
Master Devil : Master Devon Lance tome I ( saga The Lance Men)

Aliette and a 26-year-old girl who works as a maid in a 5-star hotel, but one day her boss will ask her to do one thing, unfortunately Aliette won’t be able to refuse

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2 Chs

Chapter : 1

Arriving at Dublin International Airport after 07:04 min flight time.

Aliette did not feel tired, she went directly to take her suitcases and took her last suitcase and accidentally touched a man's hand.

The man did not pay attention, took his suitcase and left Aliette, took his last suitcase and left for the exit of the airport.

1 h after Aliette and lying on a hotel bed she had to rest tomorrow went to be for her her first day in Ireland and also her first day of work.

She was so happy and excited for her new working her own goal and becoming a hotel housekeeper.

And she and determined to arrive

No matter what, she was ready for anything and also to show her father that he was wrong

After a good night's sleep Aliette took a good shower after the shower she took the bathrobe hanging next to the shower and wrapped herself in it and she came out of the bathroom .

She took her suitcase, which lay on the ground, and laid it on her bed, and opened it.

She took out black pants and a white blouse accompanied by white sandal.

After this, she took the time to look at the e-mail that her new boss had sent him, he had the address of the hotel.

Going down to the lobby of the hotel, she asked the receptionist if he could help her called a taxi.

5 minutes later Aliette was in her taxi to her new job.

After work, she promised herself that she would find a home, it's not that she doesn't like

The hotels, what she wanted was a roof over her head, a place where she could decorate as she wanted.

Ten minutes later.

Aliette Push the door of the Burghingt , she reaches the reception of the very trendy hotel Burghingt, before arriving she crossed a courtyard flanked by an imposing bar, along a series of velvet armchairs, then she takes a corridor lined with plants.

She had never seen such a beautiful place.

Aliette thinks that the hall was no longer a simple place of passage where to retrieve the key of his room .

That it now performs multiple functions

For example, Coffee, Work, Shopping…

Arriving at the front desk, there is a tall man short hair black short brown eyes dressed in a blue red uniform, I bet the color that all employees put on.

- Sorry to bother you, Mr Aliette asked.

The man who looked at the computer looked up to Aliette.

-What can I do for you, Madame?" asked him politely.

- I came to see Mrs Olive and she told me in her e-mail that I had to go to the reception .

I see the man answered, just give me a few minutes to call Mrs Olive and then I know your name, are you coming for work?

- Yes.

After Aliette and answered the man dialed numbers on the phone that is at her doorstep.

Meanwhile Aliette, looking around, had never seen such a beautiful hotel, she told herself that she was eager to start working in such a beautiful place.

The man finished his phone call and answered - Come with me when he left his post, he called a woman to take over.

Aliette followed the man to a door written for the employee, they passed through the door and found themselves in a red corridor.

They passed a few doors and arrived at a door with a written hotel governess.

The man greeted politely and disappeared behind a door leaving Aliette alone in front of the housekeeper's door.

She knocked then a few seconds after a voice of a woman replied.

- You can come in.

Aliette returned the first thing that struck Aliette and that his superior's office was really large and spaced.

She walked up to a woman sitting on a chair behind a desk behind the wall and displaying awards like employee of the year.

The woman with the beautiful blue eyes, she has the brown hair curly

Aliette wondered how old her new superior was.

The woman stood up with a smile and asked Aliette to sit down.

-Are you Aliette ?

- Yes, Madam.

- My name is not Mrs , Olive I am just the housekeeper, not the manager of the hotel.

Aliette this feeling embarrassed and replied - Sorry Olive.

-Well, I brought you here today to talk to you, you don't start until tomorrow."

Aliette and disappointed by the news

Olive opened her cabinet and took out documents, he has a beige envelope and she gave it to Aliette.

- Does he have all the information about our rooms and what our V.I.P customers want from us you should know everything, it is very important

Learn all this for tomorrow and also one last thing welcome among us Aliette.

Aliette's journey is just beginning