
Masked Feelings

"Why the mask?" he asked. I kept quiet as he moved his hand to my hair. He untied my hair and let the hair band fall on the ground. "Why are you touching me? Am a whore, right?" I asked as I stared at him, right in the eyes. He stared back at me and didn't answer. Didn't he just call me a whore? He buried his face back in my neck and lightly blow on my face. That felt good. Damn good. When his lips made contact with my skin, i bit my lips to stop a moan. I could feel his hands letting my wrists free. My hands fell on his shoulders. My eyes were closed as I concentrated on the feelings that I was getting. What the hell was he doing to me?

Lechna_Baram · Urban
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100 Chs


"I'm tired of you" I sighed as I looked at the two sisters. Alena and Athena both raised their heads from their phones and looked at me while smiling sheepishly. "It is supposed to be a girls nights" I added.

"It is" Alena exclaimed.

"Stop texting you men and give me some fucking attention" I huffed. Athena put her phone in her pocket, then stood up.

"We were waiting for you to get ready" She pointed out while rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, but instead of texting your men, you two could have spend the time complimenting me" I said playfully and watched as both of them chuckled. I grinned, then took my bag. We were all three now ready to leave. Athena pulled her keys out of her bag and motioned us to walk to the door.