
Not so lazy Sunday


Sorry for the wait, hope it was worth it. I don't think this is the last we'll see of these characters, and this certainly isn't the last you've seen of me. Hope you enjoy the final chapter of The Weekend!

Chapter Text

For an example of what Kat kind of looks like: https://imgur.com/a/LdONSV3

Kat ended up "feeding" Mason twice more before they finally retired to bed. By the end Mason was back to looking just as bloated as before their most recent shower. Not wanting to make a mess of the bed, well… more of one, Kat relented for long enough for Mason to return to close to normal.

Unfortunately, that meant that she also had plenty of time for her balls to get full and aching once more. It didn't take long of them cuddling in bed for Kat to slide her cock back where it belonged. Nor did it take long for her to start rearranging Mason's insides until he was given another cream filling. By the time they actually managed to get to sleep Mason was back to how they spent the first night.

Waking up was always hard for Kat, but waking up with her morning wood buried in a tight, warm, and absolutely flooded hole made things a hell of a lot better. Feeling particularly lazy on that early Sunday morning she decided that a gentle cuddle fucking was in order. She slowly began to pull back, moving her hips as far back as she could while lying on her side and then sliding herself back in nice and slow.

She really wanted to enjoy the feeling of each fold in Mason's overstuffed hole. Each time she pushed back was punctuated by a soft squelching sound and a soft moan from Mason's sleeping mouth. That gentle moan made Kat so happy, she really didn't want to let him go. Wrapping her arms around his torso and pressing her face against his sweat stained back she huffed out a contented sigh.

She may have been going slow but she felt every bit of stimulation like hundreds of small socks flowing through her body. It only took her twenty minutes to cum this time. The strong spurts of a fresh morning load blasting into his guts was enough to finally wake up.

"Mmmmmh… morning, beautiful." Kat purred into his ear, gently nibbling his ear.

"M-morning. Ugh, you really need to take me to the shower." Mason groaned in reply, his stomach continuing to swell to massive proportions.

"Mmm… nope, too comfy."

"If you don't there's going to be a mess on your bed, I can only hold so much."

"It's fine. Needed to do laundry anyway… Mmmm." Nuzzling herself against his back, Kat emphasized her lack of concern with another swift thrust. Her cock, remaining hard despite her recent release, throbbed visibly inside him, forcing another moan from his lips.

"Yeah, well the feeling of spitting up cum isn't exactly how I'd like to start my day."

"Fineeee…." Slowly rising from bed she reached down and grabbed Mason by the thighs once more, lifting his legs up. She turned and sat up, scooting off the bed until she could feel her feet hit the floor. Feeling herself throb again in this position gave Kat a devious idea.

Smirking, she stepped forward and raised him up into the air a bit before dropping him down onto her cock once more as her foot hit the ground. With each step a deep grunt was forced from Mason's mouth as Kat's dick grinned into his prostate with force, over and over again. By the time they made it to the bathroom it was all he could do to stop himself from cumming all over the floor.

Of course that didn't stop Kat from holding him tight and pounding into him as she stepped into the shower, and she didn't stop pounding him until he was spraying whatever small amount of cum his painfully shriveled balls could produce in between now and his last release. Despite that he still managed to shoot more than he normally did thanks to the relentless rectal stimulation he was on the receiving end of.

Finally, after he began shooting little more than watery blanks once more, Kat pulled all the way out and allowed him to drain. Gallons upon gallons of semen came pouring from his massively gaping anus as she squeezed his thighs up into his distended stomach. All of it pouring out over her hard boy breaker before disappearing into the drain. As his stomach finally returned close to normal Kat began to saw her rod back and forth between his buns.

Seeing that the outpour was ending she wasted no time before impaling him right back onto her dick. Roughly slamming her hips into his back end and slapping his testicles with her own overflowing sack. Setting him down onto his legs, Kat pushed him forward and pressed him against the shower wall. With his hands on the wall she gripped his hips and began to really start pounding his prostate.

His stomach bulged outward with each deep ball slapping, prostate destroying, gut rearranging thrust. Each time she got deep enough to feel her tip hitting the wall through him. That didn't stop her from going even faster and harder. Nor did it stop her when she finally came once again.

Mason could feel her balls churning and jumping as they released their pent up load until his stomach looked full once more.

