
Chapter 193 covered her mouth


It had to be said that Qin Yunbo knew how to choose a place. Qin Sheng would only be able to get out of the window if she turned into a bird! And that really wasn't likely to happen.

She ran to the door and pushed it. Through the small crack that appeared, she could see a big iron chain tied to the door. The iron chain was thicker than her wrist.

At that moment, she felt helpless. It was no use! She couldn't push open the door.

Oh God! What was going to happen to her?

Qin Sheng cursed Qin Yunbo in her heart. She really couldn't escape, not at all!

She walked away from the door and sat on the floor. She rested her head on her knees and looked at the blue sky outside the window.

When she thought about it, she realised there was hope. She knew that when Chu Xia found out that she was gone, she would definitely tell Ha Siqi or Gong Mochen. And they would surely come to save her!

But, what was with that fragrance? She kept smelling it...

She was sure that it was the same fragrance that had knocked her and Chu Xia out during her coming of age ceremony!

The owner of the fragrance was the man wearing the silver mask.

Her eyebrows sank. Could Qin Yunbo be working with that man? Otherwise, how could he have that man's knockout fragrance?

Although she was locked up, her mind had never been clearer. She felt like there was a net closing around her... How many times had she fallen into traps?

And she was sure that it was all related to who her mother was, who she was, and what happened when she was young.

Li Ang wanted to take her away, but her uncle would rather marry her off than let her be with Li Ang.

She connected the dots one by one. Everything felt connected somehow, and at the center of it all was her!

Even the silver-masked man wanted her life!

She bit her lips, blaming herself for being too sad to break up with Gong Mochen. She had been thinking about him for so long, and had neglected so many things!

How could she let herself end up like this? How could she let down so many people who had spent so much effort on her?

Her gaze landed on the abandoned wooden box beside her, and she instantly had an idea!

She got up and tried to remove the wooden boards from the box. Although the box looked old, the wooden boards were very strong.

No, they were too strong... No matter how hard she pulled them, she couldn't remove a single piece!

Qin Sheng tried to pull the boards apart until her hands hurt, but she couldn't manage it!

"F*ck! Are you coming apart or not?" she murmured to herself.

Qin Sheng was furious. She lifted the box and threw it heavily onto the ground.

With a boom, the boards of the box became loose.

Qin Sheng was over the moon with her discovery! If she continued to throw the box it would surely come apart...

She continued to smash the wooden box until it fell apart.

She successfully removed a wooden board, and the rope that was originally used to tie the box up became the most useful thing. She tied the rope to the wooden board, and threw it through the window.

With a crash, the glass in the window was cracked. She continued to throw the wooden board to break more of the glass.

She regretted that she hadn't learned shot put, as that would've made throwing the plank easier.

Three times, four times, five times...

Qin Sheng looked at the gradually darkening sky outside the window and became a little anxious. The news of her disappearance should have been known by now. If she didn't do anything soon, Qin Yunbo would surely kill her.

She had to get herself out of here quickly before Qin Yunbo came back.

Her sore arm made it difficult to throw the board high, but she managed to throw it through the window one final time, jamming it in, so that she could climb up the rope.

'Qin Sheng, you can't give up!

'You have too many things to do!' she thought, determination spread on her face.

A fierce light flashed in her eyes. When she thought of the people who had harmed her, she endured the pain no matter how much it hurt. She tugged the rope to test its strength.

The board remained in place, feeling sturdy, strong enough to climb up.

She pulled the rope happily. The wooden board was much longer than the window and was jammed outside it.

She tugged the rope and stepped on the wall, climbing towards the window slowly. It wasn't easy for her to climb, and the sky was already dark.

She reached up and climbed out of the window, perching on the roof.

It didn't feel good to look down. Waves of dizziness took her by surprise. If she wasn't careful, she would fall to her death!

As she got ready to climb off the warehouse, she heard a group of people approaching.

Qin Yunbo was back!

She hurriedly changed the position of the wooden board and stuck it inside the window. She put the rope on the wall outside and pulled it down.

She vaguely heard Qin Yunbo's voice.

"That stupid girl isn't easy to deal with. Be more careful. No matter what she says, capture her. I've already looked for a place to dispose of her. There's a river not far from here. It's dark. Throw her into the river and she'll drown!"

"Master Bo, is this really okay? What if CEO Gong finds out..." a bodyguard said.

"Are you guys from the Qin family or the Gong family? What are you afraid of him for? He's about to get engaged to my little aunt and he'll be my little uncle in the future. We're family. What does Qin Sheng count as? She's just a bastard!" Qin Yunbo said

"Yes, yes. Master Bo is right. CEO Gong is about to get engaged to the fourth miss. What does Miss Qin count as? CEO Gong doesn't want her!"

"Yes! CEO Gong didn't want her!"

"Damn you! My uncle didn't want me? Just you wait!" Qin Shen whispered.

Qin Sheng cursed confidently. If Gong Mochen really didn't want her, he wouldn't give her all his assets!

The sound of metal chains warned Qin Sheng that Qin Yunbo was about to enter the warehouse.

She had only slid halfway. She increased her speed and dropped too fast. Her palm was torn by the rough rope.

It was a heart-wrenching pain, but she didn't dare to stop. She had to run away quickly before they realized that she had escaped through the window!

Suddenly, she heard Qin Yunbo's scream in the warehouse.

"MOTHERF*CKER! The little b*tch ran away! The window! There's a wooden plank on the window. She ran away through there! Hurry up and chase after her!"

Qin Sheng's heart suddenly tightened. She was still three meters away from the ground. She couldn't care less about the pain in her hand. She sped up. She could feel the tender flesh on her palm being scratched by the rope. The rope was stained with her blood!

The sound of a group of people running towards her grew louder and louder. In the last two meters, she let go and jumped to the ground. She ran towards the forest behind the warehouse.

"Stop! Quickly chase after her! We can't let her go!" Qin Yunbo had already seen Qin Sheng. He cursed and ordered his men to chase after her.

In the pitch-black forest, Qin Sheng couldn't even see her fingers. Qin Yunbo's men all had flashlights in their hands. They shone the flashlights and searched for Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng didn't dare to run anymore. There were trees everywhere. If she ran, she would make a sound and Qin Yunbo's men would discover her.

She hid behind a big tree and felt a chill trickle down her spine. A hand suddenly covered her mouth!