! I clearly remember telling him to reject the proposal!"

"And what was his response, Elara?"

"He.. nodded.. " -Elara says, feeling pang of guilt, that man never said yes or no. He simply nodded! Elara felt herself getting angry, this man made a fool out of her.

After getting off the phone with Naia, who's on board the plane coming back home, Elara proceeds to text Marshall;

"What is wrong with you?!"

After waiting for about fifteen minutes, pacing back and forth, she receives a text

"What do you mean?"

"I thought you agreed to call this proposal off?"

"I never agreed to anything."

"Why're you doing this?"

"You rejected my offer, I don't think I have anything to say to you. If you had just agreed, you could've saved us all from this drama."

"You could literally ask any lady, and they would've agreed to help you, why drag me into this?"

"I refuse to engage in this conversation any longer."

Elara stares at the last text, bemused. This man, is a piece of work, and she doesn't want to deal with it. So, Elara quickly sends a text to Naia, saying she's transferred the twenty thousand back to Naia's account, and that she will no longer participate in this act.


As morning rolls in, and Elara is done refreshing herself, she makes her way downstairs to the café, cleaning it along. When the clock hits 9, she hears a knock, she turns to look over and sees Tim. She smiles as she lets him in;

"You good boss?" -He questions,

"Never been better. Ah listen, I'm going down the block to pick up some fresh coffee, open the café after fifteen minutes, and call me if you need anything." -she replies.

Following his nod, Elara heads out.

While waiting to pick up the coffee grounds, Elara hears a *ding* from her cellphone. She takes it out from her pocket, and swipes to read who it is from.

Her uncle.

She feels a little bit of panic set in her, as she opens to read the message.

"Come by the manor on Tuesday. We've got things to talk about."

Did he already find out everything? Did Naia reveal the act? Worse of all, was it Marshall instead? Maybe, since Marshall doesn't know that she's Naia's cousin, maybe he disclosed it was an employee, and when Naia was questioned, she revealed the truth?

As Elara continues trying to reason in her own head, trying to find a way out of all this, she looks down to her cellphone buzzing. It's Tim.

"Hey Tim, all okay? I just got the coffee grounds."

"Uh, there's a man here. He's saying his grandfather sent him here to meet the owner. Something about the sponsorship I suppose. When are you getting here?"

"He's already here? That's good to know. I'll be there within the next few minutes. Set him a table and let him order."

Elara says, cutting the phone, and heading out back to the café.

Elara enters the café leisurely, taking her sweet time, handing the coffee grounds to Tim, and taking the food tray from him. Making her way to the table herself. She sees his back turned to her, the man jeweled in a perfect fit Aegean suit.

The man seems to have ordered their breakfast special,

Two tuna sandwiches, and an egg sandwich. With black coffee on the side.

As she sets the tray down, announcing her presence;

"Hello, thank you for making time to get here today. I told him there was no need but he insisted. I'm Elara, the owner of this café."

She looks at the man, only to find

Marshall Alexander Wyatts. She's horrified and thinks of ways to run away, but she has to face him, in her own café, she wishes for the earth to swallow her, take her. Elara feels like a scam artist, this was definitely not something she was expecting. She tries her best to hide the shock, the disturbance on her face, whereas Marshall doesn't seem fazed. Not one bit. He slowly pulls the tray near him, and brings the coffee near his cherry red lips.

He gestures Elara to take a seat, opposite of him. The surprise must've been pretty severe for Elara, as she doesn't think twice before dropping herself onto the chair, her hands on the table, holding on, for some type of support.

"What are you doing here?" -she questions him, whispering and making sure Tim isn't anywhere nearby. She'd feel like an awful person, if her part-timer gets to know she's a scam artist. (She isn't but she feels like she is.)

"Mhmm, I think I should be the one asking that question, don't you think so. Jane?" -He adds a sarcastic accent as he calls her by her fake name.

Elara knows she's completely busted now. She heaves a sigh, and tries to explain;

"Fine. I lied about my name." -She says.