"Oh god… you feel so good! I could cum in you all day long." Kat said passionately.

"You did that yesterday, remember?"

"Oh that was nothing. I've got something special planned for today, but before we get into that I need you to drain yourself while I go pick up a few things."

Stepping back from him, as she slid herself free, Kat stepped into the shower spray to clean off properly. Grabbing some soap she cleaned herself off a bit before helping Mason clean himself.

"Mmmm… Mason" turning his head so she could stare into his beautiful brown eyes Kat drew his attention to her own turquoise gems, "I hope you don't think I'm being too forward, but I think I love you… no… that's not right, I know I love you. Everything about you, and I want to spend every moment I can showing you how much I love you."

Hearing her declaration Mason found himself looking away bashfully as his entire face turned beet red, before finding himself irresistibly drawn back to her gaze. Swallowing thickly, Mason replied in kind "I… I think I feel the same way about you Kat. I never could have seen myself spending so much time just enjoying someone else beside me, and yet you make me feel whole. I… I love you too."

Hearing him Kat's face lit up with a thousand-watt smile as her eyes drew closed and her cute freckled nose crinkled. To Mason, that smile was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.

Mason sat on the couch in Kat's room, fully clothed for the first time in weeks watching a TV show he was interested in while waiting for Kat to get back. Apparently she needed to go get a few things and she wanted it to be a surprise.

She must have really been eager to show him, because it didn't take long for Mason to hear the sound of the door in the small common room opening, followed shortly by the bedroom door. Stepping into the room with a plastic bag and a couple water bottles Kat wasted no time in handing one to him while she set the back down on the bed.

"Alrighty, I've got everything we need. Go ahead and drink up. You're going to want the hydration for what I have planned."

"And what exactly do you have planned?"

Smirking, she simply said "You'll see. Once you're done with that, get undressed while I get ready."

Grabbing the bag she slipped through the door to the bathroom before closing it behind her. Curious, Mason did as she wished, standing in nothing more than what he was born with. He waited till he heard the sound of the door clicking open, seeing for the first time as Kat stepped out with her cock rock hard, dripping with lube and nothing but a number of straps and buckles secured to her body.

"What is all that? I didn't take you as someone who was interested in bondage. At least not on the receiving end." Mason questioned with a tilt of his head.

Giggling Kat replied, "I'm not really, though this will involve a bit of securing and binding. The straps aren't to tie me up. They're to tie you to me. It's called fannypacking, dumb name I know, but it's where one person is tied to the the other with their cock buried inside them while they go about their day as usual. Some people even go out on runs though that's pretty risky at any time of day on a college campus."

"Okay… how's this going to work?"

"Well… you're a bit bigger than me and a fair bit taller, but I'm clearly strong enough to lift you. It might be a bit awkward since I can't see over you so I'm going to have to position your head to the side so I can look over your shoulder. To start with, could you bend over on the bed face down?"

"Yeah, sure." Stepping over to the bed he laid his chest onto the bed with his arms under his head.

Stepping up behind him Kat continued, "Okay, so the first step is I'm going to slide your legs into the straps around my hips and pull you in. Then I'm going to slide myself into you until your hips meet mine and the straps are around your thighs and secured."

Doing just that, Kat gripped his ankles and spread his legs to either side of herself. Pulling him in until the tip of her cock was kissing the entrance to his warm velvety embrace, and then pushing forward into that inviting place. Marveling at how her inches just seemed to disappear into his near bottomless depths. It wasn't long before she felt skin meet skin and she was groaning in delight.

Letting the feeling of him wash over her before finally tightening the straps on his thighs, just enough to make sure he was secure but not uncomfortable.

"Okay, that's the first part, with your legs wrapped around behind me I can now lift you up like this," she said as she grabbed his arms and pulled him up, the way his legs were bent backwards causing the visible bulge of her shaft inside him to look even more prominent, "and now I just secure your arms around behind my back and your chest to mine."

"Ahhh~ There we go. Are you comfortable? Nothing's digging into you is it?"

Not trusting his voice, Mason simply shook his head in response.

