
Marvel Live Fortune Telling

Lin Chen traveled to the world of Meiman and became a Taoist priest who fortune-telling live. A water friend: I just wanted to count marriage, but was sent to prison by the Taoist priest? ! “I just counted my career, but the Taoist priest gave me three green hats?!” it's a light novel and it's already complete

Amanda_Botelho_Fre · Andere
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382 Chs

Chapter 13: The Taoist priest can also tell fortunes for cats?

Catwoman was miserable tonight. She encountered two robberies on the way. Fortunately, she has a gun and is good at it.

On the way home, he sprained his ankle again. He limped back home and found that the water in the house was still out.

"Damn, why is it so unlucky today! No, since I met that kid, I've been unlucky!"

She turned on the computer and started to inquire, "Is this talisman a kind of talisman of Xia Guo Taoism?! Meditation talisman, good luck talisman, amulet, bad luck talisman."

"Bad luck charm?! The old lady actually stole a bad luck charm!" Catwoman looked at the ceiling and fell into deep thought.

"Is this guy a pervert, he actually carries the bad luck charm with him?! This kid has bamboo shoots!"

Catwoman started to search again, and she saw a message, "The handsome fortune-teller sent three people to prison to fight Master Rag, Master Rag was rear-ended by a stroller!"

"What's the matter?!" Catwoman was a little confused, and she began to watch the online recording.

"Sure enough, this bastard!"

"Is this guy so accurate? I don't believe it! I'll expose him tomorrow!"

The next morning, Lu Ge got up, put on his Taoist robe, and tidy up the store.

He checked yesterday's earnings, "Now there are 5,000 fans? Yesterday's earnings were more than 3,000 rewards, not bad."

"Keep on working hard, get more merit points, and your strength will quickly become stronger."

He adjusted his clothes, clicked on the live broadcast,

"Hello everyone, everyone, today we can tell fortune again."

Soon there will be many barrages,

"Master, it was you who dreamed last night!"

"Wuwu, after seeing the immortal appearance of the Taoist priest, I am annoyed when I see my husband now!"

"Master, the weather is cold, can I warm you up?"

"Upstairs, it's summer"

"Can't I be in the southern hemisphere? Idiot!"

A discordant barrage appeared, the net name was [Little Wild Cat]: "It's a fortune-telling or a joke here, it's ridiculous!"

Lin Chen ignored her and said with a smile, "Everyone who wants to fortune-telling will deduct 1, and I will randomly select a lucky water friend."

The barrage suddenly increased,

"Lucky? Daoist I'm afraid you have misunderstood the word lucky."

"Daoist, I sprayed my breakfast, please tell me the next victim…"

"Yes, Daoist Master, how many are you going to send in today?"

"I just came to see Qingqing Prairie."

Little wild cat, "Sure enough, it's not a serious fortune-telling, a liar!"

Lin Chen took out three copper coins and threw them, and randomly selected one, "Okay, please invite the first water friend."

He clicked in the background and established a video connection with a netizen named Mao Xingren,

As soon as the video opened, it was a blonde girl in her twenties with a seven-point appearance.

"This water friend, what do you want to be?"

"Master, my name is Lucy. I'm not here to tell fortunes, but to find cats."

"Looking for a cat?" Lin Chen was a little strange.

Other water friends are also not calm,

"Master, stop pretending, did you go to that girl's house last night and take her cat?"

"Someone came to the door"

"I already said he was not a good person." The little wild cat typed proudly.

Lin Chen spread his hands, "Heaven and earth conscience, I really didn't meet a cat last night, only one Catwoman!"

"One?" Catwoman is on fire, what does it mean? !

Lucy hurriedly said, "Daoist, this is what happened. Our cat Dudu has not been home for five days. We searched everywhere, but we couldn't find it."

"Our family is worried, please help us."

Opinions on the barrage are polarized,

"Little girl, the Taoist priest is for fortune-telling, the cat should not be able to do it."

"Yeah, you think the Taoist priest is a little too magical."

Others are humane,

"Master, please help her"

"I believe the Taoist can do it."

Lin Chen pondered for himself, "I can look at people and land, can't I count as a cat?"

He showed a smile, "Lucy, you reward a rocket first, and you won't be allowed to pay it back."

When Lucy heard the words, she quickly gave Lin Chen a rocket.

Catwoman, who was having breakfast, hurriedly typed, "Little Taoist priest, stop cheating the little girl out of money!"

Lin Chen frowned at the barrage of the little wild cat, "When did such a black fan come?!"

He said to the screen, "Don't worry, everyone, I'm not sure, I'll refund the money."

"Lucy, do you have any pictures of cats there?"

"Yes, yes." Lucy hurriedly held up the photo and faced the camera.

Lin Chen saw that it was an orange cat from the Xia Kingdom. It was fat and strong, and its whole body was clean. Obviously, Lucy's family was a qualified shit shovel officer.

He launched the physiognomy, and he already knew it.

"Lucy, does Dudu in your family often go out for a walk?"

"Yes, Daoist, it didn't go home for a day or two before, but this time it hasn't come home for five days. Woohoo, we're so worried."

Lin Chen waved his hand, "Don't worry"

"I figured it out just now. It's now five miles northwest of your house. Go look for it."

The live broadcast room is full of barrages,

"Master, it's true or false"

"How do I look like a script."

"This little girl is Tuo?"

"It is necessary, this little Taoist fools people at first sight," the little wild cat added.

Lucy was in a hurry, "I really don't trust it. If you don't believe me, I'll live stream it all the way."

So Lucy drove to the northwest with her parents and two younger brothers, and Wuli Road was soon there.

Lucy looked at the two-story house in front, "Daoist, is this here?"

"Well, it's here."

Lucy plucked up her courage and knocked on the door. A black aunt in her fifties opened the door and said loudly, "Who are you looking for?"

The aunt is very burly, with a face full of flesh, and it is not easy to mess with. *