
Marvel: The Dark Spider

Leo Vargas, a young man who experienced the tragic loss of his parents at a tender age, finds himself entangled in a series of unfortunate events. Fate has a unique plan for Leo, as he is chosen to be the successor to the legendary Spider-Man. However, a devastating tragedy strikes, altering the course of his life forever. Unable to cope with the weight of his grief, Leo adopts a new identity as a masked vigilante, taking justice into his own hands. Embracing the darkness within, he becomes known as the Dark Spider, a mysterious figure who strikes fear into the hearts of criminals. *Original Character

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42 Chs

A Fractured Bond

After the training session, Leo and Peter returned to the shelter, and Leo couldn't contain his curiosity. He bombarded Peter with questions, eager to understand how he managed to balance his personal life with his alter ego as Spider-Man. Peter sighed, his face showing the weight of his secret.

"It's not easy, Leo," Peter replied. "Keeping my personal life separate from being Spider-Man requires constant vigilance and sacrifice. I have to prioritize and make tough decisions."

Leo nodded, sensing the gravity of Peter's words. He was about to ask another question, this time about learning to web-sling, but he abruptly stopped himself. He glanced around, checking if anyone was within earshot, and then leaned closer to Peter, whispering.

"When will you teach me how to web-sling?" Leo asked, excitement tinged with secrecy in his voice. He didn't want to reveal Peter's secret identity unintentionally.

Peter chuckled, realizing what Leo was trying to do. "We can discuss that tomorrow during our training session. But for now, let's focus on why Fisk is after you. I need to understand the whole situation."

Leo nodded, eager to provide Peter with a more thorough explanation. He recounted the events leading up to his encounter with Fisk, including the mystery behind the Spider X-0315 and his confusion about how he became involved.

"I have no idea where I got the spider from, Peter," Leo confessed. "And apart from hearing Fisk's name on television, I've never met him before. It's all so strange."

As they spoke, Miles and Grace noticed their return and greeted them with waves and hollers. They were already helping the locals at the shelter and called for Leo and Peter to lend a hand.

"Let's join them and help out," Peter suggested, gesturing toward Miles and Grace. "We can continue our discussion later."

Leo agreed, and together they assisted in distributing food prepared by May and providing clothes to those in need. The hours passed, and as night fell, Grace sat alone in the shelter's kitchen at a table, diligently working on her homework. Miles had already gone home, leaving her in solitude.

Leo noticed Grace and decided it was time for a personal talk. He approached her, expressing his deep desires for her to have a future he could never attain. Leo signaled her to consider enrolling in university or college, believing it was the path for success.

Grace held her breath, conflicted. She wanted to tell her brother that she didn't want to pursue further studies. She had other dreams in mind, dreams of becoming a renowned photographer, traveling the world, and selling her pictures to large corporations. She knew Leo wouldn't approve and would push her to continue her studies.

Summoning her courage, Grace voiced her decision, telling Leo she didn't want to pursue higher education and that her passion lay in photography. She hoped he would respect her dreams, considering how obedient she had always been.

Leo's face contorted with disappointment as he immediately denied her decision. He insisted that her intelligence should be channeled into prolonged studies and a job that would provide a better income.

An argument ensued, one they had never experienced before. Grace rebelled against Leo's authority, demanding that he respect her dreams, as she had always complied with his wishes. Leo refused to listen and abruptly ended the conversation, walking away.

Grace shouted after him, expressing her frustration. Leo turned back to face her and uttered words that pierced her heart. "I want you to have a life I never could."

The weight of his statement hit Grace hard. She realized that Leo wanted her to live a version of his own unfulfilled life, one where he could be proud in the eyes of their absent parents, in this unjust world they were abandoned in.

Fueled by anger, Grace passionately confronted Leo, exposing the truth she had kept hidden. In the heat of the moment, Leo lost control and slapped her, daring her not to say such things.

Grace's eyes welled up with tears, and she hastily packed her belongings. She rushed out of the shelter as Leo desperately tried to stop her, clutching her hand and pleading with her not to leave.

But Grace had made up her mind. She turned to Leo, accusing him of manipulation and building his own empire of fantasy without considering the needs and desires of others. Leo attempted to explain, to make her understand, but Grace cut him off.

"I'll go crash at Miles' place tonight," Grace declared firmly. "And don't bother following me unless you're willing to confront your manipulative tendencies."

Leo stood stunned, rooted to the ground, watching Grace's retreating figure as he felt powerless to do anything. His emotions overwhelmed him, and he threw a fit, hurling a can from the table across the kitchen floor.

May, who had witnessed the entire ordeal, approached Leo and gently asked, "Are you okay?"

But Leo couldn't respond. He was caught in a whirlwind of guilt and anger, uncertain of how to mend the fractured bond between him and his sister.