"Good, there's one last thing." Grabbing a dildo gag from the bag she affixed it to his mouth. "If at any point you feel uncomfortable or you want out of the harness just tap your head on my chest a couple times. If you don't… Well, I plan to have you there all day, and I won't be pulling out at any point until either there's cum coming out your nose or you become too bloated with cum for me to carry… and I've proven I can carry a lot."

Taking a few tentative steps forward Kat moaned as she enjoyed the feeling of his body gently bouncing on her shaft. With him strapped to her like this Kat's hands were free to use. The first thing she had in mind was getting herself something to eat. Walking from her room to the kitchen she opened the fridge.

It was a little awkward since she had to stand sideways to get anything, owing to the fact she couldn't reach very far past Mason's body. The feeling of him wrapping around her more than made up for it though. Grabbing some leftover pizza she ordered a few nights ago she was satisfied to eat a few slices cold while she rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet. Just enjoying the way he rocked up and down on her length with each small movement.

Without her hands holding him steady he was free to swing and jostle about in the harness as she moved. The only thing holding him up being her erection burrowed deep inside him. Taking another slice she closed the fridge and walked over to the couch. Falling into it, which caused her cock to slam even deeper into Mason, she grabbed the remote and set up one of her favorite shows.

She was halfway through her show when she said "Hey. You don't mind if I do some exercises do you? No? Great."

Standing up, she went about clearing anything left in the middle of the room. Kicking clothes and random things out of the way since she was unable to bend over currently. Once there was plenty of empty space she started out by doing a couple side and leg stretches. She couldn't do her whole routine but she was able to do enough.

Mason meanwhile was experiencing each stretch in a different way. When she leaned to the side he would slide a bit off before the harness caught him and could feel her cock pressing into him at entirely new angles. When she stood back up he'd slide right back down with her cock rubbing along inside him at each new angle. By the time she finished stretching he'd already cum once.

"Mmmm… enjoyed that did you? Well, we can't have you making a mess all over the floor." Kat purred into his ear. Walking over to the pile of clothes on the floor she kicked Mason's pants up and grabbed them. Reaching around inside she found his wallet and looked inside it.

"Just as I thought. A young virile guy like you probably kept at least one of these on hand." She said while pulling a condom from one of the folds. Tearing open the package she pulled out the condom and slipped it over his twitching half-erection, being kept semi-hard at all times by the massive pillar of meat smashing his prostate constantly.

"There we go, much better. Now the real fun can begin."

Stepping back into the center of the room Kat began her routine by spreading her legs and doing some squats. Each time she dropped into a sitting position her hips would push Mason up off of her cock a couple inches and then she would spring back up to full height causing him to fall right back down to the base, his balls smacking into her own gargantuan milk tanks. Mason knew Kat was strong and experiencing someone smaller than you do exercises while carrying your weight is impressive, but the really impressive part was that Kat did fifty squats like this without breaking a sweat. She wasn't done either.

Standing up once more Kat began doing standing lunges, each lunge causing Mason to lift to one side and then then the other, her prick grinding left and right, stirring up his insides and causing him to cum again and again. Around thirty lunges in Kat paused for a moment before he felt her begin to flood his guts with cum once more. This may have been her third or fourth orgasm today but that didn't stop it from being the biggest thus far. It seemed all of the stimulation and excitement was really getting to her.

Mason was staring as his stomach began to bloat before being surprised as he felt Kat begin to move once more. She stood back up and went right into another lunge, cumming as she moved. She seemed determined to not let her orgasm interrupt her routine, and yet moving like this did seem to affect her. It made her cum for much longer than normal.

Each lunge was accompanied by another blast of cum, her movements prolonging her ejaculation through their stimulation. It wasn't until she finished her set of fifty that she finally stopped. By that time Mason looked as if she had cum twice inside him, his stomach ballooned out to the size of a beach ball. Even though she was breathing heavily and sweating a fair bit at this point, she just getting warmed up.

Next up was jumping jacks, leaping into the air and spreading her limbs she pushed as deep as she could into Mason before he was lifted higher off of her than any other move, then sent plummeting back down onto her shaft like someone tried to cannonball onto a bollard ass first while naked.

This time it didn't take Kat long to cum. Her load filled him as she continued jumping up and down. His stomach bloated further and further looking like someone was shaking a massive water balloon with the way it jiggled up and down like crazy. The beach ball that was his stomach becoming more akin to a small bean bag chair. He was starting to get a bit dizzy with all the shaking up and down but luckily for him she appeared to be done with that particular exercise.

