
Master Of Flow

From the hood to the world of glory, homegrown LA boy Jace chooses to chase stardom after meeting his sole from another world. Now inhabiting the same body they must navigate the Rap scene and try their best not to fall from grace. Having left a life of crime his past still entangles his fate nipping at his heels at every step. Haunted by the deaths of his friends he hides a dangerous presence in him ready to erupt at any moment if pushed too far. Rex the amalgamation of another life with his only purpose to protect Jace his other self. Two sides of the same coin running along the same path, whether they make it or create their own destruction are yet to be seen. 

TrikoRex223 · Urban
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44 Chs

Chapter 24 Recognised

{This Story will be ready to read on my p-a-t-r-e-o-n. If you wish to interact with the story more or simply support me the link is p-a-t-r-e-o-n.com/TrikoRex. Be sure to remove the dashes. I hope to see plenty of you there enjoying this novel. 

Currently, there are 10 advanced chapters for you to read, I hope you enjoy them. 

I demand your power stones as I was deemed worthy by the singularity to present you with its hero's tale, so motivate me to write more and upload chapters faster.} 


"How did I end up here?" Zoe asked no one in particular glaring at the glass cup filled with ice cream in front of her. Despite her slightly disgruntled expression that didn't stop her from happily eating her ice cream. 

"How many times do you want me to apologise?" Rakim complained with exasperation as he took the seat across from her. Placing down his plate of waffles decorated with ice cream and strawberries he wasted no time digging in. 

"Is it so hard to let me know you are ok, we are neighbours for god's sake," She stated with a wronged expression causing some of the onlookers who happened to overhear to stare at Rakim. "Four whole days and I had to hear from Ella that you are ok," She complained again with a slight tint of anger as she deftly used a fork to steal a strawberry from Rakim's plate. 

He didn't bother complaining though knowing that he could've done a better job communicating with her. Even though they have only recently met the two days they got to know each other brought them closer. For Rakim, she is a girl like no other that he has known from his 17 years of life. 

As for Zoe, Rakim represents an entirely new world that she has only seen on her socials. He is not like the wanna-be bad boys in her friend circles who get all their courage from movies. There is something about his genuine danger that seems to attract her to him. That is not to say that she has developed feelings for him it only means that she enjoyed his company.

"Sorry, I've not had people that care for like a minute and forgot some of the rules," he replied with a genuine smile remembering having a similar conversation with his new mother not so long ago. Cutting out a piece of his waffle he brought it to her mouth catching her comply off guard.

Embarrassed at the intense green eyes that seemed to stare into her soul she quickly opened her mouth accepting the bite. His cheeks instantly turned red from shame not daring to make eye contact with him. "Don't give me that look that's all you are getting," He stated with a bemused smile as he started devouring his desert with a fulfilled expression.

"'Hmpf' who wants your food anyways," She softly replied as she tried her best to compose herself directly taking a big bite from her own ice cream. She regretted her impulsive decision the very next moment as a massive brain freeze impacted her.


"Yo is that who I think it is boys," A tall dark-skinned boy with a high top fade stated with excitement as he pointed towards the distance.

His group of friends immediately looked towards the direction of his finger only to notice a dreaded boy and a blond girl walking towards them. The two of them were still a distance away from the basketball court but the group had good enough eyesight to see them. The boy who was listening to the girl suddenly looked up as if he had felt their stares. 

He looked at them from a distance for a second before returning his attention to the girl by his side. "You should probably put your finger down," A white guy in an Iverson kit and a headband told his friend in a slightly high-pitched tone. He was freaked out by those calculating eyes of whoever his friend was pointing at.

"He's right, are you trying to provoke a fight or something," Another of his friends stated not willing to risk ruining his new grinches over a meaningless fight. It's definitely not because he is scared of getting hurt, he just can't risk his new kicks. 

"Excuse my cousin he's still used to how nice people are in New York," A boy with similar features to the black kid with high top fade stated causing slight laughter from those present.

Although his sentence is wildly wrong it's common practice to mock how much softer other cities are. Competing over whose city is more dangerous has become a common practice when hoppers from different cities meet at a pick-up game. 

"Never mind that, isn't that Drako?" he retorted completely ignoring his cousin's comments finally gaining his friend's attention. His words seemed to enlighten those listening causing them to take a closer look at the boy who had now reached the side of the park.

