
Mashle: My Spells Are Ninjutsu

A fan of Harry Potter and Naruto reincarnated and was born into a world of magic, fighting at the very beginning while mastering many ninjutsus to survive. He could live a normal life of wizardry, but his painful memories kept making him remember. He's no longer ordinary, he is Tom Burnedead. The depressed, the sorrowful, the regretful, the rageful brother... of the boy who lifted.

FreedomPalz · Anime und Comics
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{Index V: A Real Genius}

[This year's 'Divine Visionary' has been determined. The one chosen as 'Divine Visionary' is Rayne Ames, a second-year at Easton Magic Academy, a prestigious school in the Magic Realm.]

[The title is awarded to the student demonstrating the highest degree of excellence over the school year. In addition to promotion to nobility, recipients are gifted a grant of one billion lond and are further awarded-]

"Tch. Yeah, yeah. I understand. It must feel good with all that talent, damn show-off." A blond magic policer muttered to himself, tuning out the so called great and amazing news, he flipped through the newspaper.

A light gasp sounded over, but the police officer ignored it, in turn to look through the newspaper for anything else noteworthy to read.

He grumbled to himself, thinking of his superior back at the Magic Police station, "Then you have me here, living such a dull and boring life in such a dull place."

Taking a moment to look at some magical tools that were advertised, the light gasping sound echoed again.

"Seriously," eyes looked over at the corner of the room, "Stop making so much noise. Can't you see that I'm trying to read?"

Feeling such sharp eyes staring at him, the young man who was chained in the corner whimpered out a plea. "P-Please forgive me. I only stole a basket of apples to feed my family. Why? Why!"

"Huh?" being spoken rudely too, the Magic Policeman known as Brad Coleman, leered over before standing up.

An action that caused the apple thief to quiver on his blood stained knees.

Brad twisted his cigarette into an ashtray, ending the flame as wisps of smoke floated into the air. The smoke overlapped Brad's face for a moment, making him look even more deadly.


"Listen, you really are a waste of a man. What is even more surprising is that such a waste as yourself managed to even make a family in this city. It's honestly bad… bad enough that I was promoted and stationed to this place, but now I can't even have peace because of a thief who stole apples?" Brad walked around his desk, reaching into his chest pocket to pull out his wand.

"You gave me more work with your petty crime, now I have to do a long and useless report along with the procedures. Before I sit down and waste my time, I gotta first make you regret it so you'll never trouble me again."

As Brad got closer and closer to the bars, the hand-cuffed man wiggled and shook in fear. "Stop it… please. I beg you. All I stole was some measly apples. Please! You're part of the Magic Police are you! Can't you at least have some pity!"

"...Nope," Brad replied with a bored tone, lifting his wand towards his captive.

"Ek!" The Apple Thief bit his lips, hard enough to bleed before shutting his eyes out of fear.

Perhaps, someone out there was feeling pity towards the poor thief whereas the police officer was not, suddenly the telephone of the room started ringing.

Silently putting his wand away, Brad walked over and picked up the phone. "What is it? And who is it? I'm a bit busy down here at the moment…" the person on the other end of the phone paused before speaking again.

"Huh?!" Brad turned his head, facing the window which had the view of the bustling streets. "Is what you said true? There's an unmarked brat in the city? How long has it been since I've seen one. Anyway, get me Terry and James. We'll find this rat quickly…. Hm. Terry can't be contacted? Fine, just let James know that I'm heading out now."

Looking over at the sweaty thief, Brad's lips curved down in disdain, "You're lucky for now at least, hold tight, I'll be back." ignoring the whimpering reply, Brad walked out of the building while combing his hair.

Not so far from the Magic Police station, Mash brought the Goblin Cream Puff to his mouth and started nibbling, not paying attention to the stares the surrounding residents were giving him.

"Yummy, yummy, yum yum."

"His face…" a man in a red wizard attire spoke in disbelief.

"It has no mark." A Scholar finished the other one's sentence in shock.

"His face is…"

"It can't be. Doesn't that mean that he is…"

"What the? One of those abominations are walking down the street like this? Where are the Magic Police?"

More mutters echoed while Mash, as dull and as plain as he could be, was feeling happy as he munched down onto the cream puff. "This… sorry, Tom, Pops too, but it was worth coming here, mm."

When Mash was about to take another step, a voice called out ahead of him.

"So you're the one who was making all this ruckus."

Mash, unbothered by the sudden appearance of a Magic Policeman, munched down on his cream puff with no expression at all, small hums of pleasure leaking out bits by bits.

Soon a crowd gathered, some curiously looking at Mash with curiosity, fear, or disdain. Some were even loudly thanking that the Magic Police were here to handle this.

