
Marvel: The Huntsman Caught In a Spider's Web

I was a trained assassin. My life was endless killing and mayhem. But that’s not what I wanted. Then again, I never really knew what I wanted. Eventually, though, I got a chance. A chance to do some real good for the world. I intended to take that chance and make something of myself, something I could look back on and be proud of. I think I managed it. With help from a certain someone, of course. Want to hear my story? Take a seat, it’s a wild ride.

spiderkayden · Anime und Comics
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34 Chs

.50 Cal Hellfire

I felt the wind flow over me as I dove through the air, miles above the ground.

Web Swinging was always fun, but sky-diving is something else entirely. I should jump off the Empire State Building sometime.

As I reached terminal velocity, I checked my altitude meter. I was approaching the green-zone.

I reached my hand back towards my parachute and pulled the cord, causing it to deploy and jerk my body upwards as it broke my fall.

I grabbed the handles as I guided it towards a dense forest area near the future combat zone.

Once I was just about 50 meters above the ground, I pulled a knife and cut my chute, causing me to start falling again.

As I approached the canopy of the forest, I shot a web at a tree and swung to break my momentum.

I look like Tarzan right now, don't I? Goddamnit.

As I swung through the forest I kept an eye out for any vantage points. Eventually, I found a small elevated hill with a clear line of sight. Once I reached, I settled into a small nestle of bushes and took my rifle off my shoulder.

I adjusted the scope for the length and set my bipod, lying prone amongst the foliage. I watched through the scope as the Quinjet landed near the abandoned factory.

*Spider-woman's POV*

After Elijah jumped, the doors closed once again as we started preparing for landing.

The rest of the team was confused as to why Elijah jumped out early, but I knew what his plan was. It was pretty smart, if anything.

We heard Tony yell that we were on approach, so we began our final preparations. I checked my web cartridges and my web grenades.

Tony and Riri put on their armours, and Natasha checked her handguns and wrist-tasers. The jet's autopilot landed the plane, and the doors opened.

We walked out into a small clearing in the middle of a forest. In front of us was an old abandoned factory that Magneto intended to use to create the Sentinels. Apparently, he'd been stealing materials and machinery to create them in advance. He'd been working on this plan for a while, apparently.

As we approached, the large bay doors of the factory opened, and out came the Brotherhood, with Magneto leading them.

"Charles. You truly are foolish, old friend. To think you'd chase me all the way here, only to die by my hands.

Charles narrowed his eyes, clearly not pleased by this greeting.

"Erik, you have to stop this nonsense. A genocidal army! Is this truly the answer you've come to?!" He shouted, his voice straining from the emotion.

"Our people have been killed countlessly! How many more will suffer under mankind's persecution!" He yelled back, not backing down.

"You speak as if we aren't humans ourselves!"

"WE ARE NOT!" He yelled, his voice echoing through the warehouse behind him.

"We are the next step in human evolution. And just as the Homo-sapiens did to the Neanderthals, we, the Homo-superiors, shall bring to them their end." As he finished his speech, the mutants in his brotherhood cheered.

Among them were the ones Tony warned us about. Mystique, Pyro, Toad, Avelanche, Sabretooth and other mutants stood on the left and right of Magneto, clearly raring for a fight.

Logan, standing between me and Charles, growled. Like actually growled. He then clenched his fists and blades came out of them. Full on metal blades. Jesus Christ, he's bleeding too. What the actual fuck.

While I was getting freaked out by Logan's general existence, Charles continued to plead with Magneto.

"Erik, please. Leave these dangerous ideas behind. We're giving you a chance. Quit now, and join me. Help me better the future of mutants around the world. That's what you want, isn't it? But this, this isn't the way to go about it. Please, Erik."

Magneto stayed silent for a moment, letting Charles' words sink in.

"You truly are one of the smartest people I have ever met, Charles. Your genius is one of the things I have always admired about you. But you're still too stupid to see…"

Magneto began to levitate off the ground on a steel platform, as pieces of scrap metal began to lift off of the ground.

"Too stupid to see that I made my final decision years ago, old friend."

My spider sense began to tingle, as we all braced for impact as we noticed the metal floating in the air begin to move.

Suddenly, however, our comms turned on with a crackle, and Elijah's voice came through.

"That's all I needed to hear."

I heard a whizzing sound, and the next thing we knew…

Magneto's chest burst open.

We all stood there, shocked. Both us and the Brotherhood. None of us uttered a word in our pure disbelief.

About 3 seconds after he was hit, a loud gunshot echoed throughout the forest.

Magneto slowly looked down to see a hole the size of a fist in the middle of his chest, where his lungs would be.

"So this is why you pleaded so hard, old friend." He said, as he gave Charles one last melancholic smile, before his control over the metal objects ceased and he fell to the ground.

As he fell, Mystique shrieked, her scream blood-curdling. She ran to his side and held his head in her arms, but it was too late. He was gone.

She looked towards us, pure hatred in her eyes. She stood up and wiped tears from her eyes.


The Brotherhood charged, and we reciprocated. Wolverine engaged first, locking hands with Sabretooth. They growled at each other, but Sabretooth kicked Logan in the chest, sending him flying back. Sabretooth tried to follow it up, but another bullet whizzed through the battlefield, striking him in the stomach. He yelled out in pain, and Logan stood up to catch his breath.

He put his hand to his ear and spoke through the comms.

"I was handling that."

"Sure you were." Elijah replied.

Sabretooth, however, got back up as his wounds began to heal. He and Logan engaged again, exchanging punches.

Tony and Riri were dealing with Pyro, using their beams to damage him and flying high to avoid his flames.

