
Chapter 23

"Well, why would I want a kiss from an old werewolf then?"

"Because I'm HOT!" he answer.

"And I'm not old! We went over this."

He pauses, almost caressing my foot as he puts the final touches on my bandage.

"Hot isn't good enough," he winks, "I should be sizzling hot. Don't you think, Berenice?"

"Arrogant, much?" I ask, not really listening to him anymore.

"Don't sidestep the question," he orders, grabbing my hand, "all that matters is you, Berenice. Tell me honestly."

I can tell he is joking, but his words still strike a chord in my chest. We are suspended in time, the fated words forming in my lips, yet my mouth too cowardly to say them.

I stare into his eyes, sparkling with cheer, examining his altogether beautiful features.

I pull away quickly, looking away.

"What time is it?" I ask, trying to avoid his penetrating gaze.

Caleb looks to his wristwatch. "7:40," he says, and I sigh in relief.

For a minute, I thought we had lost track of time.