

Gwen was studying in the library, not wondering the time, and after four hours of studying she decided to walk back to her dorm. Surprised to see that it was already dark outside, she checked her wristwatch and already 8 pm. It's totally dark and it's a bit of a long walk back to the dorm. It feels a little bit scary but you have no choice, so she started to walk back to her dorm. She was almost halfway there when she felt like someone is following her. Scared, she decided to walk faster. But now she can really hear the footsteps that are following her, so she started running. She keeps on running until she felt someone pull her and hide her behind the tree and cover her mouth.

"Shhh...Quiet or they might see us". he said as you tried to remove the hand on your mouth.

So she closed her eyes, as she can hear the voice talking behind.

"Where is she?!"

"Did we lose her?" they said and you hear them run back

You took a deep sigh as he finally removes his hand from your mouth. And you gasp as soon as you found out who was your savior.


Do you really have to say my name every time you will see me? he said in a cold voice

Ohh~~ I'm sorry and thank you for saving me.

Who are they and why are they following you? he asked you

"I-I don't know!" you said

And what are you doing here outside in the first place!! he said to you

I-I was going back to our dorm from the library.

Why do you always cause me trouble Gwen!! he said as he picks up your books and gives them back to you.

You shouldn't have to help me then! Gwen said at him

I really don't have plans of helping you, you just bumped into me that's all. he said

You know what!! Thank you!

Even if you don't have plans on saving me still I'm going to say thank you!! Gwen said and walk away from him.

But you noticed that Zeke is still following you.

What?!! you asked and look at him

I'm taking you to your dorm, just in case those guys followed you again. Because I don't want to be blamed if something happened to you. Zeke said

Whatever!! you said as you continue to walk back to your dorm.

You can hear his slow footsteps behind you. And somehow you feel safe.

You arrive at your dorm and look at Zeke again before getting in.

Thank's again O'Connel. you said and get inside the dorm.

But right after Gwen enters her dorm, Zeke's face turns gloomy. He took out his phone and called someone.

"Get out and meet me outside or else i"ll barged into your room," he said and ended the call

He walks fast back to his dorm and there he saw Niccolo waiting outside.

You bastard!! Zeke said and pushed Niccolo to the ground.

What is wrong with you!! Niccolo said as soon as he gets up

I told you to stay away from her!! Yet you still hire someone to scare her!! Zeke said as he holds Niccolo's collar.

W-What do you mean!!

I didn't do anything!!! Niccolo said that made Zeke let go of him

You didn't do it? Zeke said

I don't okay!!

Even if I enjoyed pranking her, I wouldn't do anything to scare her. Niccolo said

Then who could it be? Niccolo said

Could they be that they are the groups before? Niccolo said

That I have to know!! Zeke said and leave Niccolo alone.

Gwen was sitting on her bed after taking a quick shower.

Her heart still beats so hard after what happened. That is the first that it happened to you. I mean who would dare scare you. You really felt relieved that Zeke was there because you really feel whenever you were with him. It feels like he will always be there to save you no matter what happens.

You look at Zoe and Zarah who now peacefully sleeping on their bed. You decide not to tell them what happen because they will scold you by going home late. You decided to forget what happen and sleep.

You woke up early in the morning with a smile on your face. You look at your friends that still sleeping.

Wake up, guys!! You said before entering the shower. You don't have class today but you decided to get up early because plan to go somewhere. After a quick shower, you took chose a dress that you will wear.

Where are you going, Gwen? Zoe said as she opens her eyes.

Hmm.. Just going out to buy something, You said as you take your car key.

Yes, you have a car but you only use it whenever you're free in school. "

Get up you two it's past ten already" .you said before you leave the dorm.

You drive to the nearest shopping center to buy something for Zeke as your way to say thank you.

You look around the stalls and you can't find anything that will suit him.

Gosh!! Why does he always wear black? Gwen said as she looks at the clothes in the shop.

But in fairness, he really looks good in black. you said

arghh!! what should I buy for that arrogant jerk? you said to yourself as you leave the shop.

You were walking around when you pass by a restaurant. You don't know why but you get in and look around. You really don't like eating but something tells you to look inside.

You look around the store and you saw something delicious. Maybe I should just buy this for him to have a little sweetness in his body since he is always grumpy. You bought two boxes of milk chocolate.

I guess this will be enough thank you gift. you said as you leave the restaurant.

You get back to HSU and you immediately look for Zeke.

Where could that man be? you said as you look around. You tried to ask his dorm mate but he said he hadn't seen him.

Urgh!! where did that guy go, You have to give this to him before your meeting with the Org. Gwen said as she continues to look for Zeke.

Gwen decided to go to the rooftop. Hoping that you can find him there.

She walks silently as you enter the rooftop. And you smiled as you saw him sleeping in the corner. How this devil looks like an angel when he sleeps. you said to yourself

"What do you want?" all of a sudden Zeke said while his eyes are still closed.

Oh my god!! you said

hEY!! Is it fun that you always scare me?!! you said to him

I said what do you want?! He said as he opens his eyes.

And oh my god he looks so hot.

I-I I'm here to give you this. you said as you put the paper bag beside him.

What was that for? he asked and look at you

That is for saving me last night. Gwen said

I told you, I didn't save~~~

Even if you save me or you don't, I'm still thankful for you being there! you said

Eat that!!

Eat all of it, and stop being so grumpy! You look ugly!! you said to him and leave the rooftop.

Zeke keeps on thinking about what happened to Gwen last night. Whoever is doing this might have a deep grudge against her. You decided to take a little rest on the rooftop, where there is no noise that will distract you. But you suddenly felt slow footsteps coming toward you so you tried to act like sleeping. Zeke already knows it was Gwen because of her familiar scent.

What do you want! you asked and tried to scare her.

But she talked too much and left the paper bag she brought and leave.

You look at the paper bag and saw two boxes of his favorite chocolate brand.

And all of a sudden a smile came out to his lips. Do you still remember that this is my favorite Gwen? Zeke said to himself and starts eating the chocolate