
Mated To The Cruel Prince

[Matured Content] Saving an injured Fae in the forest had not been Islinda's plan, and worse, he turns out to be royalty, Prince Valerie of the summer court, heir and crown prince to the throne of Astaria. But then, humans were wary of those otherworldly creatures while the Fae looked down on the humans, thinking of them as lesser creatures. Islinda and the prince were worlds apart but that didn't stop them from falling in love.  Unfortunately, Prince Valerie couldn't stay in the human realm forever and had to return to his kingdom with a promise to come back for her. And she believed him.  But then, the other one comes instead.  Dark, broody, ruthless yet dangerously handsome, everyone feared Prince Aldric. Even as a fierce warrior and son to the king of Astaria, Aldric is denied his right to the throne and cursed never to take his place because of his dark heritage.  Twisted from the inside and starved of affection, Prince Aldric does what he is best at, causing misery. He captured  Islinda - the woman who has drawn his brother's attention. He stole her from her home for his cruel purpose. If he couldn't have the throne, he could at least play around with his brother's love interest. His new prize.  Islinda hated him. Loathed him for taking away everything that she could have had with the summer prince. He's the villain. Now she has been dragged into the middle of the dirty politics played in the courts of Astaria, not to mention surviving the cold games played by the prince.  But all hope wasn't lost because the cruel prince could tempt her all he wants but he was never going to get the one thing he wants the most. To be loved. He would never have her heart!  Or could he?  ________ "What can you offer me, little human," He grinned, slow and cruel. She would make such a wonderful plaything.  "Please," She begged him, tears now gathering in her eyes, "Just let me go."  "Fine," He shrugged as if it was an easy request, "You can go."  "W-what?" She croaked, finding it hard to believe.  "Little human, you would find out my mind changes very easily." Those words sounded merciful yet she could sense the threat beneath.  But did he really mean?  Islinda didn't sit around to find out as she broke into a sprint. If there was even the slightest chance of him changing his mind, then she would take it. She would not give up hope yet.  She didn't know why but Islinda spared a look over her shoulder after a while and the blood drained from her face at what she saw coming.  Oh no, she just made a terrible mistake.  This was never freedom.  It was a hunt.  And she just became the prey.  _________ Note: This is a dark fantasy book and the male lead is a villain, so don't expect fluffy romance. What to expect? Death, gore, thick sexual tension, and explicit scenes. Also, it is not reverse harem. Gift magic castle = 5 bonus chapters! Come, let us have a wild hunt! 

Glimmy · Fantasie
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867 Chs

Remain A Child For A While

"Come, lie with me, Eli," 

Aldric raised a brow at that comment until he realized that she meant it literally and his excitement faded. Tsk, what a disappointment. He almost thought that she was giving herself to him and he would have taken her up on the offer. It was not every day that a woman offered her body to him. 

But then, it was understandable since he had glamoured himself to look like a child and the human would be committing a crime if she forced himself on him. That is if he doesn't kill her first for trying such. However, Adric was not ready to end her pathetic mundane life yet until he understood her relationship with his brother. 

Humans were less than animals in Aldric's sight. A race responsible for their own annihilation was not worthy of his respect. He knew them for their selfish ambitions and wickedness except for this female human in front of him, she was the most foolish of them all. 

She was smart yet stupidly naive. How could she trust so easily? Or has no one warned her that nothing good comes out from the boundary between the human and the Fae realm? 

Aldric knew she met with his brother, Valerie, and the pathetic fool must have shown her kindness, dooming her fate instead. Was she so fooled by the charming prince that she forgot all about self-preservation? Because no matter how he looked at it, Faeries would always be at the top of the food chain, and humans, their prey. 

The illusion of peace between both races would only last for a while, say a few years. The human span was short after all, while his people lived for hundreds of years. In time, the treaty would be forgotten and there would be war again. A period Aldric tends to enjoy the most because nothing excites him more than chaos. 

However, there was only one tiny problem, Aldric hated being a child, sadly, that was the only identity that could buy the female human's trust as he has observed so far. Islinda, as she was called, was kind to a fault and he, Aldric, was a dark Fae honed to take advantage of such weakness. And he couldn't wait to see how this turns out, the excitement was surging through the veins already. 

Aldric stared at the cot that she wanted him to lie on. Had it not been for the glamor that altered his appearance, it would be too small for him, not to talk of the fact that he was six feet eleven inches taller than she was and he would not know how to place his long legs. Not only the cot, but her room was too small and even his father's pet dog had a better living space than this. 

Of course, Aldric was no fool and surmised Islinda was being maltreated, however, it was none of his business. He did not come here to be anyone's prince in shining armor. Moreover, he was no prince but a villain and if Islinda was to see him for who he was, she would be running away from him with all her kindness forgotten. 

However, he could not forget the scene earlier when he almost reacted and nearly ruined his cover. He had not seen the slap coming and it had merely taken him by surprise, that was Aldric's excuse. Also, he was currently studying Islinda and could not let his subject get killed mistakenly. Islinda was his and until he was done with her, no one was to harm her. 

Without a word, Adric obediently walked over to the space that the foolish human patted for him to lie down. While the human was naive, she was polite and had the sense to feed him, even though he did not need their human sustenance. Unlike the weak humans, he could go on far longer without food, not to mention human food tasted strange and provided no energy to him. 

But he had eaten it to keep up with his mundane appearance. While Islinda was foolish, she was quick to suspect and he had nearly exposed himself hours ago and would not repeat the same. Adric noticed Islinda was quick-witted and while the signs were there, It was almost as if she didn't want to admit that he was anything other than a human. Nonetheless, he was more than thrilled to continue this game. 

They lay face to face with each other, which was kind of uncomfortable, not because he could feel her soft body pressed against him - he appreciated it- there were so many emotions in her eyes and he was not good at dealing with feelings. 

So they watched each other until she reached out and brushed his hair from his forehead, muttering, "You don't need to worry, Eli, we would find your mother. No one would hurt her." 

Oh, don't worry, foolish human, you would not find her, Adric mused. It was a made-up story of course and an excuse to stay by her side. Also, she should be the one to take care of herself, instead. He could still see the imprint where she had been hit. Such redness on her smooth skin, what a work of art. 

"Tomorrow will be better. Goodnight Eli." She said, her lashes fluttering close. 

Aye, it would be, human. 

Even with her eyes closed, Islinda's arm was bound around his waist protectively, and not long later, she pulled him to her side till their bodies were touching and his face was nearly pressed to her sweet boobs. 

Wait a minute, was he a pervert? 

Of course not, her body was the one craving for his attention and he was innocent - except deceiving her with the illusion of being a child. It's not like he had any choice. He needed to get close to her and figure out her relationship with his brother. Valerie could not be stupid enough to fall for a human. But if that was the case, then he - Aldric - has gotten his prayers. 

He leaned into her touch and nearly purred in delight. It has been a long time since he had a woman on a bed with and it was nice. Ugh, he hated the word "nice". Whatever. It seems he was going to remain a child for a while. 

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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