
Be Gentle

Kieran grinned, watching Rose blush and tremble slightly in his arms, her gaze shy and unresisting. There wasn't a hint of hatred or defiance in her eyes.

The dress she wore left little to the imagination, outlining every curve of her body, and he felt a surge of desire pulse through him. Despite his earlier insistence that he didn't like her, he knew resisting her tonight would be impossible. Lowering his lips to her neck, he breathed in her sweet jasmine scent, savoring it.

His hands stayed firm on her waist before sliding up to cup her breasts. She was so small and delicate, her breasts fitting perfectly in his hands.

"Ahh…Kieran, wait," she gasped as he gently caressed her over the thin fabric.

"Wait? Why should I?" he growled, feeling her warm breath on his neck, each exhale pushing him closer to the edge. Waiting was the last thing he wanted.

Kieran's eyes narrowed as he gazed at her. "I… I thought you didn't like me," she murmured softly.