
Master of Scented Temptations

DaoistCjjvNg · Ost
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80 Chs

Chapter 32: Three Points from the Beggars' Gang

The Beggars' Gang is known as the largest gang in the world, with many members and a loose organization. Huang Rong realized that under the operation of people with good intentions, the Beggars' Gang would soon split. In order to avoid the fire caused by the great turmoil, Huang Rong took the initiative to propose the method of divide and conquer.

She leads the lineage to guard Xiangyang. Many of the Beggar Clan's ancestral home in the Yanzhao area have always been powerful and homesick. Huang Rong simply appointed the leader Wang Jiantong as the leader of the beggar gang, and led his subordinates to be active in the Hebei area. Those who participated in the national struggle and only wanted to be in the Jianghu, Huang Rong appointed Shi Huolong as the leader of these people, and let them laugh proudly in the Jianghu.

As soon as this move was made, everyone was very satisfied. Wang Jiantong and Shi Huolong got the title of gang leader, and they were independent from now on, so naturally there would be no more troubles.

For Huang Rong, when the split was a foregone conclusion, she made a decisive decision. Rather than let the two of them stand on their own, and both sides tear their skins apart, it is better to personally seal the title of the gang leader. In this way, the positions of the two gang leaders are all sealed by her. Although the three of them are gang leaders, they seem to be equal, but In the hearts of everyone in the beggar gang, her status has suddenly become detached, and her prestige has not declined but has risen.

And after this integration, she didn't lose much strength. Instead, she got rid of some confidant troubles over the years, and was able to help her husband guard Xiangyang more securely.

In addition, the two branches that were separated out have worked hard for so many years, especially the Hebei branch, which has a world-class hero Qiao Feng. Chasing after the leader of the Beggars' Gang, it's a pity that due to various reasons, Qiao Feng turned away from the Beggars' Gang and became the Khitan's King of the Southern Court.

The leader of the other branch, Shi Huolong, with the help of the elder Chen Youliang, recruited gang members in a large scale in the martial arts, and now his reputation in the Jiangnan martial arts even surpassed that of the Xiangyang headquarters.

Wu Liuqi belonged to the Jiangnan sect, but because of an emotional dispute, he injured another elder and was expelled from the gang. Although Huang Rong was no longer his direct leader, she had met him in Xiangyang before, and she also paid attention to the affairs of the Beggar Gang, so she knew about Wu Liuqi's expulsion from the gang.

Frightened by Huang Rong's prestige, Wu Liuqi immediately hesitated, but when he thought of his senior brother, he calmed down and gritted his teeth and said, "Guangzhu Huang, this subordinate also knows that Ling Tuisi is related to Xiangyang's logistics, but this person killed my senior brother for the treasure. It must be reported!" After finishing speaking, he was planning to break Ling Tuisi's neck.

Ling Shuanghua exclaimed, and then an urgent voice came from behind the pillar: "Mei Niansheng was killed by those thieves Wan Zhenshan!"

Wu Liuqi looked back, only to see Song Qingshu walking out helplessly.

There is no way not to come out, if Ling Tuisi is killed by Wu Liuqi, Ling Shuanghua will die or something will happen to his life, the Shenzhao Sutra will be ruined. Even if Ling Shuanghua followed Ding Dian away disheartened, but in Ding Dian's view, he was of no use at all, so why should he give him the Sutra of God?

Song Qingshu sorted out his thoughts, and spread his hands together: "Heroes, be merciful, see clearly, I don't know any martial arts at all, my small arms and legs can't stand your palms, please don't tempt me on a whim That's good."

Huang Rong smiled sweetly, but Wu Liuqi was a little impatient: "Say something quickly, fart quickly."

Song Qingshu didn't feel annoyed, and quickly said: "Mei Niansheng was killed by three apprentices Wan Zhenshan, Yan Daping, and Qi Changfa. You must be wondering how their low martial arts can hurt your martial brother with strong martial arts. Let me tell you You, it was Qi Changfa who pretended to be loyal to protect the lord, and went around to Mei Niansheng's back and gave him a sword. Mei Niansheng was seriously injured, and the three of them succeeded in besieging..."

