
Mayu's Melody

Fanfic based on 'Ace Academy' by Pixelfade. An after-story I created for Mayu. Explore post-Ace Academy events with twists. Prior game experience is recommended. This fanfic continues Mayu's route from Ace Academy. Currently developing her ending, with plans for other heroines' stories. New characters will emerge, and my unique take will differentiate it from the original. The story is also much more unique as compared to its original game. As a newcomer, forgive any mistakes.

YukiVerse · Anime und Comics
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11 Chs

Entwined Destinies

The moon hung high in the night sky as I rushed through the silent streets, my heart racing with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. I headed to the nearby park that Kaori mentioned.

Yuki: What could be the reason for this meetup so late?

There with a sense of urgency, I couldn't ignore. Every step seemed to echo the questions racing through his mind.

Arriving at the park, I spotted Kaori seated on a bench near the lake. She wore a coat that was cinched at the waist, its deep colour blending seamlessly with the shadows around her. The coat's collar was slightly turned up, and her chestnut hair cascaded over it, giving her an enigmatic aura. Her expression was a mixture of determination and concern. Her presence only added to the intrigue of the night.

Kaori: You are a bit late.

Yuki: I'm just an ordinary person. I can't teleport or anything like that.

Kaori: Nevermind I am joking.

As she rose to her feet, her gaze fixed on me. A twinge of curiosity surged within me, anticipating that our conversation might finally unveil some of the answers I had been fervently seeking.

Yuki: So, why did you call me so late?

Kaori: Do you remember what happened that night?

Yuki: Yeah, from what I can recall, I was...

I began recounting everything I knew right from the beginning. She absorbed each word with undivided attention.

Kaori: Alright, but do you have any idea where that knife originated?

Yuki: Could it have come from that building right there?

Surprisingly, my hand instinctively gestured toward a substantial building. It left me momentarily bewildered – how did I come to know that?

Kaori: How can you be so certain?

Yuki: I don't have complete certainty. My memory is a bit fuzzy, but I have a feeling that what you said is how it happened.

Kaori: It would be really helpful if you could clarify things a bit more.

Yuki: Clarify what, specifically?

She let out a sigh and began taking off her coat.

Yuki: Hold on! What are you doing? Please stop!

Kaori: Could you just give me a moment?

I couldn't help but feel puzzled by her actions. Her expression held an undeniable seriousness, at least as far as my observations could reveal. Despite my initial instinct to protest, I managed to quell my apprehension and settled into a state of patient curiosity, eager to see what she had in mind. To my surprise, she began to unveil a device situated near her neck, slightly above her chest. The situation carried a surreal quality, and I found myself stealing a furtive glance – in my defence, she was, after all, wearing a swimsuit.

Yuki: Wait, do you also have a similar device? (I inquired, my tone tinged with intrigue.)

Kaori: "Too"? What exactly do you mean by that? Can you finally open up and share the whole truth?

It dawned on me that she might already be privy to more information than I had assumed. If that was indeed the case, it seemed that complete honesty was now my only viable course of action. Taking a deep breath, I decided to remove my shirt, exposing the device affixed to my back. As I began explaining the concept of Steelbyte, its capabilities, as well as its limitations, I sensed a newfound level of trust beginning to take root in our conversation.

Kaori: It's a relief to see that you trust me now. Alright, let's get into the plan.

Yuki: I had a feeling that confiding in you wouldn't lead to any negative consequences. But when you mention a 'plan,' I can't help but wonder – a plan for what exactly?

She proceeded to brief me about an agency dedicated to eliminating individuals possessing supernatural powers. These agents operated covertly and were willing to go to extreme lengths to accomplish their mission, even if it meant endangering themselves or their loved ones.

Yuki: It's just that I can't quite grasp what this power I supposedly have is all about.

Kaori: Can't you recall anything? Like a chemical being spilled on you?

As my memory resurfaced, I realized that indeed something similar had happened while I was leaving the lab.

Yuki: Yes, you're right. A chemical did spill on me, but it vanished shortly after.

Kaori: In that case, you already have the answer.

Yuki: So, you're suggesting that this whole situation is a result of that chemical?

Kaori: Essentially, yes. Your uncle reached out to me to assist you with this. At first, I was sceptical about the whole thing, but after experiencing it firsthand, I've come to a conclusion. So now, our objective is to take down that organization responsible. Unfortunately, I don't have any info about it.

Yuki: This feels like an overwhelming mess. However, there's another concern – Mayu is also aware of Steelbyte.

Kaori: But she doesn't know the entire story, right?

Mayu: I didn't before, but now I do.

Mayu emerged from the bushes where she had apparently been eavesdropping.

Yuki: How long have you been here? Never mind, let me rephrase – why are you here?

Mayu: The timing isn't important. I overheard everything, but what's really crucial right now, Kaori is for you to put that coat back on.

She glanced at herself and seemed embarrassed. It was a puzzling shift – she had been serious all this time, and now, out of nowhere, she was feeling self-conscious.

And Yuki, you too?

Yuki: I apologize, Mayu... Ahh...

She playfully tugged at my ear, making me wince. Perhaps I should have informed her earlier. I quickly dressed myself, and we all took a seat on a nearby bench. But I couldn't help wondering how Mayu had discovered my whereabouts.

Mayu: Okay, Yuki, we can discuss what you've been up to later.

Her gaze was filled with a mixture of jealousy and concern.

Yuki: As I said, I'm sorry.

Mayu: We'll see if that apology suffices. But for now, can someone please explain what all this conversation was about?

