
Chapter 14 A Peter in need

Well that was quite anticlimactic

For some reason I imagined the internet blowing up within minutes of the app being released which was clearly not the case since we just sat around talking.

Well even if it doesn't catch on today it should start making waves this week at the very least.

"Why the face Kol?" Gwen asked, seeming to notice my thoughts like usual. Honestly, she's pretty observant.

"Just thought it would be a bit more exaggerated than just clicking the button."

"Don't worry it'll catch on. I mean if it's as good as we all think it is then I don't doubt it'll catch on"

Looks like she thinks the same as well, guess I still have that problem of rushing that Ben mentioned.

"Hey if it helps I'll bring it up with my dad and see if he could spread the word with the other officers. Who knows they might even use it for their own servers if he realizes how good it is.

"That's actually a good plan Gwen. I look forward to hearing what your dad thinks. In fact, we should all tell people we know about it. Information spread by word of mouth is pretty fast, especially in modern times.

"Hey, I can also post about it on some forums and discords I'm in" Ned said as he showed us some of the bigger discords he was in. He was even a moderator for some.

Nice with all of us spreading the word it should give it a small boost. I do have to make a million within a month after all if I want to get Aunt May's approval for Peter.

"Hey guys, do you mind if I bring up something personal?" Peter asked hesitantly

Huh, I wonder what it could be?

The others were wondering the same thing as we focused our attention on him. Whatever he was gonna talk about seemed especially important.

"Well, the other night Uncle Ben asked me to clean up some of our storage and I ended up finding this old briefcase. At first, I thought it was one of Uncle Ben's old things but that was until I saw my dad's name on it."

Wait, this sounds super familiar! But it's happening differently than the movie. Didn't he find that because of their cellar flooding?

The moment I thought that I realized where the change happened. This universe's Peter lives in an apartment like the one from the MCU. It's not too surprising for the plot to be the same with the environment being different.

More importantly, Peter finding that briefcase means he has the cross-species formula its potential is immense even if it is flawed. Who knows maybe I could even gain the knowledge to fix and further enhance it later in the future.

"Wow Peter isn't that great now you have something of your dad's" Ned said seeing this as an opportunity for Peter to have a bit of closure.

"I know Ned. I am happy about it but what got my attention was what was inside. It was full of formulas that easily outclassed anything I've seen and has got me really interested in what my dad was researching. Here look I even mound this"

Peter soon brought out a paper and also his laptop as he showed us an image of a blonde man with a missing arm.

[Curt Conners]

"This guy used to work with my dad and he also still works for Oscorp like you Gwen."

"Ah, I know him too! He's a brilliant scientist who's working on Cross-species research like graphin…g particular abilities of other animals onto humans to cure diseases and repair physical damage. He's the head researcher in the lab but sadly there really hasn't been much progress." Gwen said enthusiastically as she talked about her work really showing her passion and how much she loved to research even if she was just the assistant.

"Gwen, do you think that maybe during the tour you could help me get away so I can meet Connors and ask about my dad?"

Gwen looked like she wanted to refuse but she was pressed in a hard place.

One she would be breaking the rules and could get fired but I'm the other hand Peter is someone who rarely asks for help. This is also something that is clearly important.

Peter also noticed that he pushed her into a tough position and was about to tell her never mind until someone else interrupted.

"You don't need Gwen's help for that Peter I'll help you get to Connor's lab" I said as he gently patted Peter on his back.

There was no way I was missing out on capturing some spiders. I still wasn't sure on exactly what to do with them but that didn't change the fact that I should still take them.

"Huh, how Kol you don't work there like me?"

"Who said I have to work there to skip the tour and find a lab? We'll just wing it"

Gwen looked at me with an absent expression on her face.

"You know Kol for a moment there I was beginning to think you might be a hidden genius at least until right now" Gwen said while giggling in a mocking sort of way

This chick really likes looking down on me. I can't wait till she sees me literally building spaceships. I wonder how she'll react.

Peter thought about it for a moment and figured it should work out fine. Ned also agreed to make a distraction for the two of us to get away.

"Fine if you three are really intent on doing that then I'll make you guys a map of the floor to conners but don't lose it alright" Gwen said as she poked my chest "I could get fired for even helping with that"

"Yes yes we won't let your gracious efforts be in vain dear Gwen" I said in a sarcastic tone getting a laugh from Peter and Ned

Gwen didn't seem to appreciate the joke and was about to pull my ear but I swiftly dodged and headed toward the exit of the library

"Ah look at the time I think I got gym next better start heading over it's on the other side of the school after all"


Haha the bell even rang right on time nice