
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

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Feros 6 What's inside down below!?

A loud set of rounds went out in succession. A head disappeared with every shot. Guns running hot and ammo getting sparse, the team started falling back for real. Dragging the krogan captives inside.

Maya had enough control of the door to be able to take it from here. Leo was getting ready to turn and fire but was stopped by the A.I.

A.I.- Get everyone in the door now. The passage is getting ready to collapse from the fighting!

"Everyone move now!" Samara was finally hit with fatigue and was having trouble getting clear. An Ardat Yakshi who joined her in the passage was bogged down by the rapid shotgun fire. If her shields gave out it would be the end for her. "I said move!"

*Woom!* Leo rapped both up in his spiritual energy. This invigorated them once again and allow them to break through the passage. The offensive completely abandoned as they booked it to the door.

"I can't keep it open much longer! A failsafe activated!" Maya shouted back. Everything was fine until a krogan passed through. 'Security activated due to a certain frequency. What the hell happened?!' A foreign program started interfering with the setup.

Her mind spun while working to slow it down. Everything points to A.I. technology at work. Which none of them had and all the geth were tucked away. So that just left the Krogan prisoners.

A.I.- Indoctranted personnel detected. One of the Krogan is going through the process. Suggest dealing with them before they cause a problem.

"All of you ready?" He turned and watched as everyone gave him a nod. Moving into the door finally closing it behind. "Wait.. where the hell is Maya?!"

Everyone's eyes went wide. Turning back Leo saw her typing away at her omni-tool still. The door was no longer needed open so what was she doing?! Before he calls out the situation turned for the worse.

*Kachak!* A shot went off from a sniper round. It grazed Maya but didn't keep her from working still. Whatever it was must be important.

Leo wrapped her in biotics and flung her into the door with a fling.

*Kachak!* Another round passed where she was. Causing some serious damage if it would have hit.

*Wooosshh!* A rocket launched directly towards Leo. Who didn't move due to forcing the door to close quicker. Of course, it would move slowly even when closing. The A.I. was busy scanning the room they were in.

Narrowing down the indoctrinated in the group.

*Booom!* The rocket hit him directly in the head. Destroying the helmet, the one he just put on at that. The burn to his skin was negligible compared to the stinging pain in his head.

"What the hell!" Maya yelled. Her eyes went wide when she saw the damage to Leo. She stared with hatred at the krogan advancing smugly. "I am gonna kick your..." Her voice was cut off as the door closed finally.

"You..." Jack swallowed her words. It was a stupid question to ask considering the exposed brain tissue. "That will leave a scar if your not careful."

"It will heal." Leo slapped some medi gel on the exposed brain tissue. Not wanting to risk any weird infection from whatever was in this old place. The air was stale and had been recycled several times over. "They are not getting through that door anytime soon. If at all. But better safe than story."

"On clean up now." Morinth answered. "How many wounded still?" She walked over to the Ardat Yakshi checking. Samara watching over the prisoners.

Two of the captured krogan were indoctrinated after scans finished. The A.I. instructing Maya on what to do in the guise of protocols sent to her omni-tool by Leo. Even though they were not fully indoctrinated enough of the process had commenced to test some procedures.

"Ughh." Leo's face started to burn. The stale air had an old bacteria that was not harmful to whoever ser this facility up but harmful to him. His Aspect of Disease reacting to it and developing countermeasure for his overall body. "Need to cultivate!"

*Swirl!* Ambient spirit energy started to revolve around Leo. He was taking in the Disease and using it to push his cultivation. Three of the Ardat Yakshi stood guard over him. With all the energy swirling around, they felt the effects first.

Stepping into the upper levels of the Initiate Realm. The moment they consolidated their gains, they switched out with the others. This repeated until everyone was recovered and stronger than before.


Two Hours Later-


Leo stood up after the last of the preparations were done. Not only were the Krogan no longer Indocrtinated but the affliction of the Genophage had changed. They were only affected by 64% with varying produced cells not carrying a single trace.