Kaori: Just as you overheard, Mayu. But there's nothing you can do about it.

Mayu: I still want to assist, even if it's in a small way.

Kaori: You already understand the potential consequences, don't you?

Mayu: But..

Kaori: No room for "buts." Yuki and I will handle this on our own. We want to keep you safe.

Yuki: Mayu, Kaori's right. You should heed her advice.

Emotions overtook Mayu, her eyes welling up with tears. I sensed this situation might not conclude well. In a surge of emotions, she dashed away, tears streaming down her face. Alone beneath the moonlit sky, Yuki and Kaori shared a wordless moment, their unspoken connection acknowledging the depth of Mayu's feelings.

Yuki: Kaori, umm...

Kaori: Do what you need to do. Comfort her first. And gently ask her to let us handle this alone. I understand it's not easy for her, but it's probably the best way.

Yuki: Thanks a lot, Kaori. Take care!

Seemingly grasping the situation, Kaori nodded. I rose to my feet and set off to catch up with Mayu. She had already distanced herself significantly, so I hopped onto my bike to reach her quickly. I scoured the area around the park, but she seemed to have vanished. A realization struck me – she likely headed home. A short while later, I found her near her apartment, sobbing on the staircase. I approached and offered a comforting hug.

Yuki: Mayu, are you alright?

Mayu: Do I seem alright to you?

Yuki: Let's go inside and talk.

As I began moving towards the staircase, a gentle tug halted me in my tracks.

Mayu: Could you, umm... carry me? I twisted my ankle while rushing here.

Yuki: Of course, my princess.

A bit cringeworthy, I admit. But understanding her need for comfort, I lifted her in a princess-style embrace. Mayu nestled her head on my shoulder as I carried her to the sofa near her room. I carefully lowered her down, using a delicate touch to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

Mayu: You've been doing so much for me. How can I ever repay you?

Yuki: There's no need for that. Besides, you've already done more than enough. ( ' ‿ ' )

As Mayu's tears gradually subsided, I settled beside her on the sofa, my expression conveying understanding and support. With a tender gesture, I wiped away the lingering tear stains from her cheeks. Drawing closer, we spoke in hushed tones, discussing the mounting threats that seemed to tighten their grip on our lives. I reassured her with unwavering determination to keep her safe.

In the midst of our conversation taking a serious turn, my phone was interrupted by an incoming call. It was Valerie, and I promptly answered. Mayu observed the interaction, a glint of jealousy flashing in her eyes. She inched slightly closer to me, her expression a mixture of curiosity and possessiveness. After concluding the call, Mayu began to inquire.

Mayu: Who was that?

Yuki: It was Valerie. She was just giving me an update on something. (I replied, offering a warm smile.)

Mayu nodded, although her playful pout betrayed her emotions. Sensing her feelings, I gently tipped her chin toward me, our eyes locking.

Yuki: Mayu, you hold a special place in my heart.

A delicate flush graced her cheeks, and she turned her gaze slightly, feigning a hint of nonchalance.

Mayu: I understand that. But it's just... I've noticed that Valerie seems quite close to you.

A soft chuckle escaped Yuki's lips, his thumb gently brushing against Mayu's cheek.

Yuki: Perhaps? (。•̀‿ -。)

Sensing a shift in her demeanour, I opted to adjust my response.

Yuki: Mayu, you're the one I deeply care for. No one else could take your place.

Her heart seemed to skip a beat, and she met his gaze with a mixture of affection and relief.

Yuki: Speaking of friends, guess what? Ayaka, Valerie's cousin, is going to be joining Ace Academy.

Mayu's eyes widened, a hint of suspicion creasing her brow. Is she attempting to provoke me this time?

Mayu: You do seem to know a lot about their circle, don't you? ☉_☉

Yuki: Relax, Mayu! I've already shared this with you before.

Mayu: I'm just teasing you, Yuki. Anyway, I'm genuinely excited about this!

Yuki's grin echoed her enthusiasm.

Yuki: I figured you'd be thrilled. Maybe now you'll have someone to counter Valerie's playful antics.

Mayu: (giggling) Yeah, that's a possibility. But remember, Ayaka is Valerie's cousin, so I hope she's not as mischievous.

Yuki chuckled softly, his arm tenderly encircling Mayu's shoulders.

Yuki: Regardless, we'll navigate whatever comes our way together, Mayu. Ayaka's arrival might even bring more enjoyment to our lives.

Leaning against one another, their hearts brimming with optimism and the unbreakable connection they shared. They stood prepared to confront any obstacles that arose, fortified by the strength of their affection.

Scene changes...

Within the tranquil confines of my home, a sense of worry had taken root within my thoughts. The safety of Yuki preoccupied my mind, casting a shadow of unease that I couldn't readily dispel. Recent events had left me on edge, the question of his well-being lingering persistently. My fingertips traced the phone's edge as I contemplated the idea of reaching out to him, my concern deepening with each passing moment.

Abruptly, an unfamiliar doorbell's sharp chime shattered the stillness. Surprised, I rose from my seat on the bed, my steps carrying me toward the front door. As I swung it open...

Yuuna: No way!

Before me stood Mahiru Shiina, a cherished childhood friend who had relocated during our middle school years. A blend of surprise and elation lit up my gaze as I extended a warm invitation inside.

Yuuna: Mahiru! I can hardly believe you're here. (I exclaimed, my smile genuine and bright.)

Mahiru's smile mirrored mine, her presence invoking a surge of nostalgic emotion.

Mahiru: I've missed you so much, Yuuna.

