
Max Level Merchant: There’s no money in heroing

Money makes the world go round. In almost all cases, the amount of money you have determines your power and status, and in a fantasy world of wonder and magic, it’s no different. Ex hero candidate Luka Randz knew this better than anyone, he also knew that, as far as risk and return goes, being a hero was of no real profit to him, which is why he left that goal behind, and any chance of being the “main character” with it. Now he rises up the ranks of society as the greatest side character role: the merchant, where the money is. Allies, enemies and everything in between await Luka in his quest to reign supreme on the battlefield of marketing and trade and become the richest man in the world.

CerberusBlack · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Hostile Takeover Part 1

In Emilia's Carriage sat a very discomforted Zagritz Belamond, due to his crippling fear of the female gender, who were the majority in the group.

"So why don't we all have some tea while we're here, huh?" Lucia says in an attempt to break the awkward air.

"I agree" Emilia said, bringing out some cookies she had conveniently stashed for the occasion.

Everyone enjoyed the tea and laughed, excluding Zagritz, who remained perfectly static the whole time.

"Would you like some, Mr Zagritz?" Lucia asks politely. She is answered by Zagritz muttering incomprehensibly, prompting Zaine to sigh and say "he's saying thank you" before taking the cup for him.

"We really need to work on this phobia of yours, Elder Brother" Zaine says to his brother, only to hear muttering as a response. "It's alright" Zaine said, somehow managing to understand his brother.

The group then feels the carriage come to an untimely pause, arousing concern amongst them.

"W-what was that about?" Charlie said.

She opened the door and saw a large demon beast towering above the carriage and blocking the road. A demon beast is a monster that Demon magic has morphed into a stronger being that has pledged its allegiance to the Demon race. These monsters can cause even a B rank Party like Zaine, Rebecca and Viktor more than their fair share of issues, and the monster in front of them was more than the average demon beast by a mile.

"Not good" Misha said.

"Alright everyone, lets fight" Emilia said. " We don't know when Blackened Gold will make a move so we don't have time to waste here"

"I second that" Aiden said in agreement.

"If we're in a rush…" Zaine added "then there's no reason for us to hold back!" He then sent a barrage of attacks at the monster blowing one of its arms off. "Oh… that was easier than I thought it would be, he's big but I guess it's small fry"

Zaine was forced to eat these words after seeing the obliterated limb regenerate as though the monster never took damage to begin with.

"Well that no good" Aiden remarks.

"New plan! Me and Aiden will go in the front, Misha will go for the flank and the three mages will back us up with buffs and ranged attacks!" Emilia shouted.

"While we're at it, let's get some aerial support" Zagritz said, regaining his serious aura. "Greater Wind Summon Magic: Tyrant Lord of the Skies". He then once again summoned his beast and had it use wind attacks from above.

Zaine decided to follow this up using "Greater Earth Summon Magic: Big Golem", summoning a large golem to assist.

Emilia then readied her sword and swung at the monster.

"Divinity Art: Exorcism of the wicked!" She chanted as she sliced the being's arm off.

There exists a power used for the sole purpose of smiting evil: Divinity. Divinity Arts are performed through the utilisation of this power in battle. Divinity Arts can be used in a similar way to magic, whereby the amount you can use at a time is dependant on DP (Divinity Pointd) stat like MP, and the strenght is also stat-based. This power is quite lethal to demonkind. It can bypass their durability and temporarily debuff their stats.

The demon beast screamed in agony as the hero effortlessly cut its arm off.

"Nice going Emilia!" Charlie cheered.

"I'm gonna go for the heart this time" Emilia said. "Everyone just support me"

"Got it" Zaine said. "Greater Physical Enhancement Magic: Blessing of Battle" he chanted, providing Emilia, Lucia, Misha and Aiden with physical buffs. The other two mages quickly followed suit, giving the front-liners even more physical power. As Emilia was going to finish things, she heard something disturbing from the gargantuan demon beast,

"He…ro…" the beast spoke. Demon beasts are oftentimes very unintelligent and usually don't act in an intelligent way unless being controlled be someone with it. However, to the surprise of the whole group, this one had the ability to speak. For a split second, Emilia faltered in shock. This was all the beast needed.

