
Marvel: The Half-Blood Prince.

[(AU ) MARVEL X HARRY POTTER] ------ He looked at his masterpiece with an impassive look, one stained in blood, allowing himself to embrace the soothing touch of the rain, surrendering to the serenity of the moment. Memories flooded his mind, vivid recollections of all the lives he has taken. Of the chaos, he had sown. Among these turbulent memories, one memory stood out—the memory of his first sin. The sin that changed him forever. The sin that broke his fate, one that forced him to weave his destiny. The sin paved the path for his journey, marking the birth of 'The Half-Blood Prince.' He, who was once destined to be used and forgotten, must find the strength to sever the Cruel threads of Fate and find his destiny. One that he writes. But can he change his destiny? Will this world let him forge his path or will it crush him? _*_*_*_*_*_*_* (Necromancy) (Smut) (R18) (Shadows) (New magic) (Adaptivity) (Eldritch Magic) (Asgardian Magic) (Sorcery) _*_*_*_*_*_*_* This novel will have gore, sex, and battles, but they will come as the story progresses. Only when they are needed. This is not an instant op or overpowered character story that gets strong from just some training. Neither is Severus weak, to begin with. It will be relatively competent to strong. Like Marvel level strong. But it will take time since this is going to be a long novel. This will explore different magic disciplines in both HP and Marvel since Severus is a passionate researcher at heart for magic. Here I will try, *try* world-building for the Harry Potter universe while merging it with the Marvel universe. You will different types of magical arts of different cultures in the HP universe, so be ready. So, I hope you give this story a try and that I will be able to meet your expectations. _*_*_*_*_*_*_* Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/supes _*_*_*_*_*_*_* Discord Server: https://discord.gg/qSayPnpZ4A _*_*_*_*_*_*_* * The image does not belong to me.

Supes · Anime und Comics
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57 Chs

Chapter 38. Honesty.

Sun rays gently filter through the narrow gap in the curtains, casting a warm glow upon us as we lay in each other's embrace, wrapped in the serenity of the morning.

Cissy stirs, her eyes slowly opening, and a soft smile graces her lips as she draws closer to me, seeking comfort in my arms.

"Good morning," she whispers, her voice tender and affectionate.

"Good morning," I reply, returning her smile.

She leans in and kisses my cheek gently before getting up from the bed.

The sight of her naked figure and her playful teasing about my morning wood only adds to the bulge, a reminder of the passionate night we shared.

"I'm going to take a bath. Care to join me? I might be able to help you with your..." she trails off, a mischievous glint in her eyes, knowing full well the effect she has on me.

With a smirk, I follow her into the bathroom, ready to explore each other once again in the morning steam.

After our intimate morning, I conjure some clothes for Cissy, and she puts them on before we head out together.

"I will make breakfast for us," I offer, wanting to do something special for her.

Her surprise is evident when she asks, "You know how to cook?"

"Yes, I do," I reply, secretly pleased by her curiosity. "Why don't you check out the mansion while I cook? I'm sure you'll find it interesting."

Her eyes gleam with amusement as she playfully comments, "You're being too Un-Severus-like."

Amused, I respond, "What do you mean Un-Severus-like?"

"You're being too affectionate, and cheesy at times, and you have a smile instead of your normal uninterested expression," she teases, her words laced with fondness.

Leaning in, I bring my face closer to hers and smile sweetly, "Oh, do you not like it?"

Her cheeks flush with a charming blush as she playfully retreats, "No, I love it. Maybe I should add this to my collection of mysteries surrounding Mr. Prince."

"Maybe I should write as well," I suggest, placing a kiss on her forehead. "on how cute you are or about the moments when you blush. I think people might have a heart attack seeing this side of the ice princess of Slytherin."

Cissy shakes her head with a smile and goes to explore the mansion, leaving me to prepare breakfast with a contented feeling in my heart.

As I prepared breakfast, my mind wandered to a completely different discipline: science. It seemed like the opposite realm to magic, yet there was a fascination in exploring the thin line that separated the two.

Neither was inferior to the other; simply operating differently.

I had a theory about how magic worked and what made magical people different from muggles, but it remained just a theory without the proper equipment to test it.

My schedule was tight, but I made sure to set aside time for my scientific pursuits. My muggle education and past tuition helped me fast-track my studies.