Laura was fighting Toad, which was mostly her charging at him with her claws as he evaded her reach.

I was dealing with Avalanche along with Viv. He had the ability to create shockwaves, but I used my spider-sense and webs to avoid his attacks. Viv on the other hand just flew and went intangible, meaning nothing physical could harm her. That's cheating.

Avalanche released a seismic wave at me, which I dodged, as Viv appeared from the ground behind him and punched him in the back, sending him flying to me. I hit him with an uppercut, sending him flying through the air above me. I then shot a web at his back, yanking him back down towards Viv, who shot a laser beam upwards, finishing him. I walked over towards Viv for a fist bump, as Avelance landed next to us, unconscious. Viv looked at my fist, confused. Okay, gotta teach her fist-bumps. Got it.

Tony and Riri had just finished up with Pyro, leaving him unconscious next to Toad near the Quinjet.

Laura was now helping Logan fight Sabretooth, something Logan did not seem happy with. His ego didn't appreciate being helped in this fight, apparently.

Scott was dealing with some of the lesser known Mutants in the background along with Natasha.

Now that I think about it, I hadn't heard Elijah fire a round in a few minutes. As I turned to see if he was somewhere nearby, my spider-sense blared and I leaped out of the way of a bullet.

I looked back to see Mystique aiming at me.

"You're going to die here. I'll make sure of it."

"Try it." I said, as I webbed the gun out of her hands and ran at her. As I leaned in for a punch, I watched her smirk. My spider-sense went off again, and I glanced down to see a knife in her hand, aimed at my abdomen. I tried to jump away, but it was too late.

As the knife was inches away from reaching me, however, a gunshot rang out throughout the battlefield that left my ears ringing. As I regained my senses, I looked at my stomach and noticed it didn't have a gaping stab wound.

I then heard Mystique shriek in pain, and I soon saw why I wasn't stabbed. Mystique's arm had been blown clean off, and I had a good idea as to who did it.

I looked to my right and, sure enough, there he was. Elijah was crouched 30 feet away from me, his rifle in his arms, his eye aiming down the scope, and smoke still rising from his barrel.

"I'd stand down, if I were you. I don't think shapeshifting makes you immune to .50 caliber rounds."

Mystique stared at him with pure malice in her eyes.

"So you're the one who did it. I'll kill you, if it's the last thing I do."

Elijah simply chuckled, before raising his barrel and aiming it at her head.

"Try it."

Mystique growled, but before she could do anything stupid, Laura punched her in the back of the head, causing her to pass out.

Elijah, lowered his gun as he stood up and walked towards me.

"Second time I've saved your life, by the way."

"Shut up" I grumbled, as I softly punched his shoulder.

We looked over at Logan, who was still duking it out with Sabretooth.

"You need help over there?" Elijah yelled.

"No! Stay out of it." He shouted back, before getting slashed in the leg.

"Alright!" He yelled back, before looking at me and snickering. "I'm not gonna stay out of it."

He crouched down and raised his gun as I shook my head and chuckled.

"Cover your ears" he told me, and I did as he intstructed.

He then fired a round, hitting Sabretooth in the chest, sending him flying backwards.

Even though I covered my ears, they were still ringing. That thing is really loud.

Logan looked at us, annoyed by the interference, but Tony landed next to us and tapped his wrist as if there was watch, telling him to hurry up. Logan huffed, clearly annoyed by the interruption, but he used the window provided to him by Elijah's shot and grabbed Sabretooth's arms and breaking them, before dragging him kicking and screaming to the Quinjet, where he put some X-gene suppressing cuffs on him.

As he walked past us, he grumbled about "kids not knowing how to stay out of other peoples business."

We looked over at the factory and saw Riri, Viv Scott and Laura escorting out the kidnapped scientists.

Tony walked up to Elijah, opening his mask.

"Hey, kid. I thought Magneto had electromagnetic waves all around him. How the hell did your bullets pass through?"

The rest of the team also stopped to listen, curious about the answer.

Elijah simply smiled as he answered.

"Simple. I didn't use metal. I used depleted Uranium rounds. Non-magnetic, and hard enough to punch into a tank and punch out of it on the other side. Made em myself. He was so confident bullets could never hurt him, that he didn't even care whether we was exposed enough to get shot."

Tony's eyes widened, as he realized how Magneto started floating in place so openly in the middle of a forest with so many vantage points. It was a sniper's dream, but he just never thought a bullet could reach him.

He simply shook his head in disbelief as he walked towards the factory.

We helped Laura and the rest board the Quinjet as we loaded the Brotherhood's members into the holding bay.

We began wrapping up preparations to leave, which included Tony corrupting any digital files on the Sentinal project and lighting the warehouse on fire.

I looked over at Charles, who hadn't spoken a word since Magneto was eliminated. While I know Magneto had to be taken down, I couldn't help but feel sympathy for Charles. He lost his friend. No matter how irredeemable he may have been, it must've still hurt like losing a family member.

I sighed and continued helping wrap things up.

Once we were all settled in, the bay doors of the jet closed, and we took off.

Mission accomplished.

End of Chapter 30~


Phew, that took a while to write. One problem I found while writing was that with Laura and Logan's enhanced hearing, the gunshots from the .50 Cal should've left them half deaf. Well, nothing I can do about that really. Unless I write in them having protective headsets on.

Anyway, hope you liked the chapter. Please leave a comment as it's always really fun to hear your thoughts and opinions. It's probably one of my favourite parts of writing.

Constructive criticism is always appreciated, and please consider giving some power stones if you enjoyed. See ya!