
Master's system

Jack is a much loved boy in his village, he was raised by an elderly couple, but all good things must come to an end and what happens is that his grandparents die, but not before leaving him some instructions on a piece of paper that Jack will find some time later. What will happen to him? Find out, see how he laughs, cries, falls in love, has fun and more.

Daoist9yHqvG · Fantasie
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

In a small village called: Land of the moon, this village was very lively because of how small and abandoned it was.

In this village there were no more than 100 inhabitants but they were all very good people, they all helped each other to make the village prosper, but like any other place it had its bad things and those were the bandits and the monsters.

The bandits settled near this village because they could get things more easily.

The monsters on the other hand were quite dangerous but the adventurers dealt with them just like they dealt with the bandits.

Another thing is that in this world there is something called Guild which is a place where you can register and from there you will be known as an adventurer, adventurers are not equally strong, that's why ranks were established which are: F-G-D-C B-A-S, this ranking is the same for monsters.

But we focus on a big and somewhat old house, in one of the rooms slept a boy of about 17 years old, black hair and pale white skin, this boy was called Jack and was the current owner of the house.

Jack was well known in the village as he was friendly to everyone and always helped if he could, he is currently a rank F adventurer and is the weakest as he has a disease that weakens his body.

Jack got out of bed to start a new day, he did his business and went out to the back of the house, as he went out he could see something quite strange as there were some sticks stuck in the ground, some wooden swords and spears, there were books and much more, these things were what Jack used to train with.

-Well... let's keep training," said Jack stretching a little and started to warm up.

After his warm up he did his usual exercise routine, this routine had been told to him by a veteran adventurer who was a close friend of his grandparents.

After his exercise routine, Jack goes to the guild to do some quests.

The guild is a place where adventurers register and accept quests, these quests must be according to the adventurer's rank so that the adventurer is not in danger.

After Jack arrives at the guild, he goes to the quest table and takes a quest which was to collect some low grade medicinal flowers, after choosing the quest he goes to the reception to announce the quest he has chosen.

-Good morning John," said Jack to the receptionist.

-Good morning Jack, another collecting quest," she asked him as it was very common for Jack to choose this type of quest.

-Yes, you know I can't choose other missions due to my condition," said Jack a little sadly as his illness weakened him a lot both physically and magically.

At that John could only smile a little sad for his friend, as everyone loved him for being so kind and many adventurers say that if he didn't have this condition he could be very strong in time.

But all that aside, Jahn confirmed that the mission fell to Jack, so without further ado he headed into the nearby forest to get the plants.

Jack while getting the plants sang a little melody, this was something he did since he was a little boy, as he always sang to his grandparents and their words, he had an angelic voice.

He didn't believe it, but after singing for many years, he picked up this habit and he also noticed that when he sang, more flowers appeared than usual, that's why he always sings when he is picking.

-Well, that's 50 rank 1 medicinal plants," said Jack to himself as he plucked a whitish-coloured flower.

The special plants are divided into ranks ranging from 1 to 9, each one is differentiated by its colour and brightness, as the more brightness it has the more magic it has stored inside, and the more beautiful the colour the purer the magic.

After Jack collected all the medicinal plants he asked for and some for himself , he went to the guild .

On the way many people who have been raised greeted him cheerfully and gave him some things and they all knew the hardships he was going through.

-John finished my mission," said Jack, showing him the bag with the medicinal plants he had collected.

-Well done Jack, and as usual you brought more than usual," said John with a smile.

-Well, you know I like to do my best," said Jack with a chuckle at the end.

-I know, you always say that, but as I will always remind you don't overexert yourself, it can be bad for your health," said John worried for his friend, but then he went back to collect the coins that were the reward for Jack's mission, "Good for these 35 medicinal plants, they have a total of 7 copper coins.

Jac upon hearing this smiled as it was a good gain for him and as he had nothing to do he went home to do what he always does every day.

When he arrived at his house, he went to the basement, where he could see a large cauldron and a few medicinal plants.

This cauldron was one that was used especially to make pills, Jac didn't know that this was here a few months ago but by a note from his grandparents he found it, apparently they had tried to find a cure for his illness but they died before they could make the pill that they believed would cure him and as he had found out late, all the plants that were here withered and he had to get others.

Months went by and finally today, he had all the plants he needed to make the pill.

Although to be honest he didn't have hope for many reasons: first, all the plants are rank 1 and a few are rank 2, second, he doesn't know anything about alchemy which is what is needed to make pills and third, as far as he knew his grandparents were not alchemists or adventurers.