We made ourselves comfortable in the living room, an immediate sense of ease and familiarity filling the air. Laughter and stories flowed naturally, as we caught up on everything that had happened since we last saw each other. Our conversation felt as smooth as if we had never been apart. Memories of our shared adventures and the fun things we did when we were younger came back, making me feel like a kid again.

Mahiru: Do you remember that time we tried to build a makeshift treehouse and got stuck during that unexpected rainstorm?

I joined in the laughter, feeling a strong sense of friendship and connection.

Yuuna: Oh, how could I ever forget that? We were completely drenched and shivering until your mom came to our rescue.

Our trip down memory lane continued, almost like time had reversed, taking us back to a more innocent and carefree period. As we chatted, I couldn't help but appreciate how effortlessly Mahiru and I slipped back into our old roles as childhood buddies.

However, the mood shifted to a more serious note as Mahiru leaned in, her voice becoming sombre.

Mahiru: Yuuna, there's something important I need to share with you. It's about Yuki.

My curiosity was piqued, and I leaned in, my concern evident in my furrowed brows.

Yuuna: What's going on, Mahiru?

She paused briefly before speaking, her expression heavy with worry.

Mahiru: I've been looking into some strange incidents, and it seems that Yuki might be in danger.

A sense of unease settled within me as I absorbed the news about Yuki's situation. But why? I questioned myself. I don't have any feelings for him, so why do I feel this way? This can't just be a concern for a friend, can it? Yet, despite these thoughts, my curiosity and desire to understand more remained strong.

Yuuna: Danger? What kind of danger are you referring to?

Mahiru: I can't provide all the details right now, but you must stay watchful and keep an eye on him. (Her eyes held a sense of urgency.)

Before I could respond, a brilliant light enveloped me, causing me to cry out in surprise. When the light eventually faded, I found myself situated in a peculiar, futuristic environment. Confusion and apprehension surged within me as I attempted to grasp the nature of my surroundings. A futuristic device lay nearby, its function and name shrouded in mystery, casting an eerie glow.

Yuuna: Mahiru?! Where am I?

I called out, but she was nowhere to be seen. My voice echoed within the unfamiliar space, blending with the gentle hum of the enigmatic device. Panic began to swell as I grappled with the shock of being transported to an entirely alien setting. My heartbeat quickened, and as I confronted this unforeseen twist of events, it dawned on me that I was thrust into a situation unlike any I had encountered before.

Somewhere inside a train...

My project has undergone notable enhancements since my last engagement with it. I've implemented a variety of changes to 'Steelbyte,' bolstering its functionalities across different dimensions. These updates are primarily geared towards the betterment of my nephew, Yuki, with the aim of providing him with improved tools to navigate any challenges that come his way. Reflecting on the past, I find myself harbouring a sense of regret for leaving Yuki to his own devices previously. However, it appears that he's currently managing quite competently. Observing his adept use of the device I developed, I am reassured by the wisdom of incorporating a GPS tracker. The knowledge that he is presently at Mayu's apartment offers a comforting layer of assurance, and his overall well-being is a gratifying sight.

As the train approaches Isokaze, my excitement mounts. I am on the brink of a conversation with Yuki, a dialogue that will encompass the ongoing developments and the underlying concerns. Though certainty eludes me, a certain individual occupies a significant place in my considerations as the potential initiator of these disconcerting events. The crucial question that persists pertains to the motives behind these actions. Can a student wield such influence as to disrupt the prevailing tranquillity? It's plausible that this individual has evolved into an intellectual force since our last interaction, a notion that conjures intriguing possibilities.

The voyage to Isokaze is nearing its conclusion, yet my thoughts remain entwined with Yuki and the intricate situations unravelling within the academy. I grapple with a sense of responsibility towards him, propelled by my commitment to ensuring his well-being. The path ahead is draped in uncertainty, but my resolve is unwavering as I prepare to delve into the depths of these enigmas and unearth the truths that await revelation.

The night gave way to the dawning of a new day.

The gentle morning sunlight filtered into Mayu's room, casting a soothing radiance upon everything it touched. With Mayu still immersed in her dreams, I quietly extricated myself from the bed, making my way to the bathroom for a revitalizing shower. The cool water acted as a refreshing stimulant, and as I returned to her room, cocooned in a towel, a sense of contentment and expectancy accompanied my thoughts.

Taking a seat at the edge of the bed, a playful notion began to take shape in my mind. Drawing closer to Mayu's ear, I adopted my most whimsical tone.

Yuki: Rise and Shine, Sleeping Beauty.

Her response comprised a delightful fusion of mumbled sounds and a gentle smile. It didn't take long for her eyelids to flutter open. Those drowsy eyes, gradually focusing on me, seemed to exude a sort of enchantment that I found utterly captivating. It was as if her gaze held the promise of a beautiful day that lay ahead.

Before I could entirely comprehend the unfolding situation, her arms enveloped me in a firm embrace. Caught off guard, I momentarily stumbled, my heartbeat accelerating in response to the sudden proximity. Her hold was unexpectedly sturdy, and for an instance, I was entirely enveloped within it. The rapid rhythm of her heart beating against mine unleashed a torrent of emotions – surprise, warmth, and a hint of embarrassment. A blush tinged my cheeks, reminiscent of the hues of sunrise.

Mayu: Well, good morning to you as well. ( ,,ˆᗜˆ,, )

A soft chuckle escaped my lips as I managed to compose myself, a grin forming on my face.

