
Past in the past

Don't you dare touch her, you monster, Alice shouted as Sam was about to touch Alvina. You think I don't know what's going on? Guess what, I read the letter in her safe box. I'm so stupid, I thought it was a poem... meanwhile she was talking about the way you abused her, you raped her you monster, and all you could do is murder her because she refused? Alice shouted.

How can I rape my own daughter? Sam said. Alice got disgusted as the drug started working. You are not my father, you killed Aliya... you thought we forgot our third sister. I heard your phone call that day. The way you told uncle that the triplets are not your kids, that married you with babies in her womb that belongs to her ex.

You said you would make her regret deceiving you, the only thing you could do is sell Aliyah's Organs, Alicia screamed like a crazy woman. I couldn't say anything because I was scared, I could only cry that I couldn't talk for a week. You killed my sisters.

Mum gave birth to Abigail who is your true daughter but you still went ahead to do the deed, am I next? Alice asked. I keep dreaming about Aliyah's death. I felt guilty for years, I'm sorry mum for not letting you know, I was so little and scared, Alicia cried. Iris could only embrace her daughters, the death one and the guilty one.

Abi! wait! it's not the end of the world, Dinah said as she followed her friend. Betty do something, she said. Abi was mad and sad about the story and things she saw on her birthday. They are my half sisters? Aliyah wasn't kidnapped? Dad sold her organs? Dad killed Alvina? These questions rang in her lil head.

She wasn't aware of everything else around her. This is bad, Alicia said as she tried to wake her up. I can't do anything in this dream, f*c.k ,Alicia screamed. She closed her eyes she couldn't watch the way the train crushed the little Abi. Abigail, Dinah shouted. No!! Betty shouted.

Dinah ran to call someone. Betty could only walk towards where Abi was. Iris and Sam followed Dinah as they left Alicia in care of Alex. They couldn't find Abi, all they say was blood ,her clothes and her scattered body. No!!! Sam shouted. Abi wake up. Iris was not in the right state of mind.

She lost two daughters on the same day and she got to know that the one she has been working to hard to find over the years was killed by her husband who has been maltreating her and abused her daughter. She blacked out....

Sam got a taste of his medicine but it only added to iris's pain...

Hosanna_Lawalcreators' thoughts