But he still trusted in the knowledge of his grandparents and started to do what the letter they had left him said.

The first thing he did was to fill the cauldron with clean water and heat it to a high degree.

The second thing he did was to grind up all the plants and make a paste of it, while the water was heating up.

The third thing he did was to extinguish the flame and pour all the plant paste into the cauldron and close it.

After all that, which took about 3 hours, he had to wait until the next day, so he just went out of his house and trained.


A day passed and Jack woke up to see what had happened to what he had tried yesterday, so he went down to the basement and what he saw shocked him as the cauldron where he had made the pill was smashed.

-How did this happen," Jack wondered, "I didn't hear any explosions in the night.

After thinking about what could have happened, Jack saw out of the corner of his eye how something was glowing, so he went to that thing and it was a pill like the book said, but it was also different.

What the book said was that the pill should have a blood red colour, but what he had in his hands was a golden pill with some red stripes and it was glowing a little bit.

Jack thought he had done something wrong, but he felt his blood begin to heat up, but it wasn't unpleasant, it was actually very comfortable and that heat intensified in the hand in which he had the pill, so as he didn't want to waste all his effort in finding other medicinal plants, he brought the pill and in that instant his body began to warm up.

When Jack felt that, he began to grunt in pain as he felt his whole body on fire and because of so much pain he fainted.

When Jack was passed out, several things happened in his body, first his skin colour was turning light and pink, his hair started to turn red at the ends and his musculature started to grow a little bit.

But these changes did not only happen on the outside, but on the inside small lights began to form that had many colours and a golden aura began to surround the body and attached itself to it and thus disappeared as it appeared.


Jack was waking up, feeling as good as new, he didn't know what had happened but he didn't feel weak, in fact he felt much stronger than usual.

But he remembered the pill, so he thought that must be the reason he felt that way, but he recoiled as he heard a voice speaking to him.

[You have obtained the skill "Legendary Master System".]

[The skill "Legendary Master System" has given you these skills, Talent Evaluation, Statistical Evaluation]

[The skill "Legendary Master System" has given you proficiency in all the branches that exist].

-What is this?" wondered Jack in a daze as he looked at the screens that had appeared in front of him, Jack tried to touch them but only passed through them.

[Please don't try to touch the screens, just think about what you need and I'll help you in any way I can.]

-That voice again... Who are you?" asked Jack.

[I am the legendary master's system]

-What is that?

[The Legendary Master System is a skill that is given to only one person every 1000 years].

[This skill makes you teach in a perfect way, under your teaching a person with F-talent can become very powerful and even break his limit].

-Talent rank F?

[Living beings have different talents which are divided into ranks, which are: F-G-D-C B-A-S]

-They are the same ranks as adventurers.

[Exactly, the system thought that this was an easier way to divide the talent since you were used to these ratings]

-Well thanks... but I have other questions: what is a status? what are stats? and why are you appearing now? did the pill give me the "system"?

[The status is the basic information of each person and it will appear on a screen, each status is divided in: Strength, Speed, Endurance and Magic, the higher the number the stronger you are in that area.]

[Do you want to see your status? yes/no]

-Yes- he said doubtfully

[Jack ???





Skills: None

Professions: Alchemy 1, Blacksmithing 0, Potionist 0]

-Wow... so these numbers represent how strong I am- said Jack -But you still haven't answered me, did the pill give me the system?

[No, but it did cause him to wake up.]

-What do you mean by that?

[You had a curse and that prevented the system from waking up, but thanks to the pill that cleansed your body of the curse a little bit, it woke up the system which cured you completely of the curse].

-So my grandparents did achieve a cure," said Jack excited and happy that his grandparents' effort was not in vain, since according to the letter he had written it years ago.

[They didn't really create a cu...].

-Shut up and let me be happy with that thought," said Jack a bit annoyed by what the system was about to say.

But he put that aside and went to do what he usually did, all the people who saw him passing by were surprised that he was in such a good state and the change that had taken place in him from one day to the next.

Jack could only laugh and not say anything as he wanted to keep this a secret, Jack wasted no time and went straight to the guild and took a random F-rank mission.

-Hi Jack, what happened to you, you look so well and healthy," said John with surprise.

-Well... I don't know what happened to me... but I'm better and it's like I'm cured of my illness," said Jack vaguely.

-Well, you're cured, you look like you never got sick in the first place," said John cheerfully for his friend, "But are you sure about this mission? You just got well and you want to fight big-bellied rabbits already!