Kat went through six more sets of exercises after that, cumming twice more, though she did need to take a couple breaks to cool down and catch her breath. Each time she came Mason's stomach bloated further and further. He was certain if it wasn't for the gag in his mouth he'd be mumbling incoherently in his cum drunk state. While she was sitting down and recovering Kat reached around and pulled the condom off of Mason's shaft, its contents watery and mostly clear.

Tying it off she set the condom aside before standing up once more. Walking over to the poor abused shower once more was all it took for her to be hard once again. Kat turned on the water and stepped in, letting the water wash over her sweaty body and slip between their bodies through whatever gaps it could find. Unable to do anything but let the water pour onto him, Mason just closed his eyes and relaxed for a bit.

That was until he suddenly felt himself being lifted once more.

"Sorry, your probably going to overflow again, but I need to get soft enough to pull out so I can drain you and I'd rather do it without unstrapping the harness. It's a bit of a pain to get on and off easily."

Following that declaration was a quick and fierce fucking as Kat did her best to cum quickly. So all-in-all, about twenty minutes of rough pounding and sweaty collisions of wet flesh on flesh and she was drowning his ass in cum once more. Mason could feel as her cum, losing room to expand, began trying to force its way up his throat. Lucky for him Kat was softening quicker than expected this being her seventh orgasm of the day.

Managing to lift him enough to slip her half-hard shaft free and begin blasting the rest of her massive load into the shower drain.

Unfortunately, Mason's relief was interrupted as Kat said "I'm afraid you won't get much time to rest. We need to drain you as much as possible before I start to get hard again."

Wrapping her hands as far around Mason's stuffed sides as she could she begin rhythmically squeezing and forcing his body to expunge itself off her remaining fluids as quickly as it was able. If there was one benefit of his gaping ass, it was for moments like this.

They weren't quite able to empty him fully before Kat had to squeeze back inside. His rear end easily accepting her return. They did get it to where he only looked like he'd swallowed a watermelon and a baseball bat however. Which at this point might as well be an average Tuesday (not that they've spent a Tuesday together yet).

It turns out that it's quite hard to dry two people at once like this as they soon discovered. It ended up being a good thirty minute session with a blow drier and a couple towels before they no longer felt wet spots between their bodies or the straps tying the together. As soon as they were dry however Mason had managed to regain his faculties and Kat seemed satisfied for now. That didn't mean she was going to unharness him though, he hadn't signaled he wanted to be after all.

Heading back to her room and sitting down on the couch Kat grabbed a couple controllers and unbound his arms, handing one to Mason she undid the gag in his mouth. The six inch, thick, dildo sliding free and allowing him to finally close his jaw and returning his ability to speak. Moving his stiff jaw around, Mason took a few deep breaths before speaking.

"Geez, you couldn't have found a smaller gag?"

"Of course not, eventually I plan to get you an even bigger one. Need to keep your jaw nice and loose for me. Besides, smaller ones won't hold in my loads if they don't block your throat. Now let's play a game, you ever played this fighting game before?"

Finally paying attention to what was happening on the screen in front of him, Mason saw what she was talking about, "Hmm… yeah. I've played it. My brother used to make me play it with him all the time."

"You've got a brother? Well, anyway, here's what I'm thinking. We're going to play a few rounds, for every round you lose I'm going to cum inside you. We'll keep going until you win three rounds, or you get too full to continue." Adding on after a moment Kat giggled out, "Oh and don't worry about me cheating by doing something like… oh, say… smashing your little cum button. I don't need handicaps to win."

Feeling his competitive spirit stoked by that declaration had Mason declaring "You're on!" before quickly adding on "Hold on, what do I get if I win?"

Laughing, Kat looked him in the eye as he twisted to look at her before smirking, "If you win, I'll let you do whatever you want to me for the rest of the night."

Hearing that had his eyes opening wide as he thought about the implications. Turning back around Mason felt himself really getting fired up as his grip on the controller tightened. Mason may not have played a lot of games, but his brother did and after a while of playing against him he got pretty good at it. Picking his character Mason got ready.

