


I know personally that the stress of success and competitions can be extremey stressful so I didn't want to ignore this.

/" Look, I can't tell you what to do Jackson but she has every right to be listened to, without you yelling at her, scaring her/" I added that last comment for his instant reaction.

/"I scared her?/" he asked, his eyes widening.

I smirked.

He groaned.

/" you're honestly evil/" he mutters looking down. It was honestly weird for Jackson to be like this, his mood down and that sadness to his eyes.

/" Jackson you'd scare anyone with that tone that you used. Listen to what she has to say first and then make your decision. As her coach I have to protect her, and personally I would prefer if there was no couple drama before competitions but I also understand that you guys are young./"

Its not like I wanted her to be unhappy. I'm not evil.