Jack just laughed and told him that he was going to be fine, John didn't want him to go on this mission but it was the guild's orders not to intervene in the adventurer's decisions in this kind of cases, so he regretfully gave him permission to do the mission.

[You have received a mission

Defeat 10 bigtooth rabbits.

Reward: 1 training sword]

-So he even gives me quests and the others can't seem to see it," Jack said to himself mentally, "The rewards must be for getting stronger in training, after all it's called "Legendary Master System".

But he was pulled out of his thoughts by what John gave him.

-These are rank 1 daggers, they are not the best but they will be useful for this mission," said John giving him 2 daggers.

-Thank you, they will be very useful for this mission," said Jack with a smile and without wasting time he went to the forest in search of the bigtooth rabbits.

Once in the forest Jack was looking for the rabbits, he found one or the other and killed them easily, after all they were not so strong.

The sitting rabbits looked like normal rabbits, the only difference was their teeth which were about 30 cm long, usually the teeth are used for rank 1 weapons and their fur is used for clothing, they go in groups of up to 7 rabbits.

Jack currently has 3 rabbit carcasses in his bag, he was going to sell these carcasses because he would get a lot of money for them.

But he didn't keep thinking about money because he heard a noise, so he hid immediately and saw a group of rabbits sitting down, there were about 20 of them.

-There are a lot of them," said Jack to himself worried, even if they weren't strong, he wasn't that strong either, "maybe...".

With the group of rabbits, they were eating, but they heard something break, the one who seemed to be the leader of the group took a small rabbit to see, the small rabbit didn't want to but it was the same as the "leader" would kill it for disobeying them.

When he got to where the noise had been heard, he saw nothing and gave him some signs to let his group know.

The leader upon hearing that, went to where it was to see if it was true, but when he got there, something attacked him.

That something was Jack, he had noticed how this rabbit was a bit bigger than the others, so he decided to go after it.

When Jack attacked it, the leader rabbit gave a squeak that alerted his group and so they went to his rescue, something that made things easier for Jack as they were more focused on their leader than on him so he had several opportunities to kill them.

It was too easy for him to kill them all, Jack thought it was going to be more complicated since there were so many of them but he was wrong, besides he felt very good with the knife it's like he was someone quite experienced with it.

[The reason you feel this way is because of the system, but don't call yourself a master as you have a long way to go to be considered one and in the eyes of the system you are someone who just swings a knife around].

-So the system gives me these abilities," said Jack to himself, "how powerful is the system if it sees me as someone who just moves the knife randomly?

After taking all the rabbits' bodies, he went to the guild to get the reward for the mission.

While he was walking back, he was singing a quiet melody and while he was singing he noticed something shining and that was a rose with 2 colours which were red and blue, Jack excitedly took it with delicacy and inspected it to see if it was what he believed it to be.

[You've found a Rainbow Rose]

[Rainbow Rose (2 colours)

Rank 3

This ingredient has a 10% chance of awakening water or fire magic]]

Jack when he saw the screen that appeared he got excited because it was a rank 3 ingredient, something very difficult to find and he was able to find this and not only that, this ingredient gave you the possibility to obtain a magical affinity, something very difficult to get and that tripled its price.

-This ingredient could give me at least 30 silver coins, with that I would become the person with more money in the whole town" said Jack with a smile "But it will be useful for me when I can make a pill with this".

In the end Jack decided not to let anyone know that he had this ingredient as it was very valuable and if the bandits found out they would attack him to get it.

Some time passed and Jack arrived at the guild and went to the counter to talk to John.

-John, I've finished my mission," said Jack.

-Really? So fast?" said John, surprised, since they usually take a bit longer to do this kind of missions, at least to the F-rank ones.

-Yes, look," said Jack, showing the bag containing the 24 rabbits.

-This is much more than you should have caught," said John.

-Well, I came across a herd of rabbits and I hunted them... Is it a bad thing?" he asked as he knew of stories where adventurers overhunted and strange things happened in the woods.

-No, but you should be more careful, the forest could have been angry with you," said John, "but well, here is your money, it is 120 copper coins".

-Thank you," said Jack taking the coins and after that another screen appeared in front of him.

[Congratulations you have completed your first quest]

[You have received training sword]

[Training sword

rank 1

This sword is made of a very hard wood almost compared to a stone, if you train with it your sword skills will improve by 25% faster] [This sword is made of a very hard wood almost compared to a stone, if you train with it your sword skills will improve 25% faster]

-wou, this thing is amazing- thought Jack excited but hiding it so people won't look at him weirdly.