Leo was feeling fantastic. His height increased by only a centimeter but his body muscle fibers were stronger and his recovery rate kicked up. By a lot considering the Krogan were impressed by his regeneration.

Regrowing facial tissue and an eyeball was kind of a big deal. His spiritual sense increased in penetration power and range. The first thing he detected was the big red dot below the surface was not moving. Which was good.

'I could breakthrough right now but that would be foolish. To much to acquire in this Realm. Perfect for increasing my Spiritual Sense as well as diving deeper into my techniques.' Leo moved his hand as they were coated in biotic(mental) energy. 'The Asari have it right spending yeas honing techniques but as a human we just adapt to quickly. The chance to mess is high.'

*Vroom!* With a wae of his fingers, his finger wrapped in biotic energy cut the air. Leaving a divet for a few seconds. He "reaped" the space just a little. Unfortunately, it could just as easily go out of control and kill everyone in the room.

A.I.- How about you not practice that with so many people in the room?

The A.I. had a point. Since Leo would survive it but not the rest. Conversation with the krogan went well enough. Leaving the interrogation up to Samara and Maya paid off while Leo was busy advancing and helping others recover.

"Hah," Morinth sighed tiredly. "That was fun but exhausting." She looked over to Leo smirking. "Maya is fine now, a little light breathing from before. She went into the kroga really hard. Think she was venting on the behalf of the shot you took."

"Things happen. But it is good she is doing ok. Take this and square yourself away." Leo channeled some of the spirit energy into her. Morinth eyes rolled over in her skull from euphoria. "You did good work out there."

Morinth stumbled away almost drunk. PLopping down she got started on advancing herself.

Walking up to Maya as she was looking at an updated map. Working away and checking over things. A notification on her omni-tool drew her over to him. The A.I. sharing an update with them both.

A.I.- The other teams have finished their objectives. Time has been spent gathering Geth parts up top. The colonists are currently in discussion with Commander Jane Shepard. Informing about what happened. The Citadel has been notified of the work done here. Nihlus is awaiting on final orders.

"Alright, this will not go over well." Leo looked at Maya who was staring more at his face than the map and the update now. "Go ahead an spill it."

Maya had been extremely quiet the last few days, he did not forget. She had been communicating with someone on her Omni-tool a lot when she had the chance. He figured it to be Cerebrus.

"Personal can wait till later." Maya brushed part of the situation to the side. "That regeneration is amazing by the way. THanks for getting me out of fire. My shields would have taken the impact but it would not have been pretty."

Leo nodded solemnly.

"Anyway, this V.I. of yours is advance, scarily so. I understand that drone is linked with you directly but .. just feels off." Leo just smiled saying nothing. "When I was working on the door last, there was something else that entered the network. Something.. that came from down below. Tracing the signal lead me to this."

Maya showed him a cavern of sorts. But the problem was all the water inside it. It didn't show up on regular scan at all. And was not only water. The element zero mixed in was off the charts in purity.

Leo's eyes went wide at the shape of the creature. Not really a Kraken but bigger and much worse.

"A fucking Leviathon..." Leo's face twisted in a scowl and his teeth gnashed together. "..run a scan on everyone right now! Every type of frequency! No matter what you find weird let me know!"

"Right!" Maya didn't ask questions as she got started. 'That anger is no game. What the hell is a Leviathon?'

"What's going on?" Samara asked. "These Krogan won't fight us anymore. The Genophage is more important than the credits they were paid. And they were paid a lot to come down here."

"I am not sure about giving them guns but.. at least they gave us intel on how many were left. Not that many actually." Jack watched Leo working away on his omni-tool then a projected screen. The level of concentration was impressive. As well as scary. "What has him so spooked?"

"Come on.. come on!" Leo connected to the boosters outside the room. "Whose free out there!?"

