
Marvel: Lex Luthor

Lex Luthor arrives in the Marvel Universe. He is an egomaniacal genius and billionaire industrialist, Lex Luthor fights the Avengers and all of the other heroes in the Marvel Universe. An Otaku’s soul transported there with Lex Luthor: DC/ Marvel Ability System, Lex becomes a power-hungry sociopath that’ll do anything to anyone who get in his way. The story takes place in World War (||) during the birth of Captain America. He completes evil quest in order to gain Powerful DC character’s abilities. Quest: Become the sole leader and ruler of Hydra [Reward: Superman’s powers] Quest: Take over S.H.I.E.L.D [Reward Brainiac’s intelligence]

Kamery_Driver_1580 · Anime und Comics
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41 Chs

Chapter 003 | Super Soldier Serum


Lex is in the warehouse with Alessandro, after completing his mission, Lex went back to the warehouse with the crew.


The Cadillac door closes…

"That mission went well…"

"Yea, but their is going to be a war between us…"

"They don't have to know it was us…"

Lex said, Lex is from the 20th Century, so he knows how to pin crimes on the other oppositions.

"The Italian Mafia has some bad blood with the Marino Brothers, if we pin this on them, they'll ignite a war between them, and all we've to do is sit back and wait."

Lex has been calculating a plan from the start, he knows that if the Irish Mob and the Italian Mafia go to war, it'll have disastrous consequences among both parties.

"Yes, that's a good plan…"

Lex thought of this plan because, he wants to slowly but surely take Alessandro's position and power in the organization, one of the most powerful thing, a person can have is always keeping someone dependent on you.

That's what Lex is doing.

"Well, here is your cut, don't spend it all on booze and women, said Alessandro.

Thanks boss…

Said the gunmen, they all walked out of the room with happy smiles on their faces going to the strip club.

Lex exits the room as well, he's not going to the strip club because of something else. Lex has just completed his first mission, so a reward is coming.


["The host has unlock Captain America's powers, the Super Soldier Serum."]

Lex smiled with this mission complete, Lex knows now he can intimidate people with brute force now, all of his enemies will shrink in fear because of it.

["Does host want to inject himself with the Super Soldier Serum?"]


Lex said, if he injects himself with right now, he'll most likely fall into a difficult position, all kinds of people would see.

"Looks like I need to go back home."

Lex said…

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Lex's Apartment


Lex opens and shuts his door, he is excited about getting Captain America's powers, the infamous Super Soldier Serum.

Lex walked into his room and sat down on his bed, he smiled and said…

"System, inject the Super Soldier Serum."



Lex screamed in pain it's like all of bones and organs are on fire, he feels that his cells are feeling alive and rejuvenated.

He feels that his cells are now alive more than ever, which made him feel excited. His body and muscle mass is growing visible to the naked eye.

Two hours later

Lex body has grown two inches, his muscles are ripping right through his shirt which is making him feel uncomfortable.

"That felt…alright, said Lex.

Lex got up from his bed and saw that his clock says, 10:00 A.M. he headed towards the bathroom, he feels great inside, even his dormant genetics have come alive.

Lex took a shower and ate a massive breakfast with the Super Soldier Serum, Lex's appetite has increased greatly along with everything else.

Lex got in his car and drove to the shopping center with his pay check, Lex has more than enough money to move out of his apartment.

He saw some clothes, he like those dark black suits with the long dark-black trenched coat like a true mafia boss.

Lex purchased them all and went back to his apartment, today was an eventful day, throughout the rest of the day, Lex practiced with his new-found powers.

With his intelligence, Lex mastered his powers fairly quickly and fast, his progress has shattered Captain America's progress in mastering the Super Soldier Serum.

Next Day

Lex arrived outside his door on the Brooklyn streets of New York and saw a group of foreign gangsters grouping up on a small man, his body is the size of a twig.





All of the gangsters were beating the crap out of this little guy, based on what has happened here, Lex could tell this has happened before.

"I can do this all day, said the little man.

With enough willpower, the little man picked up a trash can top and hit one of the gangster's face with it breaking the gangster's nose.



The gangster screamed in pain causing all the gangsters to be livid with rage, Steve saw this and gulped, knowing he should've done that.

"You're dead little man."

When the gangsters was about to raised his fist…



Steve saw a tall and muscular bodied man with bald head and a dark suit with a long black- trenched coat.

Lex grabs one gangster by his throat and cracks it with one hand. The gangsters was shocked that this new guy killed their friend with one hand.


Said the gangsters they were horrified and were about to grab their guns when…




Lex got his custom-made pistol out faster and shot them all in their heads, causing nothing but blood and body parts to spread all across the alleyway.

The little man vomited, he never saw this in his life time, so seeing it now was disgusting and disturbing to his mental health.

Lex wakes up to the little man and said…

"What is your name?"

The little man gathered enough courage and said…

"Steve Rodgers"