
Maybe a damage heart could be healed

Clarissa Browns died along with her wolf-dog Wolfie to hell. One sin she did was to get in the army to save her sister. Her life in hell was difficult and being a single mom. Until she met a one person that is Alastor. Contains: Rape

Princessofthedogs · TV
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3 Chs

My new life again and new job

"DADDY!" The two little pup girls run to him, he pats them on the head. Walks to Clarissa, she snarls at him. He saw his son in front of his mom, he pushed him harshly to the side. "Zack, take Cailynn and Elisa out of the room." Zack ignores but mumbled cusses at him.

Valentino hits him but Zack gives a dirty look to him. "DO WHAT YOU'RE TOLD!" The two watch their father arguing with big brother. "Fine." Zack picks up Elisa and Cailynn followed them out of the room. She didn't look at him in the eyes, FEAR in her but she won't give up yet! Hope is more important and escape with her kids runaway from Him.

"Puppy girl, why won't you at the studio?" She trembles when he gets near her. She didn't answer. He gets mad, grabs her, throws her to the ground aggressively. He handed her to another partner. She saw a man with a TV for a head.

He drags her to the bed, used her. She was shaken once more. She and her children were thrown out of the mansion by Val and Vox.

She cries as she walks with her daughters and son. He left her some money to buy a house. Vox doesn't know that Val left money for his daughters. She brought a house and a little bit of money left.

A few weeks later, she found out she's pregnant. Expecting triplets, she had 3 beautiful baby girls. She named them Felicia, Regina and Aimee.

She has a little hope left.

Few years later…

"HEY, LET GO OF ME!" She rasping said. Let's have some fun, Little Miss? She trebles. "But…how are you going…. She didn't finish the sentence. Is it because I'm a snake demon? She swallows hard.

"Before we start…What is your name?" He asked. Clarissa…. My is Sir Pentious, he started to undress her, she was again raped.

She had a daughter named Elicia.

The next guy was the Tom guy from the news. He attacked her three times!

She had three more daughters.

Finally, she gave up hope.

Few years later…

"MOM!" A little pup girl runs to her and hugs Clarissa and Clarissa hugs her back. "How was school, Auria?" Clarissa asks with a smile. She smiled and danced. Clarissa guessed she had a good day.

On the way home, Tom saw her maybe see her and ya know? But didn't because he saw a little girl.

Clarissa giggles as Auria runs to see Wolfie. He gets excited and kisses her. Clarissa sighs in relief and sits on the sofa. Wolfie was licking Elicia, she giggles. "Mom, can we go to that theme park?" Dreama asked. Sorry sweetie, we can't go because we can't afford it, Clarissa frowns.

The girl sighs and nods. Wolfie sees Clarissa and runs to her. Putting his three heads next to her. Oh Wolf, today in work today I was fired because Dorathy