
Marvel: Multiverse Strike Group

. Just like every story starts somewhere, this story started when a young man, who died in an 'accidental' car crash, was given another chance to live in a world full of marvel if he decided to help them with a task. As for the task, it's pretty simple, just be a manager/ Captain of a suicide squad containing a magic Swiss knife, a cool stripper, a lost cause, a hot mind invader, and many more. Seems easy, right? . First Mission: ASOIAF Second Mission: Worm Third Mission: Not decided yet...give me some idea's . It's just another Multiverse Chat Group. You know the drill. Small Harem. Power. Crossovers. And just be aware that they will not be all buddy-buddy with each other just after a few hours of chatting; they might even dislike others at the start since they all have different values of right and wrong. And just to be clear, I will also not try to bash another male character, but on some occasions, they will have disagreements between them. Just like it should happen. . some additional tags: weak to strong, romance, 18+, and... that's it for now, I will add when I will remember more. . The usual but mandatory disclaimer that I don't own anything, and the image is created by Shodyra.

Hit30 · Anime und Comics
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"Good, then now all that is left is to find out where we are and find out where our target is hiding."

"Don't worry about that. I only need a day or two to gather all the points. Then we will travel to the heart of the seven kingdoms to get some help." Mike said while looking at the kneeling villagers.

"Do you think anyone there will help us?" Gray asked with a frown.

"O they will, they will."


After the whole bandits/villagers episode, the group members were resting in a small house provided by eager villagers.

But the rest time quickly turned into planning time, thanks to Ino and Gray. As they wanted to go through all the options, they could use to find their target.

"We are in Riverrun right now," Gray muttered to himself. "So we need at least three days to reach Kingslanding, right?"

"Yes, or we could travel to Stony Sept first, gather some news about what the timeline is and any other significant changes we need to know before moving to Kingslanding," Ino said as she looked at the seven kingdoms map Mike brought from the shop.

'Damn, what I wouldn't give to have this kind of feature,' a stray thought entered her mind.

While looking over the plan's basic structure, Zatanna suddenly said, "Wait, who are the other major players in this game?"

"The Lion in the west, the rose in the garden, and the spear in the desert," Mike replied without looking up from the book he was reading.

"We can eliminate the spears since they are most isolated among them," Ino said while pointing at the Dorne on the map.

"And the Lions are on the same team as the queen, so we can count them as one," Zatanna said. "Then the only alternative to the kingslanding is Reach."

"So, let's discuss the pros and cons for each," Grey said as he created small ice blocks in a bowl before passing them to Mike and Zoro.

"Kingslanding, three spy networks, but filled with assholes," Ino said in a plain voice before her tone took a slightly excited turn. "On the other hand, in Reach, we have two spy networks, a place where they store all the knowledge in the kingdom, and most importantly, they are not as much of an asshole as them."

As Ino finished, extremely biased comparisons of the two. Zatanna looked at her with her eyes narrowed. "Are you sure that's the only reason, and it has nothing to do with the flower garden there?"

"Oh, but I heard you could find something magical there?" Ino replied with a half smile.

"Then it's decided we are going to Reach," Zatanna said with a straight face.

"What about you guys?" Ino asked the boys, and they didn't have any problem with that.

So, it was decided they would travel to Reach first instead of Kingslanding.


"So, this is Stony Sept, huh? Not as grand as I expected," Mike muttered as the group reached their destination after four hours of long travel.

Just as they reached the town's main entrance, one of the guards shouted toward them, "Halt! Who are you all? What are you all doing here?"

A fake smile appeared on Mike's face as he walked toward the guard while showing his hand, "Greetings, my name is Michael, and these are my companions. We are a bit lost on the road and would like to enter the town to gather supplies."

"And where are you all from?" The guard asked as his voice took a slightly relaxed tone.

'Shit, our clothes, I completely forgot about them.' Mike slightly panicked, but he was calm as stagnant water on the outside.

