
Matched (Mortal, Book Three)

MATCHED is book #3 in a new paranormal romance series by bestselling author Bella Lore, whose series MY TRUE MATE and THE ALPHA’S MATE have over 500 five-star reviews. “I couldn’t stop reading.” --Amazon review (My True Mate) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ When her father suddenly dies, Winter Grace, 17, is forced to fly across the country and attend a mysterious prep school, an ancient castle in a fog-covered island on the coast of Maine. Nothing here is what it seems, and it isn’t long before Winter, feeling a surging power for the first time, realizes that she is not who—or what—she thinks she is. But when Winter feels an inexplicable crush for an elusive and dangerous boy at the school, she realizes a greater destiny is at play. She knows the relationship might destroy them both—yet she also knows that they can never be apart. In MATCHED, Winter and her love reach the place they never though they would. They are so close to retrieving the relic—when an unexpected twist may just force her love to sacrifice everything—even himself—for her. Creating an unforgettable world of vampires, werewolves, shifters and magic of all sorts, a world of fantasy, love and sacrifice, MORTAL will take you to another place, rife with shocking twists and turns. Fans of books such as Vampire Academy and Twilight and Crush are sure to fall in love! Future books in the series are also available. "The story was very well written and was unique as compared to other shifter stories.” --Amazon review (The Alpha’s Mate) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Excellent from start to finish and leaves you wanting more.” --Amazon review (My True Mate) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Bella Lore · Fantasie
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25 Chs

Chapter Nine



The lighthouse's beam sweeps across the water as we climb onto the rocky shore. The air is crisp and cold—perfect.

Finally, it feels like things are turning around.

Next to me, my second-in-command rakes his fingers through his hair then puts his helmet back on. "You're sure this is it?"

I give Ted a look, and he shuts up. Yes, of course I'm sure this is it. The riddle that wannabe magician Tyr gave me was pretty obvious.

It's a lighthouse that is hiding the Golden Coin.

And, luckily for us, there are a limited number of lighthouses in Nova Scotia. We're at number eight, and I have a good feeling about this one.

"Let's go." I wave at the group I've selected to accompany me to the lighthouse while several more wait on the boat.

It's a top team, and I couldn't be more prepared for whatever is to come next. I've fought and climbed my way into my position as Northeast Leader of the Silver Hunters, and it's been a long journey.

I'm finally where I need to be, making moves that I need to make in order to prove myself to the upper echelons and move into the next rank. It was my idea to storm Hawthorn for the Golden Coin, and I succeeded in taking the school.

As far as the coin ...

Well, how was I supposed to know that it wasn't there?

At least I'm back on the path. When I walk into the next international meeting with the coin in my hand, no one will doubt me ever again.

A grin pulling at my lips, I walk up the rocks, slippery from the morning's icy rain.

My boots crunch against the gravel, and I pause at the base of the lighthouse. It's tall, much taller than any of the others we've seen, and I swallow hard.

But I'm a Silver Hunter. I'm fearless.

"Let's go," I say again and lead the way up the stairs.

The inside of the lighthouse is dark, the only light coming from the narrow windows. My team follows close behind me as we climb higher and higher.

It’s silent except for our breathing and the sound of our footsteps echoing off the walls. I keep my hand on my sword, the incantation for summoning fire echoing in my head. I’m ready to use it at a moment’s notice, ready to knock aside anyone who dare stands in my way.

Finally, we reach the top.

The room is circular, with a narrow walkway around the edge and the giant light in the middle.

I grin and step forward, but then something catches my eye.

There’s a figure, sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall. An old man, nothing but skin and bones.

I can feel my men relax behind me, but I don’t let my guard down. Not for one second.

“Who are you?” I demand.

He raises his head and looks at me. The light sweeps across him, revealing deep-set eyes. A chill that has nothing to do with the cold passes through me.

“I said,” I grit out. “Who are you?”

“I’m the keeper of this lighthouse.” His voice is thin, and yet it carries well.

“The keeper?” My eyes narrow. He looks like he couldn’t even lift a pencil, let alone run a lighthouse all by himself.

“Every lighthouse needs a keeper,” he says.

“What do you say?” Ted whispers over my shoulder. “Want us to get rid of him?”

I hold up a hand, signaling for him to be quiet.

“Why are you here?” I ask, keeping my voice steady.

“To keep the light burning,” the keeper says cryptically.

I move closer to him, my sword at the ready. “And what else?”

He looks up at me, his eyes seeming to bore into my soul. “You seek the Golden Coin,” he says quietly.

My heart starts pounding. This is it. We’ve finally found it.

“Where is it?” I demand, drawing my sword.

The old man looks at me, his eyes filled with an ancient wisdom. “You can’t just take it,” he says. “The coin has been hidden here for centuries, protected by me and my predecessors. It’s not for you to claim.”

I narrow my eyes. “We’re Silver Hunters. We’re trained to retrieve valuable artifacts. We’re not leaving without the coin.”

“Oh, I won’t stop you.” He chuckles, and I’m confused.

Didn’t he just tell me that I can't just take it?

"Start talking, old man," Ted snaps. "Where is the coin?"

"Closer than you think." He waves a shriveled hand at the light.

Ted shakes his head. "Tell us the truth, or else—"

"He is telling the truth." I step closer to the light, inspecting it. It's different, somehow. It's light, and yet it's ... not.

"What do you mean?" Ted asks, eyeing me skeptically.

I can't explain it, but something about the light is off. As if it's not just a source of illumination but also a source of power.

"The coin is here," I say, more to myself than anyone else. "It's here, and we just have to figure out how to get it."

"It's enchanted," the old man says, his voice barely above a whisper. "The Golden Coin is within the light itself."

My heart skips a beat. "How do we get it out?"

"You go in there," he says simply.

I hesitate. "If you're here to protect the coin, then why would you just let us go in there?"

"Sounds like a trap to me," Ted huffs.

But I'm not one to back down from a challenge. I grip my sword tightly and move closer to the light. I can feel the heat emanating from it, and yet it doesn't burn me. In fact, it's almost ... welcoming.

"I'm old, I'm tired," the old man says. "I can't keep fighting forever. The coin has been here for centuries, and I believe it's time for it to leave. But only for the right person."

"And who's the right person?" I ask, my hand still on my sword.

"The one who is worthy," he says. "The one who understands the power of the coin, and who will use it for good."

I glance back at my team. They're all looking at me expectantly, waiting for me to make a decision.

"Good is relative," I tell the old man.

He nods. "Indeed, it is. Then let me tell you something more. In order to retrieve the coin, you must be willing to make a great sacrifice. Are you prepared for that?"

Of course, I am. I've been making sacrifices my whole life. I've cut off all ties with any person who doesn't align with my goals. I've stabbed backs and done things I once never thought I would.

It's all for something meaningful, though. One day, I will be Supreme Leader of the Silver Hunters. One day, every sleepless night, every drop of blood and sweat I've shed will be worth it.

I know more about sacrifices than anyone could ever guess.

"Come on," I tell my men.

I take a deep breath and step closer to the light. It's warm, almost soothing, but at the same time, it's intimidating.

I close my eyes and take another step forward, then another. I can feel the light's power coursing through me, filling me with energy and strength.

And then, suddenly, I'm inside the light.