"What else did you lie about? How that you're just an employee at Naia's office? Or that you didn't reveal you're Naia's cousin sister? Or that you forgot to mention you're a Ernesto Cruz? What else did you lie about and hide?"

"Look, you wouldn't understand! I had to do it, I had no choice!"

"You're right, I wouldn't understand, but the least you could have had done was tell me the truth!" -Marshall voices.

"But you know it all, don't you? Why bother asking again? I'll tell your grandfather the deal won't work out, and you don't have to trouble yourself anymore. Ok? Are we done here?" -Elara speaks, standing up.

"SIT. DOWN. I'm not done yet." -Marshall orders. The authority in his voice scares her, and so she obliges silently. Still wishing for the earth to swallow her.

"Yesterday, after you went away, I found the piece of note, with your surname on it. And so I decided to look into Jane Valadez, I wanted to understand who you are, and what's going on with you. But imagine my surprise when instead of Jane, Elara showed up. I thought this must be a mistake, and then I had someone check for a Jane at Naia's office. And guess what, nobody names 'Jane' works there. Mhmm. interesting don't you think. So, I ran a background check on you. As Elara Valadez." -he discloses.

"You ran a background check on me? On what basis? I don't even work for you, this is a clear violation of privacy!" -Elara raises her voice.

"YOU lied to ME!"

"That still does not give you the right to check my background! And why does it matter? I already told you I don't want to be involved in this drama any longer." Elara huffs.

"Oh, I know. It doesn't matter anymore. I was here on behalf of my grandpa, so let's get into business." -Marshall says, as he straightens his suit.

"My grandpa liked your café a lot, and he's grateful to you for yesterday, for saving his life apparently. He's asked me to sponsor your café, and for me, business is business. He sees a bright future for this café and I won't question it. You have the deal." -He speaks commandingly, and looks at Elara with fierce eyes.

"Wait, just like that?" -Elara asks, confused.

"I will not question my grandpa's decision. He's pretty persistent to book this deal with you. I have nothing further to say. I will have my assistant send over the important documents and papers for you to read and sign. Now, I'll be off then." -Marshall says, standing back up on his two feet, reaching out his hand.

"No funny business this time, Elara. My grandpa put his faith in you." -he continues.

Elara nods, keenly. "I promise, I will not disappoint your grandfather. Tell him I said hi."

They shake hands, a firm business meeting gone well, though the beginning to the meeting was.. messy.

Marshall takes his leave, Elara lets out a sigh, and thanks her guardian angels for today. Everything kind of went smoothly. She's glad she got this one chance to prove her business, and she knows better not to waste it. She goes on about her day, fulfilling her customers needs, taking care of the café, and thinking of how long it'll take until all her debts are settled. Nevertheless, she's hopeful. She knows it'll work out. When Elara is done for the day, it's almost eleven. After cleaning and closing off the café, she makes her way upstairs back home.

As Elara plops on the couch, she scoops her phone out and texts Naia;

"What's happening on Tuesday? Why's uncle asking me to come by the manor?"

-No reply-

As she's about to put her phone down, she receives a call from Hana. Elara answers it, still not sure about what to say to her. They haven't spoken since yesterday, after all the mess. Elara still has no idea on how to face her, does she apologize for messing up the chance? Or does she let Hana know of the other mess that took place, which caused her to be late?

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of both of them breathing into the speaker, Hana speaks up; "Open the door, El." -before the line goes off.

Elara seems pretty surprised, but quickly gets back on her feet, and rushes to open the door, as soon as she swings it open, she sees Hana standing there, with a bag of full of ice-creams and chicken takeout.

Elara starts to cry dramatically, as Hana pushes past her to the living room and sets everything down. "I thought you'd be mad at me."

"Why would I be mad at you? I still can't believe I talked you into meeting that jerk. Ugh. I'm sorry." -instead Hana apologizes.

"What do you mean?"

"I knew Kim would be a pain in the ass to deal with, I should've prepared better beforehand, I know the meeting took place hastily yesterday, I shouldn't have set it too soon. Never mind, he's an idiot. He rushed both of us. Let's curse him out." -Hana says as she takes a seat, and takes a piece of chicken wings, turning the TV on.