Zaed: Myself, Chloe, and Sha'ira are not to far from you. Topside anyway. What is going on?

"Tell Sha'ira if she knows anyone with a Dreadnought in the vicinity to have them send to this planet and glass it." Leo was still checking over his omni-tool while talking. Ignoring the shocked expressions on his peoples' faces. "If you know any crooks or pirate lords have them do it to!"

The line was quiet for awhile.

Zaed: Sha'ira says she knows someone but is it worth having the Citadel on our ass?

"Yes. Tell her make arrangements and get back to me." Leo went back to working on the scans. With Maya and the A.I. working on it, the conclusion was reached pretty quickly. "Dammit!"

"Their is a single on all the frequencies. It matches that of the planet's overall signal. One of the reasons it went undetected. No reason to suspect." Maya was actually worried now. "What the hell is a Leviathon."

Zaed: Bad news. Sha'ira's friend can't get her without causing trouble on short notice. The Citadel Council sent a message to Nihlus that he wants me to rely to you. Apparently, he is unavailable himself.

*Beep! Beep!* Leo's omni-tool went off. The message stated to keep the situation under control. To make sure Feros survives with its abundant resources. Whoever was letting information slip on the Normandy either botched a message to their people or let it slip intentionally.

Leo calmed himself. He wanted to rush in and get this over. Disobeying the council was not even a thought of concern. He also forgot about the damn Thorian. Checking over the facilities of the place according to what the A.I. pulled earlier was to little explosive-wise.

"Leo!" Maya called getting his attention. "When this is done with.. we have a lot to go do right? A bigger mission." He gave her a nod. "Great. Time needs to be set aside for everyone else. Just try to remember that. This is not that big of a deal."

"Agreed." Leo smiled at her before he placed a new helmet on. "You said the others. What about you? Change of mind on how we proceed?"

"Nope, in it for the long haul. Just waiting till after you snap at someone. I am swooping in when you are vulnerable." Maya gave him a grin and a pat on the shoulder. "Now.."

"Right, the Leviathon created the Reapers. And overall.. they are hiding away from them. Unable to defeat them themselves and willing to use us "primitive" races to do so. They are massive creatures with abilities that defy physics." Leo recounted from personal memory. "The process of what happened with the Quarian and the Geth was just a repeat of the Leviathans and.. the Intelligence as it was once known. Who were designed to actually deal with Synthetic life that kept rebelling and killing other races."

Leo gave them a quick rundown and an explanation of what was found.

"Alright.. so bad guy down below but they won't blow it up because of the element zero. Which most likely a traitor on the Normandy informed them of. Is that the gist of it?" Jack arched an eyebrow waiting for confirmation.

"Yeah. So we need to get off this planet and find a way to blow it up." Leo said as if it was simple to do.

"Well, the pirate life is great. I think you will love it." Morinth said as she planted a kiss on his helmet. "Let's get out of here."

"Wait for a second.. its a whole planet. A rich planet filled with resources." Maya said. "Can't the creature see reason?"

"No." Was Leo's only answer. He didn't care what mental state it was in down below. The fact it was here was a problem. 'Never heard of one mention in the series being here as well as any of the reports saying so.'

A.I.- Either proceed to get the Thorian or get the Leviathan. The choice is yours. The communication to Commander Jane is taking time. Recommend the Thorian. The Levathion is a dangerous foe no matter the state it is in.

Leo made his decision. The Thorian was a better get and he could come back later to take the planet out completely. Best to find out from the Thoraian what took place. Sending a message to Leo informed the team.

Zaed: We will arrive as soon as we can.

Leonardo Shepard

Order: Nature, Medicine, Protect, Hope, Humor?

Chaos: Famine, Disease, Bloodshed, Disgust, Science, and Curiosity.

Cultivation Method: Reaping Manual

Realm: Soul Extension

Contracts: Nirali, Nihlus, Maya, Jennifer (Jack), Samara, Zaed, Ardat Yakshi

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