
Marvel: I Started by Containing SCPs

A car accident transported Ryner to the perilous world of Marvel. But it wasn't just the Marvel world; the entire multiverse was at risk of being invaded by containment objects from other worlds. Fortunately, Ryner received a system from the SCP Universe that could predict which SCP objects would invade which worlds. By announcing the invasions in advance and issuing containment missions, he could gain the characteristics of these SCP objects and countless rewards upon successful containment. Thus, countless worlds across the multiverse began to descend into madness! A statue that twists your neck if you look away! Plants with incredible reproductive abilities! A shy creature that hunts you down to the ends of the earth if you catch a glimpse of it! A terrifying creature with infinite regeneration and evolutionary capabilities! Tony Stark: "What are these monsters? My armor legion can't handle them at all!" Bruce Wayne: "With such outrageous containment objects, how are we supposed to complete this SCP mission?" Sengoku: "Damn it! How are we Marines supposed to deal with such monsters?" Jiraiya: "I thought I had seen a lot, but the world is much bigger than I imagined..." [This's a reaction type of fanfic, where the situation of the characters are mainly portrated and the MC is just like a side character] [Raw: 美漫诸天:我,开局曝光收容物] www.patreon.com/zaelum [+20 Extra Chapters!]

Zaelum · Anime und Comics
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114 Chs

Chapter 5

One Piece World, Marine Headquarters

Sengoku looked at the screen with confusion. He had never heard of an organization called S.H.I.E.L.D.

He immediately picked up the Den Den Mushi and instructed, "Investigate this S.H.I.E.L.D. immediately! Keep an eye on the Four Emperors and the Revolutionary Army for any movements!"

"Oh my, an unknown force? This could be troublesome. Who knows what kind of chaos this will bring."

Kizaru sipped his tea leisurely, contrasting his words.

"If you're so free, help with the investigation!"

Sengoku's temper flared at Kizaru's blatant slacking.

Ultraman Leo World

"Captain, do you know anything about S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Gen Otori asked, puzzled.

"I've never heard of it. They seem to be foreigners. Perhaps it's an overseas MAC division. I'll inquire."

Dan replied, picking up the satellite phone to contact the overseas MAC team.

He was filled with doubts. Researching alien creatures and new weapons shouldn't require forming a new organization. What was the overseas MAC team planning?

However, if such creatures truly existed on Earth, training in the jeep method was necessary.

As Gen watched the screen, he suddenly felt a chill, as if something was coming.

In the scene, SCP-173's sudden appearance caught the attention of several researchers, who began to examine it.

"What is this thing? Did we have this?"

"It wasn't here a moment ago."

"Who brought this cheap sculpture? It's quite hard."

"Let's get rid of it. It's in the way."

The researchers quickly lost interest, thinking it was a poor-quality statue, and walked away. At that moment, SCP-173 was unobserved.

"Not good!"

Fury realized the danger and shouted, but it was too late. SCP-173 used its incredible speed to snap the researchers' necks in just one or two seconds, without any delay!

Fury's face turned grim.

Those researchers were key scientists at S.H.I.E.L.D., and now they were dead! This was a huge loss.

"Natasha! Clinton! Take people to the research facility immediately! Make sure to keep an eye on that thing and don't look away!"

Fury urgently ordered Natasha and Clinton to handle SCP-173.

He turned back to the screen, seeing more researchers getting killed by SCP-173. The research facility had become a slaughterhouse!

The deaths of so many scientists made Fury's already dark face even darker.

Scientists were the lifeblood of S.H.I.E.L.D.! Without them, developing new weapons would be impossible. This damned monster had to pay!

Soon, the facility's security personnel arrived, aiming automatic rifles at SCP-173, making sure it stayed in their sight, halting the slaughter.

Fury breathed a sigh of relief.

"Open fire."

A guard ordered, and they all opened fire, bullets hitting SCP-173. However, the bullets bounced off harmlessly.

The advanced rifles couldn't harm SCP-173, not even leaving a scratch.

"What! It's that tough!"

Fury stood up in shock. Those were the most advanced assault rifles, capable of piercing steel plates, yet they couldn't even scratch SCP-173. How could it be so durable?

"Bring the most advanced laser cannons! We need to destroy this thing!"

Fury ordered without hesitation. This monster was too dangerous and had to be destroyed!

"Fury, are you sure?"

Hill felt a bad premonition.

"I'm sure. This strange thing needs to be gone."

Fury was adamant. He didn't want this mysterious monster to remain in S.H.I.E.L.D.

The security personnel at the research facility were terrified, not knowing what to do except wait for reinforcements.

Soon, Natasha and Clinton arrived with heavily armed troops, each carrying heavy weapons.

They quickly organized everyone to step back, using binoculars to keep SCP-173 in sight.

"So this is SCP-173? It looks creepy."

Clinton took a deep breath, finding the up-close view much scarier than on screen.

He aimed his bow at SCP-173, ready to shoot at any moment.

"Everyone, don't blink. This monster moves at high speed when you blink, snapping necks! If you need to blink, give a warning and do it alternately."

Natasha calmly instructed.

The guards found it baffling. Blinking causing death? It sounded like a myth.

Two guards brought out rocket launchers, crouching to aim at SCP-173.

These were not ordinary rocket launchers but products of scientific research on the Tesseract, capable of firing powerful lasers.

The lasers could penetrate buildings and destroy tanks, much more potent than anti-tank rockets.

Fury was confident that these laser cannons would destroy SCP-173.


Natasha ordered, and the two laser cannons fired dazzling beams at SCP-173.

"Boom boom boom!"

The explosion caused a significant impact, with blinding light, swirling dust, and a shockwave like a storm, blowing away tables and chairs.

Luckily, Natasha and her team had retreated dozens of meters away, avoiding the blast.

Tony's Villa

Tony's eyes widened in excitement at the sight of the laser cannons.

"My god, those are S.H.I.E.L.D.'s weapons? They have things I don't know about!"

Tony had always thought he was ahead in technology, but S.H.I.E.L.D.'s laser cannons humbled him. This organization had some impressive stuff.

"But I'm more curious about that monster. Its tough body could be ideal for armor components."

As a weapons researcher, Tony was intrigued by SCP-173's structure.

However, his palladium poisoning situation dampened his excitement. No amount of research would matter if he didn't solve this problem.

"I must find a way to cure myself! I have so much to do!"

Tony regained his determination.

He felt that this was just the beginning, with many more events to come. He couldn't die yet.

"First, I need to clean up."

Tony found a renewed zest for life, deciding to wash up before visiting Fury.

Doraemon World

"Doraemon, that laser is so powerful! Will it destroy SCP-173?"

Nobita asked excitedly, hoping the terrifying creature would be gone.

"I'm not sure."

Doraemon held his mouth uncertainly. It didn't seem that simple.

He had one big question. No country had developed laser weapons in this era.

That technology wouldn't be developed for decades. How could someone have it now in the 20th century?

Moreover, he checked the future encyclopedia, finding no mention of SCPs. If he hadn't seen it himself, he'd think it was a prank.

"Has the timeline changed?"

Doraemon couldn't help but feel tense.

(End of Chapter)