Brad cooly walked forward with his hands in his pockets, "You…"

"Hm? Yes?" Mash lowered the cream puff, revealing cream and crumbs all over his mouth.

At this sight, Brad oddly looked at Mash. Would anyone freely eat cream puffs in such a situation? "Why don't you come here an-" before his sentence was finished, a blue blur lunged forwards from the crowds of people, grabbing a hold of Mash before escaping.

Blinking at the sight of the martkless brat being rescued, an amused smile formed on Brad's face. "To think there is a markless one, but there are even people trying to protect him, too? Interesting, but then again…" Brad pulled out his wand. "But this may be my chance for a promotion, and a better office."

An incantation was made as a bird made up of magic flew from Brad's wand and into the sky. "After them, don't let them escape!"

Illuminated glowing feathers fell off the bird as it flapped its wings and flew in the direction of the escapees.

Tom whistled as he entered his home in a cheery mood, "I'm back, Mash."

"My son!" Regro pointed angrily at Tom before slapping the table, "15 years!"

"...Oh, dads home too." Tom sighed before looking at Mash who was lowering his head in front of the old man.

"You sneaked away from home?"

"...Yes." Mash honestly admitted.

"Hm. Did you say sorry?"

"...Yes." Mash guiltily looked aside.

Hearing this, Tom opened his arms up in a sign of peace.

Seeing this, Regro almost casted a spell at these two sons of his!

He took a deep breath, "How many times have I told you, Mash! Do not go to the city on your own! Only when your brother and I are with you, and then you can go!"

Mash lowered his head. "I'm really sorry."

Although there was no expression, a gloomy feeling floated around Mash causing Regro's angry face to slowly die down before blowing a sigh out. "You're lucky I'm already bald. If I still had hair, then all of it would have fallen off again." helplessly, he spoke.

"Oh, that. I actually have a spell that can grow your hair." Tom interrupted the two with a comical shrug, as if that detail wasn't any much important to the betrating that was being handled out.

Suddenly the home of the Burnedead's became quiet.

"Huh?" Regro snapped his head so fast, the sound of the air whipping came forth. "You little brat! You actually had a spell like that and kept it hidden from me! Do you know how much pain I was in whenever I left this old wooden home with a bald head?! Do you know how many citizens, how many of them young and old people made fun of me!"

He paused before leaning forward, "How… effective is it?"

"Effective." Tom nodded to himself with a 100% attitude. "The Art of the Raging Lion's Mane could do it. Although spiky at first, the grown hair which would reach your waist could be softened so it wouldn't be so sharp anymore."

"Ah. Really? Yay, I'm gl- don't change the subject!" Regro stared angrily at Tom .

Cursed this charming son of his, almost pulling him into a wondrous fantasy. Luckily he's smart enough to not fall for such a trick!


Mash looked up.

"As punishment, you'll repeat this morning's training routine and as for you, Tom, you… you're in charge of massaging my wrinkly feet!"

"Pfft!" Tom choked up and tried to respond.

Good, good. This was my father! Surely enough, he treasures Mash more than me. All Mash does is training and giving that to him as punishment was just another normal day, but what did he get? A pair of old feet to massage!

At this point, Tom couldn't help but feel regret. He should have brought Mash with him!


"Okay. And these cream puffs are for you." Mash lifted up the goodie-bag with thin lips.

Seeing such a bright smile on Mash's face and the leftover cream puffs, Regro sighed. What a good son. "Thank you."

"And me?" Tom lifted an open palm up.

Mash stared down at his palm for about a second before exclaiming, in what seems like a shocked tone, but really wasn't. "Oh. I forgot about you."

"How?" Tom became stupid, are anime people like this? So forgetful of such simplest things? "It's just us three living together in the forest! How could you forget about the other resident!"

"...I just did." Mash explained honestly.

Regro then became the next stupid thing when he saw Mash walking towards the new wooden door that Tom conjured up.

Moving at what seemed like the speed of light, Regro appeared in front of the door in a blue blur, grabbed the door's handle and opened it up.

Mash paused with his half-reached hand out, pulled it back and nodded. "Thank you."

As the two watched Mash leave, Tom couldn't help but look at the old man oddly. "He showed much more emotion when he was younger. What happened to that?"

"I-" Regro paused before staring forward with a dull look. "I honestly don't know when it happened. He had so much passion when he was just a child, but then… he became like that."

"Huh, child abuse!" Tom gasped, looking up and down at what seemed like his adoptive father.

I barely recognized you…

A tick mark appeared over Regro's head. "At least Mash is so amenable, what about you! Still living under this old man's roof and still single? Spat!" Regro started with spit flying out of his mouth.

