
Marvel: Impact From The Maelstrom's Web

Transmigrated into the body of Peter Parker (MCU). Naruto Uzumaki Takes on his new life in becoming Marvel's web slinger. Disclaimer: I do NOT own Spider-man. I do NOT own Naruto. the cover is ai generated with a few filters added. if you would like to give me pointers and suggestions... let me now in the comments/reviews. Q&A: 1.) Will I be writing Naruto the same as in cannon? - No. I will keep some of the traits he had like his willingness to help people and do the right thing... maybe even keep his verbal tick but I will not be spamming it like in some fanfictions. This will be the story of Peter Parker as spider-man, taking on the role of the smart scientists/Inventor. And since Peter knows that this world will have trials, his role is to become Overpowered to overcome any outcome. 2.) Will this be a harem? - Not 100% Sure. I know that there is at least one pairing that I have decided on at the creation of this story, but if I do choose to go that path there will only be 3-5. No Massive harems here. 3.) Will there be "lemons" - Yes. And if don't go down the path of the harem then I'll make this happen. Not promising that it will be good... I'll do my best. I don't really know what I'm doing so will try to take this day-by-day, and hopefully I'll create a story that will stick with a few people... even though the beginning looks like its all filler. Update: I've been using a free A.I. to help lengthen the story from my prompted ideas. however it seems to be too guided to hopeful/happy endings... with is nice but spider-man stories aren't as joyous as it wants to guide the story. if I can't give this a finished product, I'll go back and refine the story. Same With some of my other creations

FanFic_Listener · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs

Tech-Savvy Pt.2

The next day at school, Peter's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. Despite the usual chatter and hum of the classrooms, he couldn't help but notice that Felicia was conspicuously absent. She wasn't at her locker, nor did she appear in any of their shared classes. The recent breakup weighed on him, and her absence only deepened the gnawing feeling in his gut. Throughout the day, he kept glancing at the door, half expecting her to walk in with her usual confident stride, but she never did.

After the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, Peter felt a mix of relief and determination. He had a plan to take his mind off things. He headed straight to the local junkyard, a sprawling maze of discarded electronics and forgotten appliances. The place was a treasure trove for someone like him, always on the lookout for parts to repurpose for his various projects.

He navigated through piles of old televisions and broken appliances, his eyes scanning for the familiar shapes of phones and laptops. After a couple of hours of diligent searching, he managed to find three laptops and six smartphones that seemed salvageable. He carefully placed them in his backpack, feeling a sense of accomplishment as he zipped it up.

Returning home, Peter went straight to his makeshift lab in the basement. It was a cluttered yet organized space, with tools and gadgets strewn about in a way that only he could decipher. He cleared a spot on his worktable and laid out the laptops and smartphones. Each device held a world of possibilities, waiting to be unlocked.

Peter's fingers worked deftly, prying open the casings and exposing the intricate circuitry within. He meticulously reverse engineered each device, extracting useful components and setting aside damaged ones. As he worked, he lost himself in the familiar rhythm, the process providing a welcome distraction from his thoughts about Felicia.

Once he had disassembled all the devices, he fetched a few container bins from a nearby shelf. He began sorting the parts, placing each component in its designated bin. Motherboards, screens, batteries, and various chips were all organized with precision. It was a methodical process, and by the time he finished, his lab looked much more orderly.

Satisfied with his work, Peter stepped back to admire his efforts. The organized bins of parts represented not just the fruits of his labor, but a small step forward in regaining control amidst the turmoil of his personal life. The faint hum of satisfaction buzzed at the edges of his thoughts as he cleaned up his workspace, preparing for whatever project might come next.

With the parts meticulously organized, Peter began selecting the components he would need to construct a laptop with enhanced features. He chose a high-performance motherboard from one of the more modern laptops, paired it with the best CPU and RAM he had scavenged, and picked a sleek, unblemished casing to house the new device. He also selected a few high-capacity batteries to ensure longer life and an advanced cooling system to prevent overheating.

Piece by piece, Peter assembled the laptop, his hands moving with the confidence and precision of someone who had done this many times before. He carefully connected each component, double-checking the connections and ensuring everything was secure. After several hours of intense focus, the new laptop was complete.

Peter powered it on, watching with satisfaction as the screen flickered to life. The boot-up was quick, a testament to the powerful components he had chosen. But his work was far from over. He still needed to create a custom operating system that would provide advanced protection against common hacking attempts.