Mayu's laughter floated through the air like a delightful melody, its contagious nature drawing me into its embrace. As her hug loosened, a charming rosy hue graced her cheeks, adding to her endearing charm. Her adorable stumble over words in the midst of her bashfulness only heightened my fondness for her.

Within the harmonious cadence of our laughter, a serene tranquillity settled between us. Seated beside her, our shoulders brushed in a gentle contact that seemed to carry a subtle yet meaningful charge. We discussed our plans for the day, and the glint of anticipation in Mayu's eyes acted as a beacon of positivity. Her enthusiasm for the forthcoming adventure warmed my heart.

As the ambience settled into a gentle ebb and flow, the pleasant interlude was interrupted by the chime of Mayu's phone, signalling an incoming call. Picking it up, her countenance lit up upon recognizing Kaori's voice on the other end. Engaged in conversation, I leaned against the headboard, my gaze drifting towards the vista outside the window.

Mayu's animated exchange filled the room, her enthusiasm infusing the air with an infectious energy. The anticipation of a beach outing followed by a camping expedition with our friends seemed to invigorate her, imbuing the space with an aura of excitement.

As the call concluded, Mayu's focus returned to me, her eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Mayu: Yuki, you won't believe what we've got planned for today!

A playful raise of my eyebrow prompted her to continue.

Mayu: Oh? Allow me to fill you in.

She efficiently outlined the agenda, involving Valerie, Ayaka, Kanoe, Shou, Kaori, and, naturally, ourselves. A day at the beach culminating in a night of camping beneath the stars – the proposition sounded like an ideal recipe for forging enduring memories and unwinding from the complexities of our daily routines.

As Mayu concluded her summary, her gaze met mine, and a shared sense of expectancy passed between us.

Yuki: It sounds like a lot of fun. (I remarked, genuinely looking forward to the upcoming adventure.)

Mayu's phone vibrated again, this time receiving a message. With a playful glint in her eyes, she glanced at the screen and then back at me.

Mayu: Oh, that's Kaori creating a group chat for all of us. We're coordinating the plans.

While Mayu busily typed her response, I took a moment to contemplate our circle of friends. Each possessed their unique qualities, strengths, and individual contributions to our dynamic. Our bond was a wellspring of support, and during uncertain times, the presence of those who genuinely cared proved invaluable.

After sending her message, Mayu's gaze returned to me, a softness in her eyes.

Mayu: I'm really glad we're doing this, Yuki. It's been a while since all of us hung out together.

I nodded, sharing her sentiment.

Yuki: Absolutely. Moments like these are worth treasuring.

As our conversation continued, my thoughts drifted towards Shou, who had exhibited a degree of distance lately. A nagging curiosity about his well-being tugged at me. Perhaps today would offer a chance to reconnect and offer assistance if needed.

Mayu's phone buzzed again, prompting a gentle laugh from her.

Mayu: Seems like everyone's onboard. We're gathering at Isokaze station.

With a nod, I cast aside my contemplations and refocused on the present. The day beckoned, brimming with the potential for shared laughter, escapades, and the exchange of tales. Bathed in the morning's golden rays, I recognized that despite any trials that might arise, our bonds would illuminate the way forward.

With a renewed sense of purpose, I rose from the bed, a surge of gratitude enveloping me for the person beside me and the friends who had become like family. As we readied ourselves for the day's adventures, I couldn't shake the feeling that this was a chapter worth savouring – a chapter that would further weave our destinies together, forging memories that would endure.

The day unfurled with visions of beach excursions and camping exploits, and a distant memory nudged its way into my consciousness. My uncle, Kaito, had mentioned something about a trip today. Glancing at the clock, I realized he was conspicuously absent. It appeared that his plans had unravelled, leaving us without the anticipated journey. A pang of disappointment lingered, but the unplanned day with our friends held its own allure.

Yuki: Well, it seems Uncle Kaito's trip isn't happening. This day is taking its twists and turns.

I remarked to Mayu, a wry smile curving my lips.

Mayu's grin mirrored agreement, her eyes dancing with playful mischief.

Mayu: Who needs a prearranged trip when spontaneous beach and camping plans await, right?

My chuckle resonated as I found solace in her perspective.

Yuki: You've got a point. It does bring its own thrill.

Embracing that sentiment, we embarked on my bike after Mayu had neatly packed her belongings. The wind swept past us as we manoeuvred through the familiar streets, a growing sense of anticipation coursing through me. The sun hung high in the sky, infusing its surroundings with a warm radiance. There was an exhilaration in venturing forth on an adventure without a meticulously planned agenda – it invited unforeseen discoveries and a liberating spirit of exploration.

Parking the bike, we made our way indoors. Stepping into the house, I was greeted by the familiar murmur of a movie emanating from the television. Nikki, my spirited younger sister, lay sprawled on the couch, deeply immersed in the unfolding cinematic tale. A fond smile curved my lips as I observed her; her unbridled passion for movies consistently amused me.

Yuki: Hello, Nikki. (I greeted, my tone light, announcing my presence.)

Nikki's head swivelled swiftly, her eyes widening as they fell upon me. A joyful squeal escaped her lips, and she propelled herself off the couch, practically pouncing on me in a hug.

Nikki: Big Bro! Where were you? I was getting worried!

My chuckle mingled with her excitement as I reciprocated her embrace.

Yuki: Apologies for disappearing like that. Just had a few matters to attend to.

Nikki eased back slightly, her countenance an amalgam of concern and curiosity.

Nikki: Is everything alright?

A reassuring nod accompanied my response, accompanied by a gentle smile.

Yuki: Indeed, everything's well. Just some loose ends to tie up.