Tom's funny face became grumpy in an instant, "I don't need a girlfriend or a wife. Why would I have that when I could just buy some pet if I feel lonely."

"Lonely cat woman? Cat man!" This time around, Regro stepped back and looked Tom up and down. With such a charming face and attractable chestnut roasted eyes, you would let down female companionship and become an animal person?

Son, most boys would at least strive for a relationship by now, but you… I almost didn't realize how lonely you are…

"Anyway, Tom, back to business. You know why we've been living out here in hiding, all this time away from the city in this forest. But now the Magic Police have caught wind of him." Regro solemnly said before picking up the goodie-bag that Mash gave him. Opening it up, and reaching in, he took out a glazed cream puff.

Regro's eyes soften before taking a small bite, "What should we do?"

As the responsible son, Tom, was, Regro knew that he had a sense of responsibility in this family. Right now, he himself couldn't think clearly, his heart was also nervously beating. His son's opinion, let's hear it…

Tom grew serious.

Serious face engaged.

He then extended out, snatched the cream puff from the old man's hand before throwing it into his mouth, exaggeratedly making faces as the chewing sound increased!

"Ah! My cream puff! You darn son of mine!" Flustered at how his son was acting, Regro crumbled up the paper bag before throwing it at Tom's face.

Tom didn't even bother to dodge, as he licked and munched, "Vanilla~ Although I don't like Mash always eating this, the variety of flavors he brings surely is a surprise."

Regro was about to yell before blinking.

"What's wrong?" Tom asked.

Looking behind Tom, out the window, perched on a branch of a tree, a glowing bird was staring at them in the distance.

"What is that?" Regro narrowed his eyes before they widened when the wall on the opposite side of the house exploded apart.

Regro stepped back, covering his face from the rising dust.

Tom, on the other hand, merely raised an eyebrow when he saw two Magic Policemen walking through the newly formed hole in the wall, and stepped into the house.

"Hm. Oh, are these two the ones that were in the report, but Mr. Brad, I seem to see a mark on that young boy." on the side, the officer said to the leading boss.

Brad clicked his tongue, "The markless one isn't here, James, but…" looking at the curly haired boy who was next to that old geezer, he spoke again with a mischievous smile. "But it seems like we found another rat amongst the nest."

"So… I'll make this clear to the both of you. Where's that brat I saw earlier?"

"AAAAH! My wall again! Why do all of you target my home? Why!" Regro cussed out with crossed eyes.

At such an intensive scream, James pulled back a bit before standing his ground.

Brad blinked.

"Aaaah-! Oh, the Magic Police! Oh no. This is bad." Regro snapped out of it, upon noticing the uniforms on these intruders, he hunched his back in thought.

"You know…" Tom began before Brad sharply spoke.

"Quiet there, pretty boy. Let me speak to the old geezer."

Offended, Tom almost pulled out his wand to cast the Unforgivable Curse before stopping when he saw his dad shaking his head at him from the corner of his eye.

Brad pulled out his wand, swinging it which caused Regro's favorite table to fly and hit the wall before sliding down, bringing down several family photos as well.

Regro flinched.

Tom frowned in response, but kept quiet.

"Let me tell you something." Brad stepped forward with James by his side, "Do you remember why magic has flourished since the dawn of recorded history? It's because we aggressively rid ourselves of inferior blood that is unable to use magic."

James began on the side as he pulled out his own wand, "The magical world of ours is moving forward and into a bigger future after all. To be honest, I don't care about those markless ones-"

"But," Brad side-glanced at James before looking at the two in front of him.

With speed, Brad swung his wand.

Regro was lifted into the air as a purple collar made out of magic began choking him.

James swung his wand afterwards.

Tom was shackled to the wall, chains made of magic binded his arms.

In response, Tom coldly looked at the Magic Police.

"T-Tom, d-don't!" Although he was choked in mid-air, he forced out a few words to his son while grabbing hold onto the collar that was tightly wrapped around his neck.

Tom, who was about to make a move, kept quiet. He did not say anything, but a terrifying expression appeared on his face.

James sneered.

"Unlike James over here, I, however, do care and I do believe that it is a necessary sacrifice for the world to go round. Simply put, those who can't use magic have no privileges." A cold smile appeared on Brad's face as he spoke out his next line.

"A privilege to live, that is."

Tom's eyes wandered to the entrance of their home, then back to his dad. His angry face bloomed veins that stretched across his neck, making him look most ferocious.