Though I was highly academically adaptive, diving into a subject without prior knowledge would be a waste of time. So, I completed the introductory materials on biochemistry, physiology, and genealogy.

I was particularly interested in checking my mutant gene and conducting experiments related to gene mutation, but I knew I needed to delve deeper into the subject.

Maybe, I should read someone's mind.

It would be more efficient to absorb knowledge and experience directly and apply it practically without wasting time.

Thanks to the memory potion I took, which enhances one's memory, I remembered every second of my life. The potion worked in tandem with my Occlumency, allowing me to retain every bit of information I read and learned.

It was both a boon and a curse.

Thinking about muggles, I remembered the company I was planning to launch. I pulled out my smartphone and called Robert, unsure if he would pick up.

"Good morning, Severus," Robert answered.

"Hello, Robert. Have you found the location and facilities to start the industry?" I inquired.

"Yes, I found a few locations where you can begin the work," he replied.

"Good. We will launch the cosmetic brand this September."

"This soon?"

Robert sounded skeptical about launching the brand so soon.

"Yes," I clarified, "we'll be launching the brand to consumers in September, but the products will be available in the market in just two months."

Robert was still confused. "I don't understand. Are you talking about advertising or trial runs?"

"I meant advertising the product before the official launch and getting the necessary certifications," I explained further.

"I can take care of the advertising, but how do we provide information about the ingredients used in making the product?"

"We won't lie about the process of making the product,"

"But won't that expose the magical community?" Robert's confusion persisted.

"Do you know about Ayurveda and ancient methods of making cosmetics before the modern period?" I asked, hinting at my plan.

A realization dawned on Robert, and he laughed on the phone. "So, we're going for an all-natural product, no chemicals, and handmade. That could be a great angle for advertising."

I smirked at his quick understanding. "Yes, and I want someone who knows about the Wizarding World to advertise it in the muggle world. As for the ingredients, I'll provide you with the organic chemical disposition of each one."

"Okay, I'll take care of that. Is there anything else you need?" Robert was fully on board with the idea, as he saw the potential for success.

Robert had given me his personal phone number, wanting to personally oversee the project and ensure its success, even though he wouldn't be investing any money into it.

As I pondered over my current needs, I shared them with Robert, "I need you to find a place near Hogwarts with access to electricity, an internet connection, and isolated enough for my experiments. I'll also require ample space and specific lab equipment. I'll text you the details of what I need."

Robert readily agreed, knowing it wasn't a significant task for him. "I will send someone to find the place and purchase the equipment. Just send me the details, and it will be taken care of."

"Thank you for being so responsive and helpful," I expressed my gratitude, knowing that Robert had a tight schedule of his own. "And have you managed to gather information about Zebb Wells?"

"No need to thank me. I admire your innovative thinking, and I believe in the success of this industry. After all, I get a 3% share if it prospers. Regarding Wells, I've compiled everything about him, from the time he wakes up to his favorite bar, and I'll have it ready in two days. By the way, how was your date?"

He seemed genuinely interested in the date. Well, he was the one who had booked the theatre and arranged the car for it.

"It went well," I replied with a hint of satisfaction. "Once you find the place, send me a letter with all the details." With that, I ended the call.

As I levitated the food I prepared to the dining table, I noticed Cissy waiting for me with a smile.

She inhaled the aroma of the food and complimented, "*Ahem* food smells nice."

Returning her smile, I placed the food on the table and sat beside her.

"Now, you should continue to tell me more about your secrets, Severus," she gently urged, sensing that there was more going on in my life than just the murders.

Pausing for a moment, I contemplated whether I should reveal my plans to her.

I knew that honesty was crucial in a relationship, even if it meant exposing her to the dangers of my world.

It is her right to know whether she wants to enter this dangerous life.

Placing two fingers to the side of her head- a gesture she found puzzling, locking his memory of this conversation, I began to speak.

"I am starting a company that will operate in both the muggle and Wizarding worlds along with an orphanage, whose primary goal is to help children who suffer due to being a Wizard or Witch,"

Her voice filled with concern and worry, Cissy responded, "So... you are going to help Half-bloods and Muggleborn, but this will make you a target for Voldemort and his forces. How are you even planning to do this?!"