 "Draco? you mean Soulja Boy?" the white boy with version jersey quipped sounding more interested in the conversation. Although he has a passion for football it does not extend to the prevalent hip-hop culture.

His favorite rapper is Eminem but for some reason, most of his black friends don't vibe with him. Something about him being too depressing in some of his songs, especially his songs Stan and Cleanin' Out My Closet. It's not like he can argue with them since those songs take a dark turn but the man is an undervalued genius.

"Soulja Boy? Some tell white boy this ain't a movie," one of the guys commented causing the guys to erupt in laughter. "But he does look like him still," He added in a serious tone bringing his hand to his chin as if that would help clear up his thoughts. 

"Why yall huddled together like little girls, just go and ask him and you will have your answer," an older guy who had been waiting for them to finish talking so they could start the game stated. He only came to Venice Beach for a pickup game to release some of the stress from his office job.

So he was annoyed that these kids were wasting his time by acting like school girls trying to make up their minds. If not for the fact that these kids are decent hoppers he would have just kicked them off that park or lost it on them. However, remembering the breathing exercises from his psychiatrist he remained calm.

His words worked as the group of four immediately rushed towards the girl and boy. Seeing their rapid approach and shining eyes the guy in dreads jumped into action as his instinct took over. He instantly pulled the girl behind him protectively standing in front of her as he faced the four of them.

Raising his hands in a fighting stance he seemed to be ready to swing for the first person that reached his range. "yo, yo calm down cuz we don't want any trouble," one of the boys quickly stated coming to a sliding stop a meter away from Rakim and Zoe.

"Your Drako right, I'm KJ," The tall black kid with the high-top fade stated with a confident smile after seeing a measuring gaze from Rakim.

"Yeah that's me," Rakim responded after a moment of clarity hit him not at all expecting to be recognised by someone. Although his song has been receiving a lot of media traction he has yet to experience the real-world effect of it.

"That's sick can we get a picture," The group of boys immediately asked whilst already pulling out their phones. Not minding their request and happy about meeting his first fans Rakim was happy to oblige. 

He took pictures with the four of them individually while answering their enthusiastic questions. KJ was the most vocal of the group asking all types of questions. Almost like an interview, he rattled off questions barely giving Rakim a chance to answer them. Half the time he would answer his own question as if he suddenly found enlightenment. 

"You want to hoop with us," Benson, KJ's cousin suddenly asked snapping the latter out of his rant. At this point, he had created his own version of Rakim's origin story leaving him speechless. Zoe on the side simply giggled in delight at his misery. 

"naw have to get her home," Rakim calmly replied having no intention of engaging in a game with them. Not because he was annoyed by them but simply due to the fact he was already drawing a crowd. 

Although most of the bystanders in civilian mode didn't recognise him quite a few had come to get a picture with him. He of course was happy that his fame was slowly spreading especially in a cut-throat town like LA. However, the only problem is the fact he spotted a few genuine street dudes eyeing him. 

he wasn't racially profiling them he's not a cop after all but real recognise real. They just all happened to be black and eyeing him with a certain glint trying to measure him up. The only reason he recognised this look is because he used it himself when trying to line someone up for a lick.

After all, no lick in this town is easier than that of someone semi-famous. Those people usually carry loads of cash to keep up their appearance of successful people and flex. Although Rakim didn't carry more than $200 every little bit counts, that's without mentioning the 50k on his head.

Although used to that type of life he had no plans of dragging Zoe into his troubles. She would only drag him down if they ended up in a confrontation with someone. From what he observed she grew up relatively privileged being raised in a single-family household. She pretty much gets away with anything due to the fact her mother is always at work. Her dad is not dead or anything like that in fact, he and I could have been bunk buddies in a couple of years. 

Taking one last picture as a group Zoe and I quickly scurried away leaving the courts. We walked along the path on the beach promptly reaching her baby blue coloured Audi R8. Unlike Ella, she does not race on the streets like a mad woman but she can still handle the car.


Please let me know if you liked the chapter It has been a while since I've heard from you guys. 

Comments and Powerstones will help me know how much you liked the chapter and motivate me to write more so be generous.

Check out my other 2 novels if you want more of my writing Master of Flow will take you on a rollercoaster ride of the glam and shadows of the Rap world. Basketball King follows the rise of a you prospect in trying to achieve his dreams and so much more. 






To Be Continued...