"In fact," Brad rubbed his chin in thought and swung his wand, causing Regro to hit the wall then slid down. "They aren't even supposed to live at all. So spill it, where's the brat? In a way, think about it. That boy isn't even supposed to be alive, wherever he came from, abandoned I assume, he should have died there. But you saved him, so strange? Just tell us where he is, besides, We, 'The Magic Police' are the good guys here. So why don't you just spit it out. Where is he?"

"I," Regro sat up gasping, keeping a steady eye at the furious Tom before making eye contact with the Magic Policeman, "I-I have no idea what you're talking about."

On the side, James rolled his eyes. "Sir, you do realize that sheltering the unmarked alone is a serious offense. How about this, you tell us where the boy is and then you and that growling kid against the wall could go free?"

"We could do that, after all, it's the markless boy we want. So just hurry up and hand him over."

Brad waved his wand as a warning.

Regro was kneeling at the ground at the moment.

He opened his mouth up slightly.

Brad and James perked up.

"I'll… I'll never tell you!"

Brad and James' faces became dark.

"You…" Brad walked up and kicked out towards the old geezer.

But before the leg could touch Regro, the wall next to them exploded.

"Huh?!" James turned only to be met with a hardened fist. His whole body was sent flying away.

"M-Mash! You!" Regro was stunned by his son's sudden appearance. How long were you here? You should have run away!

As if seeing what pops wanted to say, Mash shook his head, "Because, we're family. The both… of you… are all I've got." Mash stood tall, his hands tightened into fists while gazing at the lone standing Magic Police.

Mash approached before stopping a few feet away from Brad. "I'll…" he lifted his hand up before pointing downwards, "Am going to send you to hell now."

As if hearing a joke, Brad laughed merrily, even placing a hand on his hip then gave a good look towards the boy. "You against me? I'll admit, your strength must be something for you to break down the wall and make James fly to his next paycheck, but did you forget something? You can't even use magic. How are you going to take me down? Well, whatever. After taking you down, I'll be taking the old man and pretty boy over there into custody."

Brad focused as magic swirled in the air and gathered on the tip of his wand, a small ball with a purple glow appeared.

It slowly grew.

"Eat this! Nalcom Pas!" with a command, the spell flew from the wand and rushed towards Mash.

Mash readies himself, when suddenly Tom, who had kept quiet during this whole exchange, took this chance to speak up.

"Mash, you, step down."

The spell known as Nalcom Pas, that drove away a dragon during Brad's Bureau days, suddenly stopped right in front of Mash's face.

"Huh?" Brad's eyes focused as the space in front of his spell rippled, as his spell kept pushing forward, but was stopped by an invisible wall.

From around the spell imploded with high amounts of magic, runes floated out from the rippled space, floating in mid air, surrounding the bursting spell.

The runes paused before rotating quickly, and to Brad Coleman's shock, his spell that he was so proud of was slowly disappearing into the space. The runes spun faster before closing up once the whole spell entered it.

"You…" Brad was stunned when he saw the curly haired boy shatter James' magical shackles easily, before standing up, shaking his shoulders. "What did you…"

An explosion from the distance captured Brad's attention.

Looking out of the hole in the wall, Brad could see smoke rising in the distance.

"Me? I just transferred your spell to another location. No biggie." Tom's calm face had Brad make a shocked face.

Brad couldn't believe it, that was… Spatial Magic, right?!

How could a brat like this master a high level magic spell?!

Can such a kid be able to pull off a spell like that? Impossible! It must be a fluke!

I know my spell! After all, it drove away a dragon for god's sake! But against a complicated spell such as space magic? There's no way.

"You know spatial magic?! Not bad, brat!" Brad ignored the markless brat, all his attention was on the other boy.

His wand pointed to the boy!

"The names not brat. It's Tom Burnedead! Remember it!" feeling the heat in the air, Tom whipped out his wand, pointing it at the Magic Policeman!

Then at the same time, magic from opposite sides gathered. Glowing magical wisps of purple and blue colors appeared from both ends, swirling in unison like a dance, mirroring the other like how one sees the reflection of a mirror.

"That magical output of yours!" As the spell was completed, Malcolm Pas floated over Brad's wand in all its glory.

At Tom's side, a swirling ball of energy spun as it whipped up the wind in the room.

"You…" Brad was amazed beyond belief. "Could it be that you saw my spell and was able to reverse engineer it to suit it to your liking? Awesome! Stupendous!"

Brad's heart was full of awe at this picture.

A young man who stood tall with no fear in his eyes, his wand up with the dangerous spinning magical ball, causing his dull gray robe to pick up in the wild that swirled around them.

"You… What's the name of your spell?"

Tom rolled his eyes, but spoke politely. "Wind Style: Rasengan!"