Nikki's apprehension seemed to dissipate upon hearing my answer, replaced by a renewed enthusiasm.

Yuki: Great, because what happened is quite something!

Attentively, I absorbed her lively retelling of the day's events and her interactions with Ken. Seeing Nikki so engaged and open about her experiences, especially concerning someone like Ken who had become an integral part of our lives, was heartwarming. The budding friendship – and perhaps something more – between them was a delightful development.

When Nikki caught wind of my plans for the day, her eyes ignited with enthusiasm.

Nikki: Beach and camping? Can I join too?

A soft chuckle escaped me, and I playfully ruffled her hair.

Yuki: Actually, Ken has something similar in mind. You know, a day of outdoor activities. He called me this morning and suggested I ask if you'd like to come along.

A brief pout crossed Nikki's face, but it swiftly transformed into a mischievous grin.

Nikki: Well, if Ken's planning something cool, I suppose I can give it a shot.

Her change of heart amused me, silently affirming that encouraging her to spend time with Ken was proving to be a prudent choice. As Nikki dashed off to prepare for her day, I took a moment to make my arrangements.

When I descended to the main floor, Mayu was already there, radiating her usual luminance. Her presence had an inexplicable way of brightening everything around her. We exchanged smiles, an unspoken camaraderie passing between us.

Yuki: Ready for today?

Absolutely. It's bound to be a blast. (Mayu nodded, her eyes dancing with excitement.)

Unified in our anticipation, we made our way to the station. Upon arrival, our friends were already assembled – Kaori, Valerie, Ayaka, and Shou. Among them was a newcomer, a face I hadn't encountered before. I pondered her identity briefly. The atmosphere buzzed with a blend of chatter and laughter, setting the stage for what was poised to be a vibrant and memorable day.

After our meetup, Kaori's direct words hit us.

Kaori: You two are running a bit behind schedule, I must say.

Valerie: Yuki, Mayu, sounds like you've had quite an eventful morning, huh?

I laughed, my cheeks warming with a mixture of amusement and embarrassment.

Yuki: It's like you always manage to find something to tease about, don't you?

Valerie: Well, Mayu's reactions were quite something.

Glancing at Mayu, I noticed her blush and my smile grew wider.

Yuki: Mayu, you're looking a little flushed there.

She covered her face with her palm, her bashfulness evident.

Kaori: Alright, enough of that. We should get going or we'll miss our train.

With Kaori's prompt, we made our way to board the train. As we settled in for the journey to Senkojiki Beach, the train car was filled with a cheerful buzz of conversation.

Yuki: Hey, Kaori, you haven't introduced us to this lovely new addition?

I realized I might have made a blunder, my words slipping out unintentionally. I stole a glance at Mayu, sensing a potential storm brewing. Her expression had indeed transformed into something resembling a yandere's gaze. Before Kaori could respond, the new face took the initiative.

Kanoe: You've got quite the perceptive eyes. I'm Kanoe Nishimiya, Kaori's new roommate. And I suppose you're Yuki, right?

Yuki: Yep, Yuki Togashi. Pleasure to meet you.

Kanoe: Hoping we'll get along just fine! (She extended her hand for a handshake.)

I accepted her handshake but released it as soon as I felt Mayu's intense gaze. Her glare was certainly intimidating. An awkward silence settled over us once again. And in what seemed like classic Valerie fashion, she apparently thought it was the perfect moment to add some teasing into the mix.

Valerie: So, Yuki, what's the secret to making Mayu blush like that?

Yuki: You're relentless, Valerie. Give it a rest.

Valerie: Don't worry, your secret's safe with me.

The teasing seemed harmless, a light-hearted joke to break the ice. However, I couldn't shake the feeling that Mayu was still holding onto some residual irritation from earlier. Nonetheless, the prospect of this trip was enough to set aside any lingering worries. As the journey continued, the passing scenery captivated my attention, offering a brief respite from the complexities of everyday life. The anticipation of reaching our destination grew stronger with every passing mile.

Finally, the beach came into view, and I felt a sense of exhilaration. Stepping onto the sandy shore, the gentle rhythm of the waves was like a soothing melody that calmed my nerves. We quickly set up our umbrellas and mats, preparing for a day of relaxation and fun. The girls headed to their designated area while Shou and I made our way to ours. As we changed into our swimsuits, I noticed that Shou seemed unusually sombre.

Before leaving the changing area, I gently grabbed his arm, urging him to pause for a moment.

Yuki: Is everything okay, Shou? You seem a bit down.

Shou: It's nothing, really. I'm fine.

Yuki: You know, sometimes people say that when they're not. If you ever want to talk, just know I'm here.

Shou: Thanks, Yuki. I appreciate it, Broseph.

With that, we joined the girls by the water. Valerie and Ayaka were already splashing around, enjoying the sea. However, Kaori and Mayu were conspicuously absent. They might have gone to grab some food, I guessed. Kanoe was sitting under the umbrella, and as we settled in, I couldn't help but notice that there was more to Shou's mood than he was letting on. But for now, we were here to enjoy ourselves, surrounded by friends and the beauty of nature.

Kanoe: So, how long have you known that girl with the blue hair?

Yuki: Her name is Mayu, and we're dating.

Kanoe: No way! I thought Kaori had her eyes on you.

Yuki: Nah, we're just friends. And besides, Mayu and I have a special connection. What about you? What brought you to Ace Academy?

Kanoe: My reason is a bit personal, so I can't reveal it, sorry.

