
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

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Citadel Part 14 Dr.Chakwas

"Leo the confinement is not that bad. Preliminary test results already said you are free of the Thorian's influence. When the final results come in, you will be free to move about with no problem." Jane said like it was no big deal. "Just consider it time to work on research or other matters that have been neglected."

"Whatever you say." Leo said simply. No need to argue or explain anything. His face said it all. His entire team was confined due to the time spent in contact with the Thorian. Much longer than the Alliance thought was ok. "Go do whatever you have to do already."

Jane was grateful he didn't put up a fuss but something told her the moment the approval was cleared he would go and do something on the Citadel. Which resulted in shooting or creating a mess of some sort.

Leaving out of the lab with Kaiden and Ashley, Jane made sure to schedule some time to speak with him later. Ashley fighting a smile on her face a little. More from what took place in the lab recently compared to what was going on with Leo in the room.

A.I.- I will coordinate with those contracted to you on the Citadel. And make sure everything is going smoothly for the Andromeda Project. A few Admirals are willing to do us a favor. Namely, one that will help with the General Williams matter. Also, Jacob Taylor has been tapped due to the other Cerebrus Operatives in play.

'Sounds fine. Jacob would be wasted here overall. Put that issue with his father is the predominant thing to take care of quickly. Should be able to acquire those neurotropic fruits before it completely decimates that Colony.' Leo hoped they would provide more ways to fight against the effects of Indoctrination. 'More methods will help to counteract if the Reaper influence changes. Not to mention the Leviathans.'

A.I.- With the recovered information from your memories the coordinates have been found that match the name. The Hugo Gernsback, the privately-held frigate is on planet Aeia.

'Contact Jacob and our Blue Suns contact. As for the ship they will need, I am sure Matriarch Aethyta or the Admiral that wants to do the favor will do.' Leo was running a few programs for a small medical device he was working on. Jane was right about work needing to be finished up. 'If Jacobs tenure with the Alliance is not over yet of course, it might be a problem.'

A.I.- The information regarding Eden Prime and the Alliance coverup was already sent to him. He has left early and made contact with Miranda who has tried to recruit him for her special assignment. However, a small window of time is available to get everything done in time for him to get back for that matter.

'I see.' Stopping by a small crate, he looked over the set of armor inside and the second set. Both of them, he could finish working on in a few hours to handle any fine-tuning really. 'Any chance we were able to get that Drell guy to take a contract?'

A.I.-So far no. Thane Krios is dubious of our methods so far. Even the chance at a cure is not enough. I am starting to believe you are right about wasting time on him. But I will continue my efforts for a little bit longer.

'Sure.' Leo went back to working on his little project. Just a few more tweaks and he was done. 'Keep up tabs on Jennifer and the Grissom Academy people.'

The A.I. then focused its assigned tasks. Leo was ahead of schedule in the matters as a champion according to readings and reports on the Andromeda Iniative. Just a few small setbacks to look into to tighten up matters further.

Leo had finished calibrating the medical device, Sensory Gloves. Overall the medical applications alone would net a fortune. The resistance caused by suits with scanners dropped more. Mostly for intensive care personnel who would need a fine touch with the interference with machinery.

As well as Quarians. He really wants to get a Hanar and see what would happen but that was a no go with the creatures, so.. odd in certain matters. A message came on his Omni-tool to assist Dr.Chakwas. Taking the Sensory Gloves with him, he moved over to the Medical Lab.

*Chssh!* The door closed with an audible hiss. Much louder than normal. The preparations for a few experiments were well underway. It was good that the good doctor did not cause an issue in that regard.

"Figure we could talk a little about the Thorian tests and the possible effect it had on Jane, Kaiden, and the others." Dr.Chakwas gestured for him to have a seat. "What is that you have there?" Spotting the gloves in his hands.

Leo explained to her the Sensory Gloves and what they would be used for in detail. Dr.Chakwas was definitely someone he could bounce the functions off and get accurate feedback before it was even used.

Discussion of the applications and going over what the Thorian could have possibly done to everyone was only mentioned a little after a while. Leo could swear a few times Dr.Chakwas gave him a very lustful look.

It was quite apparent she saw or maybe understood what Morinth and Leo were up to. To be sure, he offered to use the Sensory Gloves on her to check as a medical participant. Clothes on of course.

"Just don't touch in places you shouldn't Dr. Shepard." She said to distance the close proximity the two would be in. "Strictly professional young man." If she knew Leo lived longer than her originally, he could only wonder how different she would act.

"I will keep it.. in my pants Doctor. I can be professional when the time calls for it." Leo gave a smile. Dr. Chakwas laid down on the table and looked at the screens. "All right, so let's check out the discomfort level."

"This is quite the thing." She immediately had to stifle a moan back. "I can feel slight vibrations traveling through the touches. Might cause an issue with those who have artificial limbs but that can also help to get those areas hindered by the same parts when doing a brief x-ray."

"Yeah, that was the original plan anyway." Leo pressed down on her neck gently. THe sensory gloves taking in the data quickly. A little more pressure and the sensory caught the small increase to the nerve endings in real-time. "The instructions might pose a problem."

"Well, the timetable is there. How many are working on this project with you?"

"Just myself now. I had Dr.Solus help fine-tune different models for the various species. The input is there but now needs test subjects and lab work done up to compare."

"To be quite frank with you Leo, the differences in your behavior are concerning. Some say you are unbelievably kind and professional then others say you are rude and a jerk. The crew really doesn't know how to deal with you most times." Dr.Chakwas turned from the screen to look at him. "But it is the same people that have the problems and not the others. Isn't the experiment over already to gauge Alliance Personnel in certain situations and certain stimuli?"

