
Marvel: The Huntsman Caught In a Spider's Web

I was a trained assassin. My life was endless killing and mayhem. But that’s not what I wanted. Then again, I never really knew what I wanted. Eventually, though, I got a chance. A chance to do some real good for the world. I intended to take that chance and make something of myself, something I could look back on and be proud of. I think I managed it. With help from a certain someone, of course. Want to hear my story? Take a seat, it’s a wild ride.

spiderkayden · Anime und Comics
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34 Chs

I Swear I Didn't go to Chernobyl

(Elijah's POV)

"Alright. If I was a half-spider half-human girl in spandex who fights villains for a living, where would I be?"

I looked at a nearby billboard that was broadcasting the news and saw that someone called Dr. Octopus (stupid name) was wreaking havoc in Brooklyn.

"Huh. That was shockingly convenient" I said as I began to jog towards the subway to head home and grab my suit.

"Wait, can I just swing to the crime scene like Spider-woman? Don't tell me I invented those mag-lines just to replace them with web swinging literally a few fucking days later. Goddamn it."

I got on the Subway heading towards Queens, where my apartment was. There was a hobo pissing on a Chihuahua on the train. I'm not saying I condone his actions, but I do understand them.

I got off the train at my station and ran to my apartment. After grabbing everything, I cut holes in the fingertips of my gloves, and one on both my wrist gauntlets. I went up the fire escape to the rooftop of my building, and walked over to the ledge. 

"Alright, let's hope this is as easy as she makes it look." I turned around and walked 10 steps away from the ledge. I took a deep breath, turned back around and ran full speed off the edge of the building.

"WOOOHOOOO!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I took the 10 story plunge. The wind streamed over my suit, going through the breathable nylon under my armor plates. I twisted and flipped through the air before finally setting myself into a stable falling position.

As the ground approached, I felt a weird tingle in the back of my head. I held my arm out towards the next building, and my hand automatically made a hand sign, kind of like that one rock hand sign, but with the thumb sticking out too. As I made the hand sign, a white strand of web released from my exposed wrist and flew towards the building, connecting to the concrete.

I held onto the web for dear life, and catapulted myself down the street. I got into the rhythm after a few blocks. Thwip and release, thwip and release. Not too hard. It's like something is guiding me towards where I should shoot my webs. I also have no idea how long I can keep this up. My webs come out of my wrists, but do they run out? Or am I constantly producing more? Guess I'll find out when I find out.

I continued making my way towards where Doctor Octopus was, practicing my swinging the whole way.

"Maybe I should make a new suit? This one is kind of heavy, so it's slowing down my swinging. Fuck, am I seriously replacing my suit this quickly? No, how about I just modify it. Make it lighter. Yeah, that should work"

As I pondered this, I soared high above a main street in Brooklyn. I looked down to see people staring up at me as I flew overhead. They knew of Spider-woman, she had been around for a year, after all. A new guy in a metallic suit swinging like Spider-woman? That was bound to catch their attention. I released my web halfway through a swing and flipped backwards so my head was facing the concrete as my momentum continued to carry me down the main road. I waved at pedestrians as I righted myself and continued swinging.

After a few minutes, I reached the scene of the battle, and man, was there a lot of damage. Store fronts had been destroyed, the road was cracked and broken, and glass littered the sidewalk from broken windows. I looked towards the source of the carnage to see Spider-woman fighting a man with eight tentacles. A shiver went down my spine as I remembered some things from the internet I'd rather forget.

I watched the Octopus dude, who I believe the news called Doctor Octopus, throw a car at Spider-woman like it was a pillow at a sleepover. She gracefully flipped over the car before web-zipping herself towards Doc Ock to deliver a devastating punch to his nose. She managed to hit the target, but Doc Ock pushed through the pain and grabbed her with one of his tentacle-arm things.

"Time to intervene"

(Spider-Gwen's POV)

'Well, this isn't good.'

I went for a counter and got caught by Doc Ock. I needed to get out of this somehow. I struggled to pull apart his hold, but the arm tightened around me. As it began to slowly try to crush me, I heard a voice ring out behind me.

???: "Hey, Spider-woman! Sorry about this in advance!"

As a male voice from behind me said that, I heard something land on the ground between me and the Doc. I looked down to see it was... A FLASHBANG?!


Before I could register what was about to happen, a giant flash of light blinded me temporarily, and the extremely high pitched sound from the grenade deafened me.

When my vision and hearing came back, I realized I was no longer in Doc Ock's hold. I looked back towards where he was to see a familiar armored asshole fighting him. 

"Did you seriously just flashbang us?!"

"Desperate times call for desperate measures!" He replied, back-flipping over one of the tentacles Doc Ock had swung at him.

As I began to stand up slowly to rejoin the fight, I heard him bantering with the Marine-themed Supervillain.

"Hey, Doctor Octopussy! Is that fishy smell coming from you?" He said, weaving under one of the arms that had swung at him and charging at the villain. He then did something I never expected.

He began to weave a series of webs around the Doc in order to create a cocoon to trap him in. Once the Doc was completely wrapped up to his shoulders, he grabbed him and got in position behind him. He removed the lower half of his mask (which I did not think was detachable, how does that even work?) and made his face below his nose visible to me.

'That jaw-line. I've seen that before... It can't be, right? But he used webs... and just yesterday...no, it's not possible.'

As I pulled myself out of my thoughts, I looked at the Huntsman as he tensed his jaw, causing two fangs to pop out.

'What the fuck? Is he a vampire?'

He then suddenly sunk his Teeth into Doc Ock's neck. Doc, who had been thrashing to get out of his hold the whole time, slowly went limp, and his eyes closed.

I got up fully and walked over to them.

"Been a minute, rookie" I said, a teasing tone in my voice.

"Rookie? Why am I the rookie?" He said, clearly feigning annoyance.

"Because you've been a hero for what? A week?" I replied, walking past him and checking on the Doc.

"Actually, less" He replied, chuckling.

I checked the villain's pulse and sighed in relief.

"So you didn't kill him"

Huntsman: "Of course I didn't kill him, what kind of animal do you take me for? Although I'm not sure how potent my venom is, so he may be comatose for a while"

I laughed a bit. He was kinda funny...similar to him.

"Well, your name is Huntsman, so you can see why I'd be concerned"

"Fair enough" He replied, shrugging his shoulders.

"Also, venom? I thought you were a vampire?"

"What? No! I'm like you, I guess." He replied, seemingly insulted.

"Radioactive Spider?"

"Radioactive Spider."

"Did you find it in Chernobyl?" I replied, snickering after remembering his earlier comments.

"Nope. At Oscorp, actually." He replied.

As I heard that, my smile faded. This can't be a coincidence. Not when this many things line up. Do I ask him? But I can't do that without revealing myself. Do I even want to know? I do. I want to know if it's him so I can keep him safe. I can't know for sure just yet without revealing my own secret, so for now, I have a better idea.

"Hey, you alright?" His words, laced with a undertone of worry, snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm alright." As I stood back up from my previous position of crouching by the villain's unconscious body, I heard the sound of police sirens approaching. I turned to my new comrade and smirked.

"Hey, Huntsman. You wanna get some Spider training from the real deal?"

End of Chapter 14~

Hey there! Sorry this chapter came out so late. Exam season is on, so bit of a time management issue. I'll try not to let it happen again. In other news, I started playing Lethal Company. Shit's scary. Scary is good. Anyway, hope you enjoy the chapter, see ya in the next one!