"Destroy the Hero!" The beast cried as it regenerated its arm and swung at the hero. Emilia, however, was fast enough to block it with her sword.

"What?!" Emilia questioned to herself. "Divinity should've heavily reduced the rate of its healing. If it can still regenerate after only a minute, just how fast was it's regeneration before my attack?"

Emilia managed to parry the attack with her sword and overwhelming strength and sword skill, however as the monster's fist connected with the ground, part of the cliff collapsed, sending Emilia, Lucia, Misha, Charlie and Zagritz plummeting into a cavern.

"Princess Lucia! Elder Brother!" Zaine cried.

"Damn it!" Aiden shouted. "Now we can't use Emilia's Divinity. This is gonna be even harder"

The beast began to laugh, almost as if it knew what it was doing from the beginning.

"That's it!" Zaine shouted. "It new it couldn't beat all of us, especially with someone as strong as the hero fighting it, it caught them off guard! A demon beast shouldn't have this kind of intelligence, even if it's only working independently. What's going on?"

"I makes no difference to me. Hit first ask questions later" Aiden replied. "If this thing can talk, I'll just beat the answers out of it, then go get our friends back!"

Aiden then ran towards the beast and readied his hammer. As the beast threw another punch, he jumped over it.

"Cliff and mountain. Sword pierce. Eruption. Twin meteors." Aiden chanted. "Greater Physical Enhancement Magic: Hammer of Judgement". As his hammer swung, it knocked back the demon and it fell to the ground.

"Wow" Zaine thought. "He's fast, especially for a tank. His raw physical power is nothing to scoff at too, nor is his prowess in Physical Enhancement Magic. He might even be on Viktor's level. This might work, especially if it's one person who's already this strong"

There are many roles a mage has to play in a party, back up attacks, being on the forefront, inhibiting the enemy, juggling between offensive and defensive, and providing buffs. Buffs are what's known as a method that enhances someone's abilities or add to a person's abilities in a way that benefits the party. This can include magic or Divinity Arts. Naturally, the more targets there are, the more MP the mage consumes at a time, making it less effective in order to preserve their MP reserves. However, when only one target is present, stacking many buffs is of much less detriment, allowing Zaine to not hold anything back.

"Wind Magic: Songbird's Melody. Physical Enhancement Magic: Strenght of Lion. Physical Enhancement Magic: Hermes' Boots" as Zaine chanted these, Aiden's strenght and speed as drastic improvements.

"Oh now we're talking!" Aiden said, readying his hammer. Aiden ran in a flash to the demon beast and slammed it with his hammer, as its injuries began to heal, he hit it again and then sent a downpour of blows in its direction, dodging incoming attacks in the process. While the tank was managing to damage it faster than its regen speed, it wasn't getting done quickly enough.

"Dammit" Aiden said. "Damage isn't stacking up all that quickly"

"We need a new plan" Zaine pointed out. As he pondered he realised something. "If we destroy its brain, it should die by just that before it regenerates. Unless it's Perfect Regeneration, then we're screwed"

"Well that's reassuring" Aiden said sarcastically while rolling his eyes. Aiden then threw hammer swings, punches and kicks at the monster at rapid speeds. The monster hit him, but he was able to land on all fours and use his hands and feet to propel himself upwards and continue his onslaught. A weak spot began to form on the monsters forehead, which Aiden exploited by targeting it. However the monster then prepared a magic circle to attack while Aiden's guard was lowered.

"Uh oh" Aiden said, in point black range of the spell. However, Zaine jumped in the middle.

"Guess it's about ready now, thanks for buying me some time " Zaine said to Aiden while facing the Demon Beast with a grin, resembling his boss. "Ultimate Ice Magic: Frozen World" and with that, the monster, as well as the whole area, was encased in ice.

Zaine caught Aiden before he dropped to the ground, but Aiden was furious.

"So you just used my to buy time to scribe your Ultimate Circle?! What the hell is wrong with you?!" Aiden shouted in anger.

"Sorry! It was just a high-risk high-return kind of situation…" Zaine said, as his smile soured a bit. "Yikes, I'm starting to sound like the boss"

"Anyway, let's go find the other-" Aiden said before being interjected by Zaine.

