
Marvel: gojo of the seven sets

After a devastating betrayal, Dominic finds an unexpected conversation with his old friend Ethan, little does he know, Ethan is actually an omnipotent being on vacation, who decides to give Dominic a second chance at life. leading to an unbelievable twist of fate. Awakening in the Marvel Universe with mysterious new abilities and the appearance of Gojo Satoru, Dominic must navigate his new reality, uncovering the secrets of his reincarnation and the true extent of his powers. Will he become a hero, a force of chaos, or something entirely different? “I wonder what will happen if I use my domain on…”

Fredozy · Anime und Comics
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47 Chs

Chapter 4:

Dominic's consciousness faded as the strain of using the domain expansion took its toll. He collapsed onto the ground, the power having drained him completely. Hours passed before he finally stirred, slowly waking up. Despite still feeling a bit tired, he noticed a faint sense of refreshment.

As he lay on the ground, he started to process what he had just experienced. 'Using the domain expansion is no joke,' he thought. 'It drained me completely. I need to be cautious with it. It's powerful, but right now, I can't sustain it for more than two minutes, and it leaves me exhausted. I can probably only use it once a day until I get better at it.'

He considered his other powers. 'Telekinesis is strong and versatile. I can lift objects, and even myself, with relative ease. Telepathy is useful but overwhelming if I'm not careful. I need to learn to filter out the noise and focus on specific thoughts. My teleportation is amazing—I can go anywhere instantly. And Orihime's rejection power... it's a game-changer. It's like reality manipulation. But it takes a lot of concentration and might need more practice to be effective.'

Standing up, he walked around, noting that he wasn't hungry even though he hadn't eaten before teleporting to the canyon. 'Maybe my enhanced durability is affecting my metabolism,' he speculated. 'If my body is more efficient and resilient, it might not need food as frequently.'

As he continued to ponder, he thought about his place in the Marvel Universe. 'With these powers, I can hold my own against a lot of characters. But I need to be careful. There are beings here who could still pose a threat. Training is essential. I need to push my limits and refine my abilities.'

He floated a few feet off the ground, thinking about the canyon as a potential training ground. 'This place is perfect for practice,' he mused. 'I can push myself without worrying about collateral damage. And the domain expansion… I need to understand it better. Do I have cursed energy like in Jujutsu Kaisen? How does that work here?'

Looking behind him, he noticed the sun setting, casting a warm glow over the canyon. His hair danced in the wind, and he felt a strange sense of peace. 'It's getting late,' he thought. With a blink, he teleported back to his apartment, his eyes shining with an impassive look.

Suddenly, a thought crossed his mind. 'Wait, do I need shades for my eyes? We don't want all the ladies to wet themselves from looking at my gems now, do we?' He smirked in amusement.

Surveying the mess he had left earlier, he cleaned up quickly. Once done, he grabbed his phone and started going over the documents Ethan had provided. His new identity was Gojo Satoru, with a father from Japan and a mother from the States.

He checked his bank account and froze when he saw the balance: $20 million. "Holy shit," he muttered, his eyes widening in disbelief. 'Ethan really went all out. I can't believe I have this much money. What the hell?'

He sat down, staring at the phone in disbelief, then laughed out loud. 'This is insane. I guess being friends with a random omnipotent being has its perks.' He shook his head, still trying to process everything. 'Well, time to put this money to good use. I have a lot of training and preparation ahead.'

As the initial shock wore off, Dominic—now Gojo Satoru—felt a renewed sense of purpose. He had the power, resources, and knowledge to make a significant impact in this world.

Once the initial shock wore off, Gojo decided to explore his new life. He entered the kitchen, only to be greeted by the smell of rotting food. Most of the items had gone bad due to the negligence of the previous owner of the body. 'Great, now I need to get groceries too,' he thought.

Changing into casual clothes, he locked the door behind him and decided to walk around the block to the nearest place to get something to eat.

As Gojo walked down the street, he couldn't help but notice the stares he was getting. People were mesmerized by his striking looks and his piercing, otherworldly eyes. A group of teenage girls giggled and whispered amongst themselves as he passed by.

"Did you see his eyes? They're like... I don't know, like gemstones," one girl said, her eyes wide with fascination.

"Yeah, and he's so handsome," another added, her cheeks flushing red. "I've never seen anyone like him."

An older couple walking nearby also took notice. The woman nudged her husband and whispered, "Look at that young man. He looks like he stepped out of a magazine."

"Those eyes are something else," the husband replied, nodding in agreement.

Dominic heard fragments of their conversation and smirked. 'Great, I'm turning into a walking spectacle,' he thought wryly. 

'So, I'm in the Marvel Universe now,' he mused. 'What's my next move? There's so much to consider. The Avengers, the X-Men, the Fantastic Four... Each group has its own challenges and conflicts. Mutants, especially, have