Elara takes a seat next to her, and the duo begin eating with gusto.

After they're done, Elara updates Hana on everything that happened yesterday, and today. And at certain moments, Hana reacts dramatically, at a time feigning a tear, another time putting her hands over her mouth out of shock, and continuous laughter.

"I refuse to believe all this happened, sounds like a plot out of a drama. But it's also so cool at the same time!" -Hana says, enthusiastic, for no apparent reason.

Elara rolls her eyes, "Nothing cool about any of this. And if things go south, it'd mean he's going to be married to Naia."

Hana gasps, loudly. "NO! That fine man should pursue you!"

"Ey what the fuck!" -Elara yells.

The duo continue bickering until dawn. Hana begging Elara to think of him in a romantic way, whereas Elara continues to turn a deaf ear to it. She knows if things actually go south like she predicts, he's either going to be her brother-in-law, or he's still going to remain her business partner. And the thought of thinking of him in a romantic way, didn't cross her mind. Not once...

Okay.. maybe once or twice. But it was just like a quick eye flattery. She's just awed by his beauty, nothing more.

Nothing more?


The next few days pass by a quick whim, Elara busy with her café, taking care of it by the day, and hanging out with Hana at nights. Marshall's grandfather came to visit, a few times already, checking in on Elara and hanging out with her as well. She gifts him his favorite cupcakes every time he visits. Apparently this is the best business deal he's signed with, and though Elara knows he says this to help her ease, she's grateful. She can look up at him like a father figure, so it's a win-win.

As Tuesday rolls by, and still no responses from Naia. Worried, Elara sets out for the manor. Her uncle messaged her once again at the morning reminding her to visit today. And to make sure that she gets there early.

Making sure to dress up nicely, knowing her aunt is going to pick on her dress choices just like she does with Elara's life choices.

She picks out a beautiful burgundy dress. A true classic, simply elegant with a clean backless rhinestones look. She mentally prepares herself before putting on her heels, and also meeting the family. After she's done, she sets out, calling a cab for the manor.

When Elara reaches the manor, she's surprised to see it bustling with people. Full of life. Decorated top to bottom. She still has no idea what's going on, but she's glad she's dressed the part.

As she begins to head in, one of the maids see Elara and rushes to her side.

"Oh Madame, it's such a pleasure seeing you after so long. You look marvelous."

"Alice, my dear! Thank you, how's life? What's the occasion? So many people in the manor today?" -Elara questions.

Alice begins updating Elara about everything that happened in the manor the past week. Apparently, when Naia got back from her 'business meeting', her father told her of the marriage proposal being confirmed. And it seems, Naia had no objections. So they set motion to the proposal. And as the Wyatts are big on the media, and to feed the reporters, both the families decided to set a not-so private engagement event.

What surprised Elara, is Naia not objecting to the marriage. As she excuses herself from Alice and makes her way to Naia's bedroom, she knocks twice.

"Come in." -and as soon as she hears Naia's voice, she makes her way inside, closing the door and whispering; "What's going on?"

"My engagement." Naia replies.

"What about Matteo?"

"What about him?"

"Nothing, I guess. Seems the two of you must've broken up. Are you happy though?" -Elara questions, kind of worried.

"It seems, Marshall is better for this family. This marriage, and the business deal will be good for this family, and that's all I want right now. Do not ask me these silly questions." -Naia replies.

"Okay, okay. I won't pester you." -Elara raises her hands up, surrendering.

"Now, if you'll excuse me. I'm going down the hall now, I'm the star tonight." She says making her way downstairs. Leaving Elara alone.

As Elara tries to make sense of what's happening, she hears the door open and close.

"Did you forget something Naia?"

When Elara turns her head around, she turns to face


Hey loviessss. I'm sorry for not updating sooner, had a hectic week. But I'm back for the better. Wanted to let everyone know thank you for all the love you've shown me. I'll forever be grateful. The next chapter's coming soon! so stay tuned! <3

With love, the author


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