


Watching Grayson walk into the bar was actually an interesting display. The fresh new face didn't go unnoticed by girls standing at the bar. He walked in with confidence and searching the room for me.

I waved him over quickly.

He successfully managed to push his way through and dump himself down into a stall next to mine.

/"A uni bar, really/" he huffed dragging his fingers through his hair. I had to contain the giggle that was threatening to leave my lips. I covered them with my glass of lemonade. I had to stay away from the alcohol no matter how tempting it is.

I'm driving tonight.

/"it was either this or you'd get lost, trust me/" he could only nod his head agreeing with me.

/"so, what made you want to have a drink with me tonight/" I decided to get straight to the point since I'm not really planning to stay too long here.

He ordered himself a drink and turned to face me.