Or so I thought... (Kanoe's perspective)

Kanoe: (I can't trust him completely yet. If he learns the true reason I'm here, it might jeopardize everything. And keeping it a secret might pique his curiosity. For now, I'll stick with the transfer story.)

Kanoe: You could say it's been my dream to get accepted here. I'd heard so much about this academy, and I wanted to experience it for myself.

Yuki: I understand.

(Yuki's perspective) Suspicion gnawed at me, despite my efforts to enjoy the day. Kanoe's demeanour raised red flags, and I was determined to uncover the truth. My intuition was usually reliable, but this time, I needed more than just gut feelings. A strategic approach was in order, a way to catch her off guard and reveal what she might be concealing.

Mayu and Kaori returned with snacks, breaking my train of thought. We decided to have lunch, and Kaori organized everyone for the meal. As we sat down to eat, I had a plan forming in my mind.

Yuki: You guys go ahead and enjoy. I'll take care of the cleaning.

Kaori: Are you sure?

Yuki: Yeah, I can manage this much.

Kanoe: Let me help you with that.

Yuki: No, it's alright. Please go join the others.

After everyone left, including Shou who seemed to be in higher spirits now, I began clearing up the remains of our meal. Just as I was about to carry everything, Mayu's voice interrupted my thoughts.

Mayu: Can I be of any assistance?

Yuki: I told you already, you...


Yuki: Yeah, sure, Mayu.

What just happened? Mayu's unexpected persistence caught me off guard. Together, we cleaned up the area, and then we walked over to the nearby dustbins in silence. It was just the two of us again, a moment of tranquillity amidst the lively atmosphere of the beach. Being in her presence felt comforting, and words seemed unnecessary for the moment.

Yuki: Mayu, I'm really grateful to have you with me. ♡

Mayu: What's all this about?

My words seemed to catch her off guard, and for a moment, I hesitated. But then, looking into her eyes, I knew it was the right time to finally express something I had been feeling for a while.

Yuki: I felt like I should say that.

Mayu: Should or must?

Yuki: Must, I mean.

Mayu: That's better. But don't think this will get you off the hook that easily.

Yuki: I know, but it feels like I'm mesmerized by you. Lately, you're all I can think of.

A small blush started to appear on her cheeks.

Mayu: You always know when to catch me off guard.

Yuki: As always.

After we had finished our cleaning, we decided to head to a nearby store. While browsing through the various items, my eyes fell on a seashell necklace. The pendant was delicately designed, resembling a seashell with a subtle shimmer that mirrored the glint of the ocean waves. The pendant hung from a fine silver chain, catching the sunlight in a way that highlighted its elegance.

Yuki: Mayu, why don't you head back? I'll join you later. See you!

As Mayu left, a sense of anticipation filled me. Holding the necklace in my hand, I thought about how it might be a perfect way to express my feelings and make this day even more special for her.

Mayu: Wait!

With that, I quickly dashed away to hide myself from Mayu's view. I concealed myself behind some stores, waiting for her to leave the shop where the seashell necklace was. Once she was out of sight, I hurried into the store and purchased the necklace. You might wonder why I didn't just buy it in her presence – well, I wanted to make this a surprise, a more romantic gesture.

I carefully stashed the necklace in my pocket and then rejoined the group.

Yuki: So, how has it been...

Kaori: You're the worst.

I was taken aback by Kaori's reaction. What had I done? I noticed Mayu was crying, and that sight tugged at my heart.

Kaori: Do you think leaving Mayu all alone was the best thing to do?

Yuki: I had a reason for that...

Kanoe: Dude, you stepped on a thorn.

Shou: I wouldn't have expected this from you, broseph.

Yuki: Shou, not you too.

Ayaka: Maybe Yuki has a valid reason. Let's not jump to conclusions.

Ayaka's trust was like a comforting balm. I was grateful for her understanding.

Yuki: Yes, there's a reason.

Kaori: I can't think of any reason that justifies leaving Mayu and running off like that.

Yuki: Please, just let me talk to Mayu privately for a few minutes. I'll explain everything.

Valerie: Aren't you rushing things a bit too much? We thought you were a gentleman.

Yuki: It's not like that... Please! Just give me 10 minutes. I'll be back within that time.

Thanks to Ayaka's intervention, it seemed that the group was starting to understand my perspective a bit better. But before I could lead Mayu away to talk privately, Shou stepped in.

Shou: Look, Yuki, you're my best friend, and I care about you. But what you did back there was not cool. Just make sure this doesn't happen again.

Yuki: I promise I'll explain everything once we have a chance.

With that, I guided Mayu away from the group and found a secluded spot behind a rock. Her tears hadn't completely stopped, and I knew that I had hurt her deeply.

Yuki: Mayu, can you look at me?

Mayu: You were such a jerk for doing that. You have no idea how it felt to be left there all alone. It brought back memories of the night you were taken away from me.

Before I could respond, her lips met mine in a kiss that silenced any words I had planned. It was a mix of emotions – her anger, her sadness, and the love that we shared. When we finally pulled apart, I knew that I had to make things right.

I took the necklace out of my pocket and held it out to her.

Yuki: I thought giving it to you like this would be a surprise. It's a seashell necklace, just like the beauty of the beach. It reminded me of you.

Mayu's eyes widened, and her hand covered her mouth in amazement. The tears that had stained her cheeks earlier were now replaced with tears of joy.

Mayu: Yuki, it's... It's so beautiful.

She turned around, her hair cascading down her back, giving me access to fasten the necklace around her neck. As my fingers brushed against her skin, a shiver ran down my spine. The necklace settled gracefully against her collarbone, a perfect match for her elegance and charm.