"Not so fast, Mr Aiden" Zaine said. "This demon beast had very peculiar properties, from its size strength and skills to the fact that it can talk. And the timing of its arrival and the fact that it came to us is a bit too convenient, don't you think?"

"I mean, that is a good point, but what're you getting at?" Aiden questioned.

"Judging from the fact that it came to 'destroy the Hero', conveniently came to us after the ship incident, and knew we were here, I have reason to believe that the demons may be in cahoots with this Blackened Gold group"

"Huh?! But that Marrinette girl was a human, right? Why would demons work with humans?"

"That's what I'd like to know"

"Well surely that means we should go to the others and stick together, right Zaine?"

"It's not that simple, Mr Aiden. It could very well be to lure us all into a trap. It's best we rendezvous with the boss' group and discuss a plan. We're not too far from Newbud anyway. However, just to try and find their whereabouts….."

"Earth Summon Magic: Little Golems" Zaine chanted, summoning a troupe of little sand summoned beasts, with a striking resemblance to Zaine. "Go and find my brother and the others. But one of you stay with me"

The little golems all scattered while one of them rested on its caster's shoulder.

"Why keep one?" Aiden questioned.

"You see, the little golems can exchange information with each other via a telepathic link between them, so if one of them finds the others, they can relay it to this little guy and we'll know where they are"

"Niiice" Aiden said. "I guess now all we have to do is head over to Newbud and hope the others make their way too"

With that, the duo began trailing their way to the city.

Meanwhile, Luka and his group had stopped in their tracks to eat lunch.

"Wow! This is some great food, Luka!" Viktor said, endulging in his meal.

"Mmmmmmh~ this is heaven" Rebecca followed up.

"Jeez don't get all passionate over a sandwich" Luka said with a concerned look on his face. "I know it was made with the divine hands of myself, but it can't be that good"

"Y'know, Luke" Blue said with a smile. "With cooking like this, you should've been able to bag yourself a wife by now~"

"Spare me" Luke said while rolling his eyes. "Who gives a damn about that nonsense? Besides, I'm married to money, thank you very much"

"Heh. Loser" Blue commented, vexing her brother.

"Like anyone's putting a ring on a loud, abnoxious, swashbuckler" Luka said back with an arrogant look. This prompted an enraged reaction from Blue.

"I am as soft and gentle as a spring blossom you prick! I'll kill ya dead!" Blue shouted in rage.

"…evidently" Luka responded with a smile.

Their family feud was brought to a stop after they began hearing the slow, eerie sound of chains jingling.

"Uuuuh what's that?" Rebecca queried.

As they looked behind them, a tall, well built man was walking towards them. He wore a suit and tie, with the tie loose and the buttons down to his upper chest being undone. He had hazel hair and matching eyes with square lense glasses, and on his right hand, was a long coil of chains jingling as he swung them around.

"You must be that merchant group I've heard abo-"

Wasting no time, Rebecca was right beside the mysterious character, sword pointed at his neck. This immense speed was enough to slightly surprise the man.

"Skip past the monologue. Who are you?" Rebecca asked, staring intensely into the man's eyes.

"You have a great amount of agility and, judging from your stance, you seem to know your way around a sword. You have some fine talent" the mystery man said. "If you want to live long enough to realise that talent's full potential, I'd advise you to lower your sword"

This remark angered Rebecca, causing her to swing her sword at the man, which he dodged seemingly effortlessly.

"Sword Magic: Swordsoul!" Rebecca shouted as her swings intensified in speed and power.

"Hm. A basic sword magic spell increasing the overall power of sword techniques. Won't be enough, but a commendable effort nonetheless" the man said, knocking her back with his fist.

Rebecca regained her footing before shouting "Greater Sword Magic: Hunter's Blade". With that, she vanished. The man looked around and couldn't find her.

"Where did she go?" He wondered.

While he was distracted, he was sent flying by Viktor's physically-enhanced surprise attack.

"I see, an agile swordswoman with a plethora of unique tricks up her sleeve and a tank who's strength and durability is able to synergize with the swordswoman" the man analysed, maintaining a straight and serious face. "You have quite the duo here, let's see how long you last!"

His long chains began to flail around with high power, decimating rocks and trees in the surrounding area. Viktor, though not fast enough to dodge all the attacks, had the durability to endure the ones that ended up hitting him. The blows did push him back a great deal however.