I proceeded to explain the plans I had crafted with Robert, and I told her about the eight students I had already recruited.

She listened attentively, her concern growing with each passing detail.

"...To summarize it, you are going to war with Voldemort! By starting a company in the muggle world, you risk being sent to Azkaban," Cissy's voice rose as she expressed her fears. "Voldemort might kill you, and my family will most likely brand you as a blood traitor. The Ministry might also imprison you. You are behaving like a reckless Gryffindor!"

She was genuinely worried about my safety, and I knew that her family might react harshly when they discovered what had happened between us the night before.

With a heavy heart, she continued, "I gave my virginity to you, Severus. I gave you my love. If my family finds out, they will likely punish and disown me. At worst, they might target you! I do not fear their disownment. I fear losing you if you go against Voldemort! I support your plans to help Muggleborns and Half-bloods, but I'm terrified you might get yourself killed. You are brilliant, talented, and intelligent, but I don't think you would be able to defeat Voldemort!"

She revealed her deepest fears, expressing her love for me and her concern for my well-being.

I could feel the weight of her emotions, and I placed my other hand over hers, trying to reassure her.

Summoning one of my ice golem shadows, I wanted to demonstrate that I too am more resourceful than I seem.

Cissy was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the giant golem.

"What is..is that?!" she asked in astonishment, her eyes fixed on the towering creature.

Cissy's surprise was palpable as the golem appeared seemingly out of nowhere, and a chill filled the air around us due to its presence.

"This is one of my shadow golems, my summon," I explained, taking a deep breath before continuing, "I am a mutant and a wizard, Cissy. I possess powers beyond just magic. But please don't worry; I won't recklessly charge into battle against Voldemort. I have devised plans to defeat him in the future, not immediately. And for now, the company is my priority. Regarding the Statute of Secrecy, even if we attempt to conceal the magical world, it will eventually be exposed with the advancements in muggle technology. But be assured, I have made plans if I am caught."

Seeking to reassure her, I added, "And if your family finds out about us, I will protect you. I won't let them harm you."

I knew that dealing with the Black family would be inevitable if I chose to date her.

Calming herself, Cissy inquired, "What is meant by a mutant?"

"A mutant is someone with inherent powers, distinct from magical abilities. They acquire these powers due to a specific gene present in them," I explained, although she quickly brushed off the subject, not desiring an in-depth explanation of muggle science.

Nonetheless, she made her stance clear, "I will help you with your plans. I don't want you to put yourself in danger. You must explain everything to me, and you should tell Lily as well. She pleaded with me to learn occlumency so you would share your burdens with her. And she could be a powerful ally since she possesses both magical talent and knowledge of muggle subjects."

Her words struck a chord with me.

Indeed, Lily had a special place in my life, and she deserved to know the truth if we were to continue our friendship. And Lily was truly very talented.

I pondered the idea of including them in my plans. I had wanted to keep them away from the dangers, but training them might be necessary, as convincing them to stay out of it would likely be fruitless.

"She told you about her muggle studies?" I inquired, trying to lighten up the mood.

Lily's friendship with Narcissa intrigued me, and I found myself curious about the bond that had formed between them.

"Yes, she couldn't stop talking about her brilliant best friend who excelled in muggle subjects as well. Lily deeply cares for you, Severus. It may sound peculiar coming from me, but she is genuinely kind-hearted and has her own desires. She is not perfect like you always portered her, which was welcoming though." Cissy replied with sincerity. As they spent time together, she had come to appreciate Lily's true nature, realizing that Gryffindor's shining star had her own circumstances.

"I will share everything with her in due time, but for now, let's finish breakfast and head back to Hogwarts before dawn. We've already spent the night here," I suggested, aware of the school's rules regarding overnight trips to Hogsmeade.

Students above the third year were allowed to visit Hogsmeade on weekends, some sixth and seventh-year students even spent a night in the village but had to come back the next day before the sunset.

As we enjoyed our meal, I opened up to Cissy about my powers, and she seemed surprised by their extent. Slowly, she began to believe that I might have the potential to face Voldemort in the future.

Her determination to stand beside me only grew stronger, and I felt a sense of appreciation and warmth in my heart.

However, my mind couldn't fully embrace the bliss of the moment, as thoughts of the second cursed vault lingered in my mind.


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