The first round went about as you might expect. That is, with Mason getting his ass handed to him before getting his ass blasted with another couple pints of girl cream. He managed to put up a bit of a fight, landing a few hits, but it had been awhile since he last played.

The next two rounds he lost as well, though the last one had Kat winning with only a sliver of health. The time between each loss was interspersed with rough ball slapping sex and massive loads of cum. Mason was back to his pregnant lookalike status. He needed a couple of minutes before they started the next match to recover from his fucked silly state.

The next round started up a while later. This time around saw Mason's first victory. With a surprise ultimate combo he managed to catch her off guard and finish it with a relentless juggle that left Kat more than a little baffled.

"Wow, I didn't even think you knew how to do that. Guess your brother was more of a challenge than I thought."

The next fight was close. Both parties were down to only a sliver of health, but Kat managed to squeak out the win with a well timed block. Another load of nut butter and a break later saw the beginning of the next round. Mason must have been getting used to being filled because it didn't manage to hamper his ability to play.

Mason won the next two rounds, though it was close. Kat clearly played this game a decent amount but one there was one thing Mason hadn't mentioned. He was very competitive, and after a while of playing against his brother and losing. He spent a fair bit of his free time practicing until his brother could no longer beat him normally.

With that final win, Mason had beaten Kat three times. Now it was time for her to make good on her deal. Taking off the final straps and allowing Mason to free himself from his cockbound ensnarment, she stood before him with her cock jutting out proudly before her.

"Alright, you beat the challenge. W-What do you w-want to do with me…" Kat said demurely, face flushing red with surprising bashfulness. It seems she wasn't used to being in the submissive role.

Mason had never seen something so adorable. Instead of saying anything, he simply grabbed her hand and led her to the bed. Gesturing for her to lay down on her back before he crawled up onto the bed between her legs. Her face flushed an even deeper shade as she pulled her legs closer, her arms held close to her chest.

"It's alright, you'll enjoy this. Probably more than I will even, trust me." He reassured her.

Smiling, Mason grabbed her knees and coaxed her legs to part. Reaching forward he gently grasped her throbbing manhood and cupped her balls causing her to release small gasps of pleasure at his gentle touch, her eyes remaining firmly locked on him past her towering erection. Lifting her balls Mason got his first real look at her womanhood, the pretty pink slit was slick with arousal, her lips puffed up slightly in excitement. Leaning forward Mason pressed his tongue to the bottom of her slit, slowly dragging it up before wrapping his lips around the slight bump of her clit and gently suckling on her sweet feminine nectar.

Kat was seeing stars. She practically never touched her pussy, except when she got particularly insatiable, her dick always demanding more and more of her attention. She was practically a virgin as far as her more feminine side was concerned, having never even used a proper dildo. Her dick was leaking like crazy despite the lack of real attention, a steady clear flow dripping down her length before pooling around her raised balls and dripping onto Mason's nose as he buried his face in her mound.

Ignorant of anything that was happening above, Mason continued his ministrations. Eagerly eating out her tunnel of love and enjoying each moan and gasp it drew forth from her lips; and eat he did, never stopping his licking as he breathed solely through his nose. The scent of her fluids and sweat pervading his every breath and driving him on as he enjoyed a meal well earned.

Kat may normally take a fairly long time to cum but she was practically melting into Mason's touch at this point. Each delve along her sensitive folds drew another gasp and shudder until with a high pitched whine she came, for the first time in a long time, from her pussy. Her cock above began pouring nectar with wild abandon. Spurt after spurt of clear fluid flowing and raining down into Mason's hair as her insides spasmed around his tongue.

It was as if he refused to pull back until she was nothing more than a twitching, leaky mess. Which is exactly what she was by the time he finally pulled back, licking his lips as he did. Gazing at her shaking form, her mouth lolled open and eyes glazed, he reached forward and gripped her soaked shaft. Her eyes flew closed as she moaned and another burst of pre flew forth from her dripping shaft.

With slow, teasing, tugs, Mason began to tortuously spread and entirely coat her cock in the slimy, sticky mess of her fluids being careful to avoid making her cum. Grabbing the discarded straps from where they lay, he began attaching them to her hands and legs before tying the separate parts back to the bed and making sure her limbs were, somewhat loosely, tied down. Having his "victim" right where he wanted her had him smiling with an evil glint in his eye and a smirk on his face. Kat's eyes widened in understandable horror as he leaned forward and gently blew a cool breath across the aching head of her slick cock.