Wu Liuqi was a little dazed by his long speech, but he finally understood it, and looked at Ding Dian suspiciously: "Is this really the case?"

Ding Dian glanced at Song Qingshu and nodded, "It's true as he said, I only got the old man's true biography after saving the master who fell into the water."

"If Wu Daxia still doesn't believe me, you can take a look at my concubine's appearance." At this time, Ling Shuanghua also stepped out and took off her veil. Seeing the bright red and hideous scars on her face, everyone in the hall gasped. Ling Shuanghua smiled sadly : "Do you think Brother Ding will be fascinated by my 'beauty'?"

Ding Dian felt pain in his heart, and held her hands tenderly: "Shuanghua, no matter what you become, you will always be the beautiful girl at the Chrysanthemum Festival in my heart."

Huang Rong glanced at the two of them unexpectedly. She had previously heard that Miss Ling rejected the marriage with Mr. Lu of Xiangyang for a man, and even disfigured her face to show her aspirations.

At this time, Wu Liuqi didn't know that Wan Zhenshan had been fooled. For a while, he didn't know how to face the former gang leader Huang Rong, let go of Ling Tuisi, and flew out through the window.

Ling Tuisi sat down with a dark face, touched his neck with one hand, and pointed at Ding Dian with the other: "Take this criminal down for me." The soldiers who rushed over pulled out their sabers and surrounded Ding Dian.

Huang Rong couldn't figure out the grievances between the two for a moment, guessing that Ling Tuisi hated her daughter for being ruined by Ding Dian, so she wanted to deal with him. With some scruples, Huang Rong had no choice but to stand aside and watch the changes.

Song Qingshu let out a long breath, and finally acted according to his own script. It was only at this time that he appeared on stage to show his credit.

"Lord Ling, I have something to tell you." Song Qingshu bowed respectfully.

Thinking of being rescued by him just now no matter what, Ling Tuisi's expression slowed down, "Mr. Song, please tell me."

"Although this Ding Dian is hateful, he was saved by the Xueshan faction just now after all." Song Qingshu smiled a little strangely, "The situation just now shows that he and Qianyuan really love each other. I would like to make a bold suggestion here. Why don't you make the decision and make it happen?" The two of them?"

Ding Dian couldn't help but sneered, if Ling Tuisi was so easy to talk to, why did he and Shuanghua have to suffer for so many years.

But what made everyone's eyes drop was that Ling Tuisi hesitated for a moment and said, "Okay!"

Ding Dian and Ling Shuanghua looked at each other in disbelief, only to hear Ling Tuisi continue to say: "Ding Dian, the government will betroth Shuanghua to you today, and you must treat her well in the future. The kindness and resentment between us is really hard to say." Clearly, anyway, I don't want to see you again in the future, you go, the farther you go, the better!"

Seeing Ding Dian standing there in a daze, Song Qingshu said angrily, "Don't you still visit your father-in-law?"

Overjoyed, Ding Dian knelt down and kowtowed a few times: "My son-in-law thanked my father-in-law." At that moment, he only felt that all the torture he had suffered for so many years was worth it.

Ling Shuanghua also wept with joy, then knelt down and respectfully kowtowed a few times to thank her for her many years of nurturing.

"Let's go, I may change my mind at any time, maybe tomorrow I will regret it and come after you." Ling Tuisi supported his forehead, and waved impatiently with the other hand.

"Brother Ding, quickly take Miss Ling away." Song Qingshu came to support Ding Dian, whispered in his ear, and pinched him by the way.

Ding Dian immediately came to his senses. The contrast between Ling Tuisi's front and back was too great, and there must be something strange in it, so he hurriedly dragged Ling Shuanghua out.

Huang Rong, who was at the side, was suspicious. She looked up the hall and saw Ling Tuisi's eyes were cloudy and her expression was numb. Her heart skipped a beat: Could it be...