

Short stories just for entertainment

Ro_sh · LGBT+
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1 Chs


Is it ok to feel like this? She doesn't know. All she felt was numbness.

She knew

This is her father

This is her mother

This is her brother

This is her best friend

This is her friends

That's it

But she never felt an emotional attachment to them. She flet like they were just characters in her life. Character that had just roles

She never felt a deep attachment to anyone. Was it really normal?

Can someone live like this? Emotionless? Numb?

At first she used to be like normal people. Acted like she had emotions, she was happy, sad, empathic. But one day she got tired of it.

How many times do I fool people? More Than people, how can I fool myself when I don't even feel anything. She got tired of it.

Will this numbness ever change? Or will her life be like this for the rest of her life.

But one thing she understood was that the saying "TIME WILL HEAL EVERYTHING" was bullshit that people believed. Time doesn't heal anything. Time only changes the state of emotion. If its an pain it will change into anger or range over time it can change into numbness

She believed another thing "HEALING TAKE TIME"

Maybe time would bring healing to her.