
Marvel: System Maker.

Waking up in a world with demon's able to make systems to gain power was a trippy way to know that after death your soul just shuttles through the Omniverse trying to find a body but taking over one of those said demon's was a nice cherry on-top. now what's with all the talks about a green monster wrecking havoc in these world's and even a man wearing iro—Wait?!? am I in marvel?!? FUCK!

Faceless_Prick · Anime und Comics
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73 Chs

[Chapter —34]

Jericho POV[MC]

Looking at the suit that Jean had handed me I shook my head and started suiting up.

' I wonder what the battlefield looks like now….' i thought as I then looked myself in the mirror finding that I was actually looking cool with my colour scheme being black and white which made me look even better.

" Jer!" Someone behind me said making me twitch a bit before I looked back and found Ellie.

" Ellie…you do realise that this is the guys changing room right?" I asked with a smile looking at the girl in black and yellow.

" Oh I know but you're the only one in here so it's not really a problem." She replied making my eye twitch at how nonchalant she was.

" That…nevermind, what's up?" I asked looking at her.

" Nothing much just thought I'd come and talk to you before shit went down to shit." She said making me grin.

" Ever fought demon's before?" I asked as I put my arm around her shoulders and started walking towards where the others were waiting.

" I don't think Azazel counts….so no, I haven't fought demon's that put Thor and the hulk out of commission." She said making me chuckle.

" They did a number on them huh?" I asked gaining a nod from her." Speaking of number's, how many are they?" I asked.

" With the Intel we got, approximately 39." Ellie said before taking out a holopad from her pocket and clicking on it a dozen or so hologram pictures popped up.

Looking at the pictures of the demon's I had to hold down on groaning as the demon's in the picture were all evolved ones meaning that they were mid ranked demon's and looking even furthed i found that they had 4 high ranked demon's in there too.

" Don't you think we'll need magic users for this shit?" I asked.

" Strange and other sorcerer's are going to join in on the battle too since they are the protectors of earth from magical beings." She said before putting back the holopad in her pocket all the while never had taken my arm off her shoulder.

" Let's just hope that we find this demon and get him off our planet before we go into this mess." I said making Ellie not as we entered the drop room where the X-Jet is located in a huge space where all the mutants that we're gonna join the battle were located.

" Lots of mutants…." I said.

" Yeah…we called in some favours for this many to appear." Ellie said.

Before I could reply I heard a cute girls voice call out my name from the mutant crowd.

" Jericho-San!!" I heard and in came Yukio running towards us with a smile.

" Hey Yukio, you're coming too?" I asked with a wave.

" Yeah I am…but….is Jericho-san ntr'ing me?" Yukio asked with a sudden glint of intelligence and mischief in her eyes.

Raising an eyebrow before n confusion I looked at what she meant and looked at my arms around Ellie and at this point Ellie's head was resting on my shoulder.

" Urh…I don't think so…" i said with a shrugg and all this time Ellie never spoke as she typed into her phone ignoring all happenings.

So we chatted for a bit about our day and then walked on and joined the other mutants garnering some looks of suspicion from the other mutants I didn't know but knew as protagonists.

" We leave in 3 hours." Scott said coming out of the jet before returning.

" So who's the new guy?" A guy with black night hair, a handsome face and purple eyes spoke followed by others and using appraisal on the guy the full appraisal this time I raised an eyebrow in shock.

[Name: Barley Burns.

Age: 18.

Tittle: Reincarnator, Self-Proclaimed Alpha, Angels Avatar.

Race: Mutant.

MP: 1,800/1,800


Strength: 18 [78]

Speed: 17 [58]

Vitality: 17 [89]

Durability: 12 [60]

Intelligence: 39

Energy: 18


—[X-Gene]Lion Transformation [B+]: User is able to transform into a lion hybrid or a full enhanced lion able to tear through metal as if butter all the while enhancing the users physical prowess.

—Mana Shot[D+]: User is able to shoot out bolts of mana.

—Alphas Aura[C-]: User exudes an aura of a predator that forces respect to be shown towards him from lesser beings then him.


—The Alpha System: A system created by an angel with the sole intent on making the host of the system to become the best of what he can become and to become the greater of his own race.]

Okay…fucking hell.

' this is the first system user I've come across…and his system is a created one too by an angel?…seems legit.' I thought with frown that I immediately put aside.

" Names Jericho….who are you?" I asked back nonchalantly.

" Oh Jericho, breaker of walls are we?, I'm Barley team leader of my mutant team X-Legion." Barley replied making me raised an eyebrow in confusion as I knew that there was no team in the comics with that name that I knew of.

" Ah…I see, well how can I help you then." I asked wanting to end this conversation as soon as possible.

" Well since you're new here I just wanted to know your ability since we'll be working together, I don't want collateral damage you see." Barley said with a smile.

Tilting my head at that dumb ass reason I looked at Ellie and Yukio who was nowhere to be found and looking around I found them a couple metres away sitting on some crates with Jean and storm who were watching was happening.

" Well I don't think you'll have to worry yourself about that, I don't know my ability yet so." I replied back.

Even though I knew my ability and could simply tell him I didn't want to show it off till I needed to and the battlefield would be a perfect place for that.

" What?, Then what the fuck are you doing here?, This isn't the place to take care of newbies" Barley said with a snarl and the 3 others behind him watched on in amusement.

" Ask Charles, he's the one who asked me to be here." I replied back still nonchalant.

And it seems that something I said made the man mad as I could see his muscles bulging and his clothes tightening showing his pecs and his eyes seemed to gain a yellow oppressive aura around them but whatever that was supposed to do to me didn't happen as I felt a slight shake on my mental shields before nothing happened.

But looking at the angry man who looked more beastly now then human I raised an eyebrow.

" What did you say?" He snarled at me making me frown.

" I said ask Charles he's the one who asked me to be here" I said again.

" Is there something wrong?" I asked with clear aggression as I looked at him.

" You'll address him with respect!" He barked at me.

" Bitch what?" I found myself asking with a tilt of my head looking at the animal in confusion.


[heyoo guys, this is depravity over here and I just wanted to apologize for the sudden dissapeareal...is that a word?, anyways its just that I've been so busy of late as I managed to get my dumbass 3 jobs so i haven't gotten the time to write nor upload.

also I would also like to thank my patron's, you guys are probably why I'm still uploading.

anyways thanks a lot.

Also....check out my patr-eon, I've already got till chapter 43 and am writing chapter 44 right now and since tommorow is my off day on 2 of my jobs I'll be posting a lot more tommorow.

patre on.com/GodOfDepravity(remove the space)