"As you might have guessed from our clothes, we are not from Westeros. We just came to this continent for sightseeing, nothing much."

Hearing this, the guard looks at his partner for a second before saying, "Alright, you can enter, but you have to pay the toll to enter the town, one golden dragon each."

Mick raised an eyebrow at his words, "Are you sure that toll everyone has to pay to get inside this town?"

"Yes, now pay up if you want to enter," the guard said before moving his hand in front of him.

But suddenly, before Mike could do anything, the guard withdrew his hand like he was holding something.

"Hmm, five golden dragons." The guard said in a satisfied tone as he moved his hand to his pocket. "Everything is in order now. You all can enter the town now."

Seeing this, Mike instantly turns toward Zatanna, who is trying to hold back her laughter from the other members.

"Was that really necessary? If yes, then why didn't you do it in the first place?" Mike asked with a sour look on his face.

"And miss the chance to watch such a performance," Zatanna said as she tried to calm down her laughter.

"But all things aside, did you ever take a drama class, Mike?"

"No, I never had any interest in acting."

"Good, because you saved the multiverse from a terrible actor," Zatanna said while maintaining a straight face like she was completely serious.




But the other members can no longer control their laughter after hearing her words.

"God help them. They found her joke funny," Mike muttered softly as he entered the town.


After entering the town, Mike and others quickly found an inn to stay in for a night.

They all took separate rooms in the inn since it didn't lack room, and they didn't lack the money.

The following day, Mike woke up, completed his morning rituals, and then signed in to the daily points.

"75, then I just have to wait one more day," Mike thought happily before proceeding to take out his breakfast.

But just then, Ino sends a message for the team to meet in her room to discuss their plan for this town.

"Well, let's get this over with," Mike muttered as he exited the room with a fresh bagel sandwich in his hand.

Knock Knock

"No need to know, just get in," Ino said from inside.

Mike opens the door and enters. Inside the room, Zatanna and Grey were already present with Ino.

"Now, only Zoro is left," Grey said after seeing him enter before his eyes went to the food in his hand.

"Oh, is that a sandwich? Where did you get this, Mike?" Gray asked curiously. He had already eaten breakfast in the inn, and it was bland food, both looks and taste-wise. So he was a little curious about the fresh sandwich in his hand.

"From a food truck," Mike replied while taking a bite out of his bagel. "Why do you want some?" While moving the sandwich toward him.

"No, no, I have already eaten," Grey replied while taking a step back from the offered food.

"Hu, your loss," Mike said before returning to his sandwich.

But before he could, Zatanna suddenly asked while looking at his sandwich. "I want some. If you don't mind."

"Sure," Mike said before taking out another bagel sandwich from his inventory and passing it to her.

Meanwhile, Ino calmly looks at the whole interaction without saying anything while waiting for the last member to come.

'Where is he? I sent the message half an hour ago, and he is still not here,' Ino thought in a slightly pissed manner.

"It looks like Zoro is not coming, so why don't we all talk about the objectives we need to complete in this town?" Ino said in a serious tone.

"Are you sure he is not just lost?" Mike raised a sensible point.

"No, his room is right around the corner. There is no way he could get lost..." Ino stopped after seeing the looks all of them were sending her way.

"Okay, fine, he can, so who is going to go and find him?"

"Gray will, since Zee and I are still eating, and if you have any problem, then you can go and find him," Mike said in a single breath before returning to his sandwich.

Zatanna simply shrugs, "You heard him."

"Okay, fine, Gray, go and find him."

"But, I..."

"Now, Gray, we don't have time to waste," Ino shouted in an extremely familiar manner to Gray, which terrified him.

"Yes, mam," Grey replied before quickly exiting the room.

"Huh, it still works," Ino said to herself before turning toward the other two.

But before she could say anything, both Mike and Zatanna spoke at the same time.


(Word Count: 1460)


*** A Big Thanks You To Micheal Dye for becoming a Patron***


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(Without space)