As we stood there, the fading sun painting the sky with gentle colours, I couldn't help but feel a sense of serenity. The seashell necklace shimmered against Mayu's skin, a testament to the beauty of the beach and the connection we shared. The waves continued their soothing melody, a backdrop to our shared moment. It was a memory that would stay with us, a symbol of our bond and the enchantment of the shore.

Mayu: Yuki, I'm sorry for overreacting earlier.

Yuki: And I'm sorry for not realizing how you felt. I should have thought of a better way to present the necklace.

Mayu: Let's put that behind us. It's in the past now.

Her understanding and forgiving nature warmed my heart. We spent some time enjoying each other's company before rejoining the group. I explained the situation to everyone, and it seemed like they comprehended the situation.

Kaori: You really know how to make things dramatic, don't you? Just be more careful next time, okay?

Yuki: Lesson learned, Kaori. I'll be more thoughtful from next time.

Kanoe: Romeo's attempts to win over Juliet take an unexpected turn, landing him somewhere entirely different.

Yuki: Is that the title of a novel you're working on?

Valerie: It sounds like a great plot. You two could be the protagonists.

Yuki: I'd rather avoid ending up in a situation like Romeo did. I'm quite content with where we are.

Kanoe: I was just joking, no need to take it so seriously!

With laughter and camaraderie, the tension from earlier seemed to dissipate, replaced by a lighthearted atmosphere. The rest of the day was filled with shared adventures, beach games, and the joy of being with friends who were like family. As the sun set, we gathered around a campfire, sharing stories and marshmallows. The memories of this day, the emotions and experiences, were like treasures stored in the corners of our hearts, ready to be cherished for years to come.

After a day filled with adventure and unexpected twists, we began our journey back home. Camping plans had been scrapped due to the late hour, so we took some time to wander around a nearby mall before catching our train. As I settled into a window seat, Kaori's gesture pulled me into a private conversation. Before moving, I let Mayu know, ensuring her understanding before joining Kaori a few seats away.

Kaori's words cut straight to the point as she addressed my actions earlier.

Kaori: That misunderstanding today was a bit of a mess.

I acknowledged my mistake, realizing that I should have communicated better or chosen a different approach.

Yuki: You're right. I should have handled that differently.

Kaori: Learn from it for next time. But right now, we're facing a crisis.

Curious, I inquired about the nature of the crisis she was referring to.

Yuki: What's going on?

Kaori: Your uncle contacted me. He's at Isokaze now. We discussed our next steps, but there's not much we can do immediately. The best course of action is to stay vigilant and observe what unfolds.

With this new information, I felt a sense of urgency building within me.

Yuki: Understood. I'll be on the lookout.

Kaori's next revelation was even more intriguing – a suspect possibly linked to the disturbances.

Kaori: Your uncle suspects a foreign student might be involved. He's taking admission at Ace Academy this week. We need to observe closely for now.

Yuki: I'll keep that in mind. Is there anything else I should know?

Kaori's words lingered in my mind as I watched the world outside the train window pass by in a blur. My thoughts were consumed by the mysteries surrounding the academy, the suspect, and the possible dangers that lay ahead. But my musings were interrupted by a surprising sight – a girl in a brown coat, flying on an unfamiliar vehicle. Who was she, and what was she doing here? She was wearing a helmet so I can't tell her identity. Her signal for me to disembark raised even more questions.

As uncertainty filled my mind, I received an unexpected message on my phone. The words were chilling and struck deep within me, igniting a sense of urgency and concern.

" It's me, the person you're seeing outside now. Don't you dare go back to them and ask for help? Just quietly get off the train. We already have one of your friends hostage. Her name is Yuuna Misaki. So choose your decision before acting. I only want to talk, so if you cooperate, I won't harm your friend, and she will be released."

My heart raced as panic and worry surged within me. Yuuna Misaki was a dear friend – I couldn't fathom the thought of her being in danger. The situation was delicate, and I needed to make a decision quickly. My instincts urged me to act, but the safety of my friend was paramount.

I quickly composed a message to Kaori:

"Emergency situation. Need to step off the train. Will explain later. Please understand. And don't come after me. Take care of the rest."

With that sent, I stood up, my mind racing with possibilities. I caught a glimpse of Mayu and our friends, laughter and camaraderie evident among them. I knew I had to step away, at least for the moment, to assess the situation and ensure Yuuna's safety.

Taking a deep breath, I prepared to exit the train, my thoughts a whirlwind of worry, determination, and the weight of responsibility.

Using my grappling hooks I grabbed onto the flying vehicle. She motioned me to hop on the back seat. Using all my strength I pulled myself upwards and settled on the seat.

As we sped away, questions raced through my mind, and I couldn't help but try to uncover the identity of the girl beside me. My guess that she might be Mahiru seemed to be right, but her presence here raised even more questions. The tension in the air was palpable as we arrived at a peculiar building. There was nothing except a chair in the centre of the roof.

Yuki: Mahiru?

Unknown Girl: You seem much more clever than I anticipated. How did you guess it was me?

Yuki: I had a hunch. Besides that, Why are you doing this?

Taking off her helmet, she carefully set it next to the vehicle. Settling into a chair and crossing her legs, she began to reply.

Mahiru: I'm sorry, Yuki. I'm being forced into this.

Yuki: Forced? Kidnapping Yuuna and all of this – it's all because you were forced?

Her expression changed into a bit of frustration.

Mahiru: You ask so many questions. I thought this would be much easier if you had kept yourself quiet.