"That…" Bra's chest heaved up and down, he let out a pure smile of enjoyment. "That's a nice spell."

"Yeah. It is."

The two were quiet before suddenly they rushed at each other.

Thrusting their wands forward as both their respective spells collided.

As the glows from both spells collided and merged, Regro's phantom cry echoed.

"AAAAH! My house, again!"

The next thing, in a flat open crater on the ground, Brad, whose attire was blown away, leaving nothing but a shredful of cloth left, sat up on the ground before laughing.

"I-Interesting! I saw a real genius today! Hahaha!"

In rags as well, Tom oddly stared at the laughing Magic Policeman as he healed his adoptive father.

Mash was fine on the side as well, as he was holding pops up while his brother healed him.

The only problem was that all their clothes seemed to have been shredded upon the collision, so now both son and father were sitting up naked on the ground.

"I'm not a genius." Tom muttered, "At most, I am a genius of hard work!"

"Hahaha! That's fine as well, now how about we make a deal? Do what I ask, and I'll let not only you, but as well the markless brat and the old geezer slide." Brad looked at Tom with a gleam in his eyes.

Mash tilted his head, "A deal?"

Seeing the confused look, Brad explained, "Once a year in this country, one exceptional student is revered as one of God's chosen. That student will be called as the 'Divine Visionary.' You, Tom Burnedead. Enroll in a magic school…" he smirked, "And be chosen as the one! And I know for a feeling, that you have a high chance to be selected! And if you indeed are, it means that God has accepted not only you, but as well as your family!"

"Think about it, no member who had markless in their blood has ever been chosen before. If you become a Divine Visionary, society will have to accept your whole bunch. And upon enlisting you as someone who 'I' personally scouted, I will get both fortune and prestige upon founding you towards that school!"

"Listen to me, Tom!" Brad slapped his knee, sitting up with energy.

"This isn't good! And we really shouldn't be talking to someone when they were just an enemy a minute ago. It's best to stay quiet and just stay out here, no more exposure, right? Right?" Regro looked around warily at his two boys.

"Hey, hey, hey. It's up to you to be skeptical if you want. But if you were to refuse, then I'll just report you guys in, and we'll hunt you guys down for the rest of your life." Brad shrugged playfully.

"You!" Regro tightened his fist, "You monster! Police resorting to blackmail!"

"What can I say? It's a society after all. Big guys eat small guys, this is how nature goes. If I am after you, the whole country will be too! Markless boy, you'll be okay because you're tough, pretty boy is talented in spell casting, but what about the old man? How much could he last? Not only that, but aren't you tired of staying hidden from the outside world? From never showing your face?"

Brad propped his chin on his knuckle, "A life where you can never feel at ease, and unable to set foot in a city… Well, the choice is yours. You can spend the rest of your life being hunted down, or brace yourself to die and try turning the tables?"

"Ugh, school again? But it is a magic school, but it is a school…" while Tom was in the middle of comparing benefits and losses, Mash raised a pointer finger up.

"You got a deal."

"Huh?! Who asked you to make such a decision for your brother!"

"No, pops. I mean to say…" Mash patted himself, his dull eyes suddenly radiating a different glow, "I'll go to school and become the Divine Visionary."

At this, Tom, Brad and Regro looked towards Mash with stunned expressions.

Regro: "What do you mean?! Are you sane? That's a MAGIC SCHOOL!"

Brad: "Is this brat serious? A markless person wants to be the Divine Visionary? Absolutely insane!"

Tom was so stunned that he didn't say any words.

"I'll be fine, Pops and Tom. My motivation is stronger than anyone else and besides… I want us to be able to live in peace again." Mash stated his reasoning to which Regro cried.

"You're such a good boy, Mash!"

Weeks later, the next scene shown were that of dark clouds covering a large castle as lighting flickered in the ominous wind.

Staring at the castle, a little sparkle appeared in Tom's eyes, "Almost like Hogwarts." He and Mash walked up the stairs leading to the castle's entrance.

Adorn with new robes, the two brothers glanced at each other before looking at the castle.

Mash, with a mark drawn on his face, looked up at the darkened sky and lifted a fist in the air, "Living in peace with Pops and Tom, If it's a world that won't allow something as natural as that… then I've got no choice but to crush it… with my fist."

Tom lifted his fist as well, "Well, although I don't like studying. This is my new life now. And if my brother, 'The Boy Who Lifted' is going to fight, then I shall do the same. Watch out, world! The Burnedeads are coming for you!"

As if declaring to these two arriving challengers, the sky boomed with thunder in acceptance to them.

Alright! Another chapter completed, I truly hope you guys enjoyed it!

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