
Episode 2

The fear grew bigger in me the more I moved closer to her, it wasn't easy, yeah finally I got to her sit, it was as if the ground should just open and swallow me the moment she looked at me "h-hi" I said with a very shaky voice

"Hello marvis watsup" Damn I couldn't believe she knows my name, or is she secretly crushing on me too(my mind started deceiving me again)

" I'm fine" I finally answered

"okay, you need anything from me?" she said staring at me with her kind, cute, innocent eyes....this was the only opportunity I had to collect her damn number but I missed it again, to ask her was really heavy for my mouth

"well not really...i just wanted to say hi"...well i got the chance to talk to her at least but wait..what the heck am I gonna tell David, he's literally gonna kill me for sure

"oh okay thanks " she said as I left her front shaking like an abandoned puppy

"Bro what happened?" David said without letting me even settle down

"Nothing happened.... " I said cleaning the sweat on my forehead with my arm

" what do u mean that nothing happened? " he said with his eyes fixed on my face I was getting scared at this moment‚...

"I mean she said she's not in the mood to talk now" I lied just to save myself from David's hands "That's a lie bro" " tell me the truth jhor"

"I'm telling the truth David.."

" you're not telling the truth, I know u when you lie, just tell me what fucking happened I can still help, don't be scared" he said looking so concerned I should have smelt it was a trap for me just for him to get the truth but I think my brain was sleeping at that moment

"well, I couldn't say anything, I couldn't even maintain eye contacts with her" I finally broke the truth

"you see?, if I call u a coward now, you'll say I'm mean abi?" David said looking dissapointed

"you can call me whatever you want, I just realised I'm a coward too, don't worry when the time comes, I'm gonna approach her with good results for u"i said with a smile on my face but he's reaction just made the smile wipe off little by little, he's face is always scary anytime he's angry with me

" whatever!" he said as he turned back to his business

We closed a bit late from school that day cause we were preparing for our exams next year(wassce)...My school has the habit of preparing their students ahead of any external exam..

David didn't still talk to lp I h0ad to walk home alone with Mitchell, I had to definitely do something to make David talk to me again I guess he was sick and tired of my low vibes, he just wanted me to be free with everyone especially the people I wanna vibe with in our class....

Mitchell noticed I was thinking cause I was just quiet with my head faced downwards as we walked home

"what's wrong bro" she asked looking so concerned "what's wrong where" I acted like I didn't know what she was talking about

"whats wrong with u?, why you so quiet?" "Nothing!"I answered sharply

"Hmm"she signed.... "or are u still angry about this morning?"

"Angry?" what happened in the morning was not even part of my worries ...i had forgotten whatever happened the moment I was released from the punishment

"Yeah, I know I wrong you by leaving you... "

"No Mitchell!" I cut in...

" There's no way I can still be angry with u Mitchell, I've honestly forgotten about that shit "Then why are u angry? She asked

"I'm not angry..."

"But this is not you, I know you.. "

"Ehn ehn? "

"yes I mean it, you know you can confide in me anytime you're down, and I'll help you in any way I can" she said with her tiny babyish voice

"yeah I know right?, but I don't think I should be saying this to u" I didn't want to tell her about my crush cause she might probably make fun of me... "why?" she asked..

"Nothing I just feel I shouldn't tell you.. "

"it's fine" she said looking so sad, I knew me not telling her what was bothering me was gonna hurt her feelings, but I also didn't want her to make fun of me but it seems the way she was talking with me that day she wasn't ready to make fun of anyone, she obviously just wanted to help... I later told her about everything that happened in school with my crush and David , I told her how David was angry because I couldn't still pour out my feelings to my crush. Mitchell comforted me so well that she even got a very nice plan to help me but as you all know u don't like forcing things to happen I just like raging the reality..

"Marvis if u can take this plan serious just consider hazel already your girlfriend " mitchell said with a serious face

"But you know I don't like getting into trouble"

"I know right?,but this is no trouble Marcus, you just have to be yourself and fight for what you want and get it and also be happy" she started lecturing me again..

"I know, but I think when the right time comes I'll definitely get what i want"

"Look what you want can't come to you, you gotta go get the shit

"I know right?, but how can you help me" At this moment I was ready for whatever plan mitchell was about to bring up even when I know it wouldn't be so easy for me to execute but I think I should hear the plan first...

"Well it's a process and not also a day's job.."

"Okay boss" I saluted mitchell, she always as a plan like her brain responds fast to any situation whatsoever.

"Okay! There are two stages in the solution i.e

1. Try making friends with her

2. Express your feelings...I know its not that easy but don't worry I would help you scale through.. "

"Hmm I hope u do, cause I'm beginning to get scared"

"You don't have to be scared marvis..trust me I would help you through"

Mitchell didn't later tell me what the plan was she insisted we get home first, but when we got home we saw something unbelievable...

To be continued...