
Ch 8

After I entered my villa, I closed the portal, and went straight to my study, which had many empty books, and my computer.

Now with magic, I no longer had to do the dreaded endless typing.

I charmed the book, pen and the computer, to start with writing out entertainment works from my past life, which I had the knowledge of when I got the related mundane skill.

I started with God Of High School, followed by One Piece, Naruto, Avatar, and children shows and disney movies, along with some famous movies like Wanted, Men in Black, and the like.

With that taken care of, I reviewed the harry potter knowledge and found that I only had to find the animal whose ability I wanted, and then use the ritual on summer, autumn and winter solstice, and then I will get it permanently.

No bloodbath or sacrifices apart from the animal itself, apart from some magical materials which were easy enough to obtain for both the old monsters.

The animal in question is a Tardigrade and a Turritopsis doohmii, or more commonly, the immortal jellyfish.

A tardigrade is known to go under cryptobiosis, and they make the metabolism of their body reduced to 0.01% of it, and when they are back to peak strength after any injury, they revive themselves.

The immortal jellyfish meanwhile cheats death by de-aging in a manner similar to turning back time on themselves.

These two are the best and most suitable for those old monsters to gain abilities of.

Apart from this, there is another ritual that they will be doing, which will help them get to best body condition, and healing all injuries along with gaining a very good regenerative factor with the help of axolotl and sea cucumber which can even regrow heart and brain along with any other parts of the body completely.

Plus, the only problem with this is the huge magical energy cost, which can be solved with the help of just using dimensional energy as source, which can be used as much as you can handle, which I can pretty well.

Another unexpected upgrade was using mystic arts runes, which were actual code to reality so the ritual was less dangerous and more effective than before, so I was quite happy.

So, the nearest full moon, which was in a week, was the time when we would meet for the first time, as I will perform it first, and then let them proceed with it.

To celebrate, I first made myself my wand, made of uru and dragon heartstring, which fit me perfectly and was slightly flexible at eleven and a half inches.

It looked black with silver linings, which looked very cool.

It was already well into the night by the time I finished making my wand, and it was perfect for me as the method I had used to make it was much better and was used by wizards to make their own wands as they did not trust the other very much.

I then spent the rest of the night warding and charming the heck out of the villa, and making a feast for myself with magic. Basically, I used magic wherever I could, and made everything magic operated, along with protections at the level of resisting a nuclear explosion like a concrete wall resists a bullet.

Also, the magic concentration is also increased inside the barrier, along with anti everything wards, so good luck with fury trying to track or spy on me.

Not like he could even without it anyway.

I had quite some plans now that I could do magic, especially making magical stuff which I had always wanted, needed, or just out of pure curiosity.

I was going to make a lot of prank items, Flying brooms, cars, bikes, hoverboards, some useful items like self writing pen, a storage ring, bracelet, or any other ornament, along with protective accessories.

I don't know why but Tony hasn't solved his palladium poisoning yet, and looks like he won't check his father's possessions unless he has tried out all methods.

Hah... He could just ask me, but what can you do. His personality won't allow it and I don't want o damage his self esteem.

Anyway, what happens will happen, and if it really doesn't work, I will just give it to him, but for now I still have time, so let's get to my next projects.

I then spent the next week making magical items which was really fun, but by the weekend, I was getting bored as it was all done, so I just relaxed and waited got the novels to get ready.

In the meantime, I also did pranks on Tony, Pepper, Rhodes, Happy, and the agent trio, whenever we met.

For Tony and company, it was every other day, but the agent trio met once before they vanished again.

The only reason they even came was with Fury to see my stance, which was fun, as I put them in an illusion and showed them my breathing styles with elements, and to the extent I can use it, of course partially as with magic, I could use it even stronger if I wanted.

Fury did not bother me surprisingly, and the prank was very fun because he had permanent doodle drawings on his clothes for a whole 24 hours no matter how many times he changed.

The others were also similar with tripping, farting, smelly, bald head, overly glamorous Charms on them, so it was very much fun, especially for me, and Tony who took it well.

Although surprised, I later learned that he released my musical expertise to the entertainment industry, as he recorded me when I was singing at his house.

But well, that is a story for another time as I had a very interesting and unexpected guest coming to my doorstep.

"Welcome Natasha, drink or food?"

"I wanna get drunk. The work is killing me and I haven't gotten any breaks since forever,only this evening, so I thought why not enjoy myself with the amazing food and drinks."

"So you only came for my food and drinks huh. I thought that we were on good enough terms for us to party. Anyway, come on in."