

Violet sauntered to Tom who was still busy preparing several meals after she was done serving and exhaled looking so exhausted.

She yawned loudly, wiped off her sweat-filled forehead with her fingers, and sighed. "I'm so tired" she cursed under her breath.

Tom glanced up from what he was frying and passed an already dished-out fried chicken to her and also added a non-alcoholic wine.

"I'm not going to serve anyone else, Tom. I'm done for the day. I need to leave now" she whined and eyed him.

He cackled and dropped it before her. "I know that already. The fries are for you. Eat up so you can regain your strength before you leave. I don't want you fainting on your way."

"What about the bills?"

"Don't worry about that. Just eat."

"Thank you so much, Tom."