[You're in a place with many people, your training sword could be in the inventory]

-Inventory, what's that?

[The inventory is a pocket dimension where you can store only the things that the system gives you and if you take it out you can't put it back]

-It has its advantages because if the missions give me things and they appear out of nowhere, they will ask a lot of questions, but with this they won't know where I got it from and I could lie to them," thought Jack seeing the advantages of having this "inventory".

After receiving his reward he talked to John to see how much a beginner's training manual for sword handling and a manual for F rank beasts and some G rank beasts cost, and those two manuals cost 50 copper coins, something that hurt Jack to pay but he did it anyway.

After that purchase he went home to try out his new "toy" as he was calling it.

-Well let's see what this sword is like," said Jack pulling out the sword with a thought, "I seem to be able to get things out just by thinking about it.

[You hold the training sword in your hand, your sword skills will improve 25% faster]

-Well, this works," said Jack happily, and the next second he pulled out the beginner's swordplay manual.

[You have a swordplay manual for beginners]

[This manual has a lot of mistakes, do you want to exchange it for a beginner swordplay manual of the system? yes/no] -Well, this is new- said Jack happily.

-Well this is new," said Jack in surprise, "but what the system gives me should be better, shouldn't it?

Jack was having a dilemma as he didn't know if the system was going to give him something he could really use, but in the end he trusted the system and said yes.

[You have accepted the exchange]

[You have obtained "Sword Handling Manual" rank 3].

[Sword Handling Manual

Rank 3

This manual will make you stronger in every physical realm, it will also help you to create something that suits your style].

After that message appeared, the manual in Jack's hand began to change into a copper-coloured manual with silver writing on it.

-Well, let's see what this is like," said Jack opening the manual and the first thing he saw were drawings of a person doing poses and explaining what each one was for, Jack wasn't interested and wanted to see the sword techniques but nothing appeared and all the pages were blank.

[The techniques you want to see are blocked, you must first perfect the poses that appear on the first sheet].

-This is rubbish," said Jack a bit angry, but he read the instructions as he had nothing to do now.

In the first pose appeared a man with a big white beard, he was standing on one leg while the other one formed a triangle, one of his hands was pointing to the sky while the other one had the sword pointing to the front.

And below it had a text that read;

"Balance is one of the things you must practice the most, for with a simple slip you could lose your life, but this you must do only at night when the moon is at its highest point."

-So this is for balance," said Jack thoughtfully, "but why only when the moon is at its highest point?

Jack didn't know why but something told him that his strength was going to take a big turn when he did his first training, for Jack's luck it wasn't long before the moon would rise and after it did, he only had to wait about 2 hours for it to be at its highest.

Jack was waiting all that time, until finally the moment of truth came, to see if the pose worked or not.

Jack did the same as the pose, it was hard because he didn't have much balance but in the end he did it and he was like that for a while, Jack was having a hard time because his legs were burning.

Out of nowhere, time stopped and Jack stopped feeling pain, in fact he felt better than before.

[You are receiving 5% of the moon's energy]

[Your flesh and bones are getting stronger]

After that message appeared time went back to normal and Jack lay down on the ground, Jack was all sweaty and tired, but happy as he felt his body getting stronger.

-System, what is moon energy?

[The energy of the moon is a very special energy because thanks to the moon there are several strengthening plants and you, having received energy directly from the moon, your body became much stronger than normal.]


[Jack ???





Skills: None

Professions: Alchemy 1, Blacksmith 0, Potionist 0]

-My stats went up by 5 points," said Jac happily, "that's very good.

A week went by and Jack kept on with his new routine, train in the morning, go to the guild and do a mission, and wait until the evening to train again in the pose.

-My stats are still going up but now only by 1 point every 2 nights," Jack said to himself a bit annoyed as this is the only thing he could do to get stronger.

Jack seeing that he couldn't do anything else since he had finished his training that day, he saw the drawing, he doesn't know how much time passed and if his mind was hallucinating but he started to see that the drawing was moving and doing a kind of dance very quiet but fluid.

[You have discovered a secret of "swordplay manual" it has been renamed to "full moon dance"].

When Jack saw this he was surprised as he thought it was a hallucination from seeing the book, he saw the drawing moving and doing this strange dance.

Now having discovered something new he wanted to try it out but he had to wait for the night so to waste time he went on a mission.

The day went by and at night Jack tried to do the dance but it didn't work and he got tired very quickly, so the day went by and it didn't work at all.

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