
Being a teenager !!!

" Teen age " a life out of the shell of security of parents. What I know and understand about being teenage is happiness, parties , friendships and attraction. But what it actually told to me is that it is the period of life of rage and serenity. A time between a pampered child and to being an adult of whom alot is expected from his parents, teachers and family.

There comes emotional and physical changes in one's life. A teenager must be facing a peer pressure . But will also enjoy and cherish his/her life but within the limits.

The truth of the matter is , is that being teenager is hard , right from the beginning and it doesn't get any easier. Because at the same time you have much to do , like you have to study and score good by remembering to have a good job and good life otherwise you'll have to suffer alot , on the same time you have to be mature or act like a mature and should be emotionally strong , also the teenager is pressurized by his/her parents. There is no come back from this situation , you just have to work hard and survive in this situation . The only escape comes in teenager's mind is "sucide" .Most of them face their problems and get out of it after so long but some of them choose this "sucide" option . It is alarming how high the teen sucide rates have risen over the past decades. Yet , it is comforting that there are support groups and counsellors available now to aid teens through their troubles. Because no one wants to see a life full of promise and potential end abruptly because of a little sorrow in one kid's life .

It is the age where you have to decide whether you are going to become a good man/woman in future or whether you are going to destroy your whole life. Most of the youngsters adopt bad habits which definitely ruins their upcoming life . Company matters Alot !! That is the time you have to choose things , people , profession very carefully because the whole upcoming life depends on this decision.

It is also a good part of life , like you enjoy Alot but in limits !! Those who enjoy crossing their limits will have to pay for this in future . But in that time you definitely have fun , learn more things , experience more things .

We are young , Energetic, feeling free and independent minded . I believe though that in this stage . We really need a guidance and support of our parents and older people. What teens actually need is " acceptance and appreciation"

In conclusion, teenagers need to give affection and receive it . Help them cope with emotions. They need encouragement instead of lecturing. A teen is never too old to receive love and care .