
Marvel: The Huntsman Caught In a Spider's Web

I was a trained assassin. My life was endless killing and mayhem. But that’s not what I wanted. Then again, I never really knew what I wanted. Eventually, though, I got a chance. A chance to do some real good for the world. I intended to take that chance and make something of myself, something I could look back on and be proud of. I think I managed it. With help from a certain someone, of course. Want to hear my story? Take a seat, it’s a wild ride.

spiderkayden · Anime und Comics
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34 Chs

You Think He's Balding Under The Helmet?

(Upper New York, a large mansion)

(3rd Person POV)

A door opens, leading to a tidy office, similar to that of a principal. Through the open door comes a man on a wheelchair, pushed along by a rugged looking man of short stature. 

The man on the wheelchair is pushed behind his desk, taking his place as headmaster of the school. In walks a third man, this one looking a bit more unusual than the others. His skin was blue, and covered with fur. As he walked in, he slammed a folder of papers down on the headmaster's desk.

(No-one's POV)

"Professor, I'm telling you, it just doesn't add up!" The blue furball seemed exasperated.

"And I'm telling you, a hunch is not worth mobilizing the entire X-men. These are just assumptions, Hank. I cannot, in good faith, entertain them as anything more" replied the Professor.

"Professor, you know me. I'm a man of science, I don't do 'hunches'. What I do is make educated guesses, and that's what this is! Look, Magneto has been completely quiet for months! He has to be up to something!"

"And what do you suggest we do, Hank? Run around the world until we find them? It'd be like looking for a needle in a haystack" said the third man, his voice even rougher than his appearance.

"No, not around the world. Just New York." Hank replied, searching through his papers.

"New York? How do you know they'll be there?"

"This is how" He said, handing the paper he took out to the professor.

"As you can see, there was an incident of a cargo plane being hijacked before take-off in Chile. Reports from the police say multiple cars were magically folded in half during the attack. Sound familiar, Logan?"

"...vaguely" Logan replied, scratching his mutton chop beard.

"The flight was then tracked to have crash landed somewhere in upstate New York. You see what I'm getting at here?"

The Professor, who had been silent until now, finally spoke up. 

"Alright, Hank. If you're sure, then we'll have to trust you. Logan, contact the students in New York. Tell them to stay on high alert, and contact us if they see something. Have the main team get together and be ready to move within 48 hours. If Magneto is up to something, we'll stop him before he gets a chance."

Logan grunted in response, before pulling out his phone and walking out of the office.

His phone rung for a few seconds before his call was picked up.

(Manhattan, New York)

"Uh-huh. Yeah, got it. We'll keep an eye out. Yes, we'll call you immediately. Yes, I get it, so for the love of God, stop repeating yourself."

A brown haired girl walked out of her room, her hair a mess as she had just gotten out of bed. She ended the call before collapsing onto the couch. This was none other than Kitty Pryde, junior member of the X-men. She sighed before checking the time until she had to leave for school.

As she checked the time, another bedroom door opened, and out walked Laura Kinney, another member of the junior X-men. Their team had been sent to New York City so they could become accustomed to living among non-mutants, and they had rented an apartment to stay in while they were there. The boys had their own apartment in a different building down the block, and by all accounts, it was becoming a classic male dorm experience. Ew.

Soon after Laura, the rest of the dormmates appeared one by one. Jubilee, Jean, Laura and Rogue sat in the living room eating breakfast as Kitty told them about the call she had just received.

"So Magneto is up to his bullshit again?" Jubilee asked once Kitty was done speaking.

"Basically. Logan said to keep an eye out and call him if we see anything suspicious, but I don't really know what he expects us to do. We're not detectives." replied Jean, stirring her cup of coffee.

"I don't think we need to be detectives to notice an asshole with a superiority complex walking down Brooklyn Avenue in an M shaped metallic helmet" said Laura, who was kinda half-listening while also cutting a piece of toast with her claws.

"I doubt it'll be that easy, Sugah. Magneto and his Brotherhood are real slippery" commented Rogue, who was currently putting butter on her toast.

"Your accent is slipping out again" Jubilee informed her, chuckling as she inhaled pieces of bacon.

"Aw, shucks! *cough* I mean, shit, not again!" Rogue replied, trying her best to hide her country accent.

After a few moments laughing at the comedic slip-up, Kitty brought the group's attention back to the initial point.

"Look, so far we haven't been told to search for the Brotherhood. We just need to stay vigilant and be ready to stop them at a moment's notice. Sound good?"

After receiving hums of agreement from everyone, Kitty walked over to her room and picked up her hairbrush.

"Alright, good. Let's get ready to move then. We only have half an hour till school."

That sentence left the room in pin-drop silence for a moment, before everyone immediately got up and began scrambling into their rooms to get ready.

Kitty could already tell this was gonna be one hell of a day.

~ End of Chapter 19

Hey there! Sorry this chapter was a bit shorter and slower paced, but thought I'd use this as an introductory chapter for the new arc. Hope you liked it, and any power-stones are greatly appreciated.

See ya in the next one!

(P.S, I didn't proofread this, so if you see any spelling or grammar mistakes, please comment on the line and I'll fix it. Thank you!)