Leo moved his hand pushing on her shoulders then down the arm to her elbow. Eyes never leaving the screen. Small nerve damage popped up from overworking. To be sure, he ran his hands down again. The difference was only 2.51% overall.

"It is over. My behavior to them is just what it is now. Those I like will of course have it better. If it makes you feel any better, 73% of the crew is overall Specists. Not as forthcoming or progressive as you think they would be. Tensions rose the moment they found out Saren is behind the Eden Prime incident using Geth."

Comparing the body language and the tones the crew used, it was easy to compare to before he took control and afterward. Even with his antagonizing, the crew still showed more hostilities to the Xenos presence than anything else.

"Uggh!" Her body arched just a bit. The relieved tension was enough for Dr.Chakwas to just melt into puddy. Leo just continued applying firm little twists periodically. "Just.. increase it just a little." He did as requested. "Oh.. dear!"

Dr. Chakwas's thighs moved just a little against each other. Underneath she felt herself getting wet. Looking up at Leo who kept a neutral expression made the woman slightly frustrated. A look to his crotch and she felt insulted.

The Sensory Gloves giving a correct mapping of the area Leo touched. With a circumference of up to a two inches added.

"Hypothetically," Dr.Chakwas spoke firmly. "if this was a nonformal massage, how would it go? Without the testing of the medical applications of course."

"I would either mount you from behind or focus on parts of your body that increase blood flow and pleasure. While making sure the comfort level never drops below a certain margin." Leo continued his current pace. Injecting small bits of spirit energy into damaged tissue. "I am going to increase my treatment level, I rather you are healthy for the coming problems."

"Thank you, what did I do to deserve such a treat?"

"Being yourself and providing me with a chance to decompress in various ways." Leo moved down to her waist then skipped her butt. Touching the thighs with two small twists then placing his thumb firmly down on the first knot found. "This goes a long way."

"Happy to help." Stifling a moan, Dr.Chakwas settled down just enough for her lingering orgasm to subside. 'I.. may have to rethink some things. I am not to old to get my groove back.' But every now in then it spiked back up. It was deliciously agonizing. Just the way she likes it.

An hour later Dr.Chakwas was out like a light with a smile plastered on her face. Leo placed a blanket on her while taking over the small backup duties she was responsible for while in port.

His thoughts on various forms of Nature keeping him busy with most matters.

Dr.Michel finally arrived at the Normandy. Escorted by Jenkins to the Medical Lab.

"Well good to meet you in person. Garrus should be here any moment." Leo introduced himself giving a small bit of background. Dr.Michel listened intently as well as took note of his eyes. "Is something wrong?"

"No, your eyes are just so.. powerful. That hue of green is eerily ghostly. Your sisters' eyes are nice and peaceful. Which from what I here fit her personality." Dr.Michel snapped out of it when the door opened. "I really must thank you for this."

"Commander Leo, what did you.." Garrus didn't expect the guest. "Dr.Michel, what are you doing here? No in trouble again I take it?"

"No, not this time." Dr.Michel blushed a little.

Leo then went into details on why the woman was here and for Garrus to assist would be most helpful considering the history between the two. They left the room with a disgruntled Jenkins who would be carrying most of the supplies by the look of it.

"To provide opportunity even encourage him to escort her, to what end?" Dr.Chakwas sat up looking right as rain. She heard most of the conversation but didn't want to intrude. "If I didn't know better, I would think you are playing matchmaker."

"Good assumption." Taking a seat across from her, a scan with the Sensory Gloves were done while a regular scan with the Medical Ring finished up. The Sensory Gloves showed more detail but lacked the capability to link with an open network. "Improvements to be made still. You should feel less discomfort in your back and legs now."

"Thank you." Dr.Chakwas was reluctant to ask but went for it. "The pullback from the Alliance, I can see you won't change your mind on it. But what about future medical applications? What can I do to convince you?"

A white glow of spiritual energy circled around the woman. Leo could feel the pure power of "Hope" coming from here. It was definitely refreshing and helped his mind calm down overall.

"I see. Well, you have your own genetic tissue you can take and submit if you want." Leo gave her a small smile. The woman was not understanding until he pointed at her stomach. "We need to talk about another effect the Sensory Gloves have."


Jane speaking with the Crew-


Later that night after Jane dealt with several small missions on the Citadel.

"Commander, I understand you are upset. I still just can't apologize enough." Joker said.

"Just water under the bridge now Joker. No need to stress over it. The repairs to the Normandy are the most important now." She then turned to the other person. "What do you have to say, Ashley?"

"Just.. I have no idea. he is a freaking Officer, I expect better."

"Well, at least your grandpa was officially cleared." Garrus said interrupting the talks main point. The Turian had a small n his eye from recent events.


"Playing over the net now." Garrus sent her the link. "Palaven officials spoke out about it on their end. Detailing the tactics used to takeout and how they were impressed with the holdout. Took a strong man to be able to surrender to save all his troops like that. Defintely saved them from being massacred."

"To be able to have this pushed forward... no way Leo did this."

"Hope I am not interrupting." Nihlus said coming in. "A report on Matriarch Benezia has come in. We have a small window to apprehend her."

Leonardo Shepard

Order: Nature, Medicine, Protect, Hope, Humor?

Chaos: Famine, Disease, Bloodshed, Disgust, Science, and Curiosity.

Cultivation Method: Reaping Manual

Realm: Soul Extension

Contracts: Nirali, Nihlus, Maya, Jennifer (Jack), Morinth, Samara, Zaed, Falere, Ardat Yakshi

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