She had said he could do whatever he wanted with her, she hadn't expected him to take that quite so far. He was teasing and poking at each of her buttons. His breath like cool ice and saliva like hot wax, every sweet muttering a balm before his hands burned her once more. His every touch like burning fire and lightning tracing down her body, and Kat… was… loving it!

He gently cupped her balls, rolling and caressing her sack as he gently massaged them with her own hot pre acting like oil as he massaged her aching orbs. He could feel as her balls churned, growing bigger and fuller in anticipation as he edged her closer to sweet oblivion. Yet anytime she got even remotely close to blowing her gathering load, she'd feel his hands slipping away. Almost as if he knew exactly when she was about to be set off.

This sweet torture continued with each gentle caress, each lingering touch, each playful poke, and each soft breath until over an hour of constant edging had her balls nearly doubled in size and a constant flow of pre-seed having completely soaked into the bedding to the point it might just need to be replaced entirely.

This whole time Kat begged and pleaded for release. Yet her pleas fell on deaf ears. Mason ignoring her whines and cries until finally she was so far on the ledge that there was no chance for her to back off of it anytime soon. With that certainty laid out before him, he carefully moved past her aching shaft to grab her face, gently guiding her to break her staring contest with her crying one-eyed giant. Looking into her eyes he bent forward and kissed her as she whimpered into his mouth, desperate for any sort of stimulation.

Throwing his leg gently over her torso, Mason pulled back, lifting himself to his feet. Carefully, he lined her up with his still slightly gaping star before, with a breath, he plunged himself down onto her shaft. The result of which, was immediate and devastating. With a great shriek, and the most heavenly feeling in the world, Kat began the process of unloading the product of the greatest build up she had ever experienced.

To say her balls were swollen would be an understatement. They were beyond packed. With a mighty roar, that Mason would later say he could hear from there, her balls contracted and released a flood of spunk like someone turned on a hose up his ass. His stomach, which had shrunk as he drained onto the sheets over the past hour, was visibly inflating in a matter of seconds and she wasn't stopping anytime soon. Seeing what was bound to happen, Mason began to pull himself off.

Little did he know, after an hour of teasing, Kat had tugged on her loosely tied binding to the point it had began to slip free. With one last tug she pulled the knot free, her hand reaching across and freeing the other in only a second. Taking her new found freedom she reached forward, her hands clamping firmly to his hips before yanking him down in his surprise. She wasn't about to let him get away with his teasing unpunished, bet or not.

Kat's balls audibly pulsed and pumped liter after liter of belly bloating cream into Mason's rapidly swelling stomach. His gut going from pregnant, to nine-months pregnant, to pregnant with triplets in only thirty seconds. At forty-five seconds his stomach had grown to resemble a small bean bag chair; at a minute in there was no sign of her slowing anytime soon and he could feel her cum beginning to rise up the back of his throat once more. Except this time there would be no reprieve.

Kat however was completely unaware of his growing struggle, her eyes closed and mind fogged in the sweet relief of her swollen balls releasing their pent up load. It wasn't until she felt the splatter of cum pouring out onto her torso in a steady flow that she opened her eyes to see what was happening. She marveled for a moment at the fountain she had created before deciding… she didn't have to do anything about it. The bed needed changing at this point anyway and he got what he was asking for, teasing her that way.

It's a good thing she only lasted about half a minute more. Otherwise Mason might have been more than a bit lightheaded and oxygen starved. Lucky for him he was able to hack out enough spunk to breath once Kat had begun to peter off. After catching his breath and regaining his faculties, Mason said "Alright, you've had your fun. A little help now?"

His only response to that was a quiet snort and some gentle snoring, she had passed out covered in cum and balls deep inside him. Which, honestly, was about par for the course at this point. Sighing, Mason was left to pull himself free so he could waddle over to the shower and drain himself. Looking down at the sleeping form of his new girlfriend, coated in cum with a finally softening cock, a cute dopey smile on her face, Mason couldn't help but smile.

Bending down, he placed a soft kiss on her forehead and whispered with a smile on his lips, "Sweet dreams, I'll see you on Monday."