"A tank thrives best in close combat. As my chain manipulation gives me a larger reach, I can hit you without having to worry about you doing so to me. You're not matched very well when fighting me" the individual said, continuing his onslaught.

Viktor then catches one of the chains with his hands then pulls the man towards him, luring him into a kick in the gut which sends him flying.

Viktor then jumps upwards and punches him into some trees. He gets up, saying "Hm. You're stronger than I originally took you for"

" I couldn't give a damn about your praise!" Viktor said before attacking him with his sword.

The man then roundhouse kicked him in the face, then hitting him with a barrage of other attacks before slamming his face into the ground. He then prepared to deliver the final blow until Rebecca appeared behind him preparing to stab him in the chest.

Rebecca used her magic 'Hunter's Blade' to increase her speed, the sharpness of her sword, her attack power and gave herself the ability to turn invisible for 5 minutes. She waited until the end of the 5th minute as his guard would be completely lowered due to her temporary absence in the fight. It was a foolproof plan. However, as the blade was about to pierce the man's body, he spoke.

"I see, you're a ratter powerful bunch indeed. I see why 'Boss' wished for your group to be neutralised at the earliest opportunity" the man stated. "However, it caused me some trouble since you split up. Either way, I'll just have my subordinates find the rest of your company and deal with them. As for now though, for the crime of interfering with our great work. I hereby dub you….guilty. Sinners Sentence!"

After deflating his attack, Rebecca and Viktor were entangled in iron chains.

"Thise chains will slowly increase the strength of their grip on you until you're crushed, so just wait for death" the man said, looking down on the two.

"Who…are you?" Viktor asked.

The man then revealed himself "I am a broker of Blackened Gold. I am Dande Lockhearth, otherwise known as 'The Jailer'. You who bring threat to the peace my Boss wishes to create, you are guilty"

Just as he finished his introduction, Dande dodged an assault from Blue as she swung her claymore at him. "Blackened Gold, huh?" She said. "That's all I needed to hear!". With that, she used water magic to launch him away.

Meanwhile, in the same place they were fighting, Luka was endulging in some tea. He takes a sip before saying "Another one of those broker guys, huh? It's just one headache after another today" in a dismissive manner, as if there was no magnitude to the situation.

"Uuuuh maybe get off your ass and help?!" Blue shouted.

"I wish I could" Luka said in response. "But nothing interrupts tea time. Anyway you go handle that guy. Show him a bit of girl power~" He said mockingly, causing Blue to roll her eyes.

The fight continued with both parties matching blow for blow.

"Enough of this" Dande said. "Stat lock!"

A magic chain shot from Dande's ring finger and seemingly went into Blue's chest. Immediately afterwards, her stats dropped to a negligible amount, weakening the captain.

"What the hell was that?" Blue enquired. "My magic and strength feel like they plummeted"

"That was my 'Stat Lock' ability, an offshoot of my unique skill 'Shackling Prison'" Dande answered. "With it, I was able to 'imprison' your stats, reducing your overall power level to that of a level 1"

"What? I thought your abilities were some chain manipulation or something" Blue said in confusion.

"An astute observation, albeit only partly correct" he said, with halfhearted praise. "My unique skill is the ability to imprison or restrain a person, thing or concept. It was your stats in this case"

"Well ain't that great" Blue said before throwing her sword in the air and putting her hands up. "I surrender. There's no way I'm beating a skill like that"

"A wise decisio-" He was saying before being interrupted by the blue-haired warrior.

"Equalizer" She said, activating her unique skill then using her increased speed to grab her claymore and land a direct hit on the broker. "Ha! Got ya!". She then stood in confusion as he was, despite being knocked back a great deal, completely unharmed.

"Uuuuuuuuh what?" She thought. "I hit him with the same attack stat that he has. How did he tank an attack from himself? Is he that tough?"

"That's odd. I could've sworn I imprisoned your stats, how did you do that?" Dande asked.