Suddenly, a group of individuals surrounded me, and my heart sank as I recognized Yuuna among them. Her face was covered, and my anxiety deepened at the sight. As they revealed her face by removing the cloth, my worry intensified. She was bound, her expression a mix of fear and confusion.

Mahiru: C'mon guys get hold of him.

I felt helpless in that situation, realizing there was nothing I could do. Within moments, I was captured. She approached, getting closer, and then placed her foot on my head. The pressure was intense, causing considerable pain in my head.

Mahiru: And yeah, don't even consider attempting anything clever. You know that we already got a hostage.

Yuuna's eyes held a mixture of relief and concern as she nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. As the seconds ticked by, I knew I had to find a way to navigate this perilous scenario and ensure the safety of her and myself.

Yuki: Yuuna!

Yuuna: Yuki? what's going on?

Yuki: I will get you out of this situation. Please stay calm.

Mahiru: Oh yeah? Let me see you try.

With those words, she rose to her feet and advanced towards Yuuna. She aimed her blaster directly at Yuuna's head.

Mahiru: Any last words?

Yuki: You said you won't do anything to her if I just cooperate.

Mahiru: I changed the plans as you know my identity now. I'm sorry this would have been easier if you hadn't been that clever.

Yuki: Wait there must be a better way to solve this situation.

Mahiru: Too bad there arent any.

Yuki: Please listen to me you don't have...

Before my words could finish a shot was fired. My mind went blank as I witnessed what happened. The next thing that I saw was something that made me question myself.

Yuki: No way! You?

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀To Be Continued!!

Greetings, readers! I'm Author Yuki, and I want to express my appreciation to those who enjoy my novels (Fanfics). While opinions may differ, I'm here to create stories that bring joy. I'm sorry that Chapter 7 might be delayed due to personal commitments, but rest assured, it's on its way.

Exciting news: I'm crafting four new novels focusing on Kaori, Yuuna, and Valerie. Inspired by various sources, I'm dedicated to delivering unique narratives that stand apart from the originals.

As for the beach scenes in the above scenario, I didn't describe much as they were already done by the original Vn. Each element contributes to the story's progression. I've strived to develop authentic personalities for characters, including new ones, to keep the essence intact. Maybe I failed to do some, I apologise for that.

Thank you for your support and feedback. Stay tuned for more creative adventures ahead!

For those reading this novel without finishing the 'Ace Academy visual novel, no worries. While there might be a few unfamiliar lines, they won't affect the story. If you want the full experience, consider checking out 'Ace Academy,' but know that its content won't heavily impact this narrative going forward.

Thanks for reading and supporting the novel. I'll continue to improve it over time. Regarding the next steps, whether to work on all five novels or focus on one while releasing a chapter weekly, depends on your preferences and availability. If possible give the answer in chats. Your feedback matters, and I hope you enjoy the upcoming chapters!

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Thanks for reading till now! ( ' ‿ ' )

If anyone needed a bit more info or any talk. You can get in touch with me on Discord

Discord: SkyDekayMc#3134

Ohh btw here is a bonus,

Starry Night Escapade

The day had been filled with laughter, thrill, and countless rides at the amusement park. Now, the night had descended, and a sense of contentment settled over the group gathered in Ken's living room. Nikki, her friend Sarah, Ken, and his friend Alex lounged around, their energy spent but their spirits high.

Nikki: (stretching) I can't believe we rode every single ride in that park!

Ken: (grinning) Yeah, and we even conquered the roller coaster of doom!

Sarah: (laughing) I thought I was going to lose my lunch on that one.

Alex: (nodding) But it was worth it. What a day!

As the night grew deeper, the group's laughter began to fade into yawns. Sarah, Alex, and Nikki's eyelids drooped, their bodies giving in to the exhaustion of the eventful day.

Nikki: (whispering to Ken) Looks like everyone's out for the count.

Ken: (whispering) Perfect. Do you want to sneak out and enjoy the starry night?

Nikki: (whispering) You stole my words.

With stealthy movements, Nikki and Ken made their way to the backyard, their footsteps barely making a sound. The sky was an expanse of glittering stars, a breathtaking display that captivated them both.

Nikki: It's like a whole different world out here.

Ken: I know what you mean. There's something magical about starlit nights.

They settled on a comfortable spot on the grass, their eyes fixed on the celestial tapestry above. The quiet of the night wrapped around them, a serene contrast to the day's excitement.

Nikki: You know, I never really took the time to appreciate the stars before.

Ken: Sometimes, the simplest things bring the most wonder.

As they gazed at the stars, their conversation flowed freely, moving from dreams and aspirations to childhood memories and favourite constellations.

Nikki: (softly) I've always wished to travel to space, to see the stars up close.

Ken: (smiling) Maybe one day we'll find a way.

Their hands found each other in the darkness, fingers intertwining. It was a quiet, unspoken acknowledgement of the bond they shared.

Nikki: (leaning her head on his shoulder) This feels so surreal, Ken.

Ken: (placing a gentle kiss on her forehead) Sometimes, the most beautiful moments are the ones that take us by surprise.

The night deepened, and the hours slipped away as they lost themselves in conversation and each other's company.

Nikki: (yawning) I think it's time to head back inside before we fall asleep under the stars.

Ken: (chuckling) You're right. Let's not turn our night into a full-blown camping trip.

Hand in hand, Nikki and Ken returned to the house, the memories of the starry night etched in their minds. As they settled in, their hearts were still touched by the serenity of the cosmos and the shared moments that made their connection stronger than ever.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

YukiVersecreators' thoughts