He opened his favorite coding environment and began writing the software from scratch. Drawing on his extensive knowledge of cybersecurity, he implemented multiple layers of encryption and developed sophisticated algorithms designed to detect and neutralize malware and intrusion attempts. His system included real-time monitoring and adaptive defenses that could learn from previous attacks and improve over time.

As he coded, Peter's mind raced with ideas, each keystroke bringing his vision closer to reality. He knew that while his defenses were formidable against everyday hackers, they were not impervious to more advanced threats. Specifically, he understood that his coding skills, though impressive for his age, were not yet sufficient to protect against the watchful eyes of government agencies. He had read enough to know that organizations like the NSA had resources and expertise far beyond his current capabilities.

Despite this, Peter pressed on, determined to create the most secure system he could. He implemented features like secure boot, encrypted storage, and a custom firewall. He also included a series of decoy systems and honeypots to distract and mislead potential intruders. Finally, he integrated biometric security measures, such as fingerprint and facial recognition, to ensure only he could access the most sensitive parts of his system.

When he was finished, Peter sat back and admired his work. The laptop was a powerful machine, both in terms of hardware and software. He knew it wasn't perfect, but it was a significant step forward in his ongoing quest to improve his technical skills and protect his projects.

As he tested the new system, running various simulations and penetration tests, Peter couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. The laptop performed flawlessly, its defenses holding strong against every attack he threw at it. It wasn't unbreakable, but it was a testament to his growing abilities and a reminder of the endless possibilities that lay ahead.

Satisfied with his progress, Peter shut down the laptop and began tidying up his workspace. The day had been productive, and though thoughts of Felicia still lingered, he felt a renewed sense of purpose. He knew that with each new project, he was not only advancing his technical skills but also building a future where he could stand on his own, ready to face whatever challenges came his way.

That evening, Peter sat on the worn couch in his living room, his eyes fixed on the flickering screen of the old television. The hum of the news broadcast filled the room, a familiar backdrop to his thoughts. He was still preoccupied with his latest project, mentally running through possible improvements and additional features he could add to his newly constructed laptop.

The news anchor's voice cut through his reverie, drawing his attention. "In other news, we have an intriguing development in a series of recent thefts that have baffled authorities," the anchor began, her tone serious. "Our reporter on the scene has more details."

The screen shifted to a live feed from outside a large, upscale building cordoned off by police tape. The reporter, a young woman with a determined expression, stood in front of a cluster of security guards who appeared shaken and bruised.

"Thank you, Janet," the reporter said, turning to the camera. "I'm here at the scene of the latest in a string of high-profile robberies. According to witnesses and the victims themselves, a female figure dressed in a black latex suit was seen at the scene. Unfortunately, the security cameras in the area were somehow rendered ineffective, capturing nothing useful of the theft."

The camera panned to one of the guards, who was nursing a wound on his forehead. "She was like a shadow," he said, his voice tinged with both awe and frustration. "One minute we were on our patrol, and the next she was there, moving so fast we couldn't react. Before we knew it, she had taken down the entire team and disappeared with the valuables."

The reporter nodded and continued, "Authorities are still piecing together how the security system was bypassed so easily. However, the guards are clear about one thing: this mysterious thief is highly skilled and extremely dangerous."

Peter felt a chill run down his spine. The description of the mysterious thief intrigued him. He didn't know anyone who matched that description, and the suddenness and skill involved were alarming. "A woman in a black latex suit," he muttered, trying to make sense of it.

"Our information comes from the defeated guards who were made victims of tonight's heist," the reporter concluded. "Police are urging anyone with information to come forward, and they are ramping up security in anticipation of potential future targets."

As the broadcast moved on to the next story, Peter's mind was racing. He couldn't help but feel a mix of concern and curiosity. Who could this mysterious thief be, and how did she manage to outsmart sophisticated security systems?

He turned off the TV and sat in the dimly lit room, grappling with what he had just learned. His instincts as a problem-solver kicked in. This was a puzzle, and he felt a growing urge to piece it together.

But it had been a long day, and exhaustion was beginning to set in. With a deep sigh, Peter decided to call it a night. He made his way to his bedroom, his thoughts still buzzing with questions about the mysterious thief. As he lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, the image of the woman in a black latex suit lingered in his mind.

His curiosity battled with his fatigue, but eventually, the latter won. Peter drifted off to sleep, his dreams a tangled mix of schematics, security systems, and the shadowy figure from the news. He didn't know who she was, but he was determined to find out. Tomorrow was another day, and with it came new opportunities to uncover the truth.