"Heh!" Blue chuckled. "It's thanks to my 'Equalizer skill, allowing me to have the same level and stats as my target temporarily. The icing on the cake is I also can't be dealt status effects and debuffs unless the target is dealt one"

"I see" He affirmed. "This skill is particularly dangerous in a one on one battle, removing stat differences from the playing field entirely. You're a lot more of a threat then I initially took you for. I guess it's correct to assume that you're the one who bestest Marrinette. In that case, you're sentencing will be even more severe"

Chains then flew towards Blue as her water magic counterattacked, and as they traded blows, Blue eventually drew blood from Dande. He wiped the side of his mouth with his thumb then looked at it.

"Blood. It's been a while since I saw my own. I guess I ought to end this before it gets out of control"

He then put his hand forward before uttering the words "Ultimate Metal Magic: Glowing Red Sea" creating an Ultimate Magic circle in front of him, aiming at Blue. A tsunami of hot, burning red molten steel shot from the magical array, and hit Blue.This attack then blasted Blue across the battlefield and left her unconscious on the floor.

"I see. At the last minute, she countered by quickly scribing an ultimate array of her own. But it was Water Magic, which doesn't match well against my Metal Magic. Additionally, it was rushed, sloppy work, reducing its overall power. However, it was powerful enough to stop her from taking fatal or even lasting damage. She's something else" Dande said, congratulating Blue's skill. "However, I still have the other one to deal with, but that should be quick"

Luka was continuing to drink tea, primarily because he enjoyed seeing his sister get beat in a fight so he could hold it over her later. While he could've interfered, he chose not to for both entertainment and respect for her abilities.

Dande walked over and spoke to him. "You. Your little entourage has been taken care of, and I have no reason to waste my time needlessly killing a civilian. Leave now and forget all that you've seen today, and I won't have to-"

Dande was then interrupted by the ever-arrogant Luka. "Incase you're an idiot, I'll inform you that I'm clearly in the middle of drinking a good tea right now. If you want to talk to me, wait in line" Luka said, while also having the audacity to not look in Dande's direction. This aggravated The Jailer, although from his monotonous tone and straight, unchanging facial expression you wouldn't be able to tell.

"You clearly don't grasp the magnitude of your situation" Dande said before smacking the mug out of Luka's hand, breaking it. "And look me in the eye when I'm speaking to you"

Blue was tiptoeing to free Viktor and Rebecca, all three of which witnessed this interaction first hand.

None of them had any idea what the other was thinking, but somehow they all thought the exact same thing: "Uh oh. Now he's gone and done it"

Luka looked at the broken cup then smiled a bit.

"Alright then" he said. Immediately after that, The Jailer was surprised to see that he was miles away from where he was originally standing, with a trail of debris in front of him.

"What just happened?" He thought. I wasn't standing here a second ag-" he then fell to the ground after feeling an immense impact in his abdominal area. "No way! He punched me so fast my body didn't even notice it until seconds after, and so fast it shot me to the other side of the forest before I could even notice I moved! What the hell is this creature?"

He collected himself and began to think logically again. "I'm going to need a change of tacti-" he said before being interrupted by Luka walking over from behind him.

"A change of what? It better be my damn teacup" Luka said in his arrogant tone, but this time with a hint of rage. "That wasn't some broke by one get one free set you disgusting sewer rat. That was fine china. FINE china… surely you don't expect to get away with that, right?" Before he could even receive a response, Luka began punching him relentlessly. "Fight back!" Luka said repeatedly as he swung. He then grabbed him by his own chains and threw him into a rock. As he got up however, he noticed a surprise attack from Blue, Viktor and Rebecca.

"He freed them?!" Dande said as he got brutalised. He does, however, manage to free himself. "Enough. I'll admit I can't win this, but that doesn't mean I'll lose. Shacklebound Summoning!"

Shacklebound Summoning allows Dande to summon a creature that he had imprisoned. With this ability, he summons a colossal, great dragon with 8 Wings.

"No way…" Rebecca said "that's an S+ Ranked Monster. The Dragnoid Monarch Grande. It's the monster of legend that split the original human nation into four! I thought it was long dead!"

"Uuuugh this just keeps getting better" Luka says with sarcasm.

"Behold…" said Dande. "The instrument of Newbud City's destruction and the tool for the execution of you criminals!"

As some of our hero's are lost, and others try to find their way, Luka and his squad stare into the belly of a (somehow) living legend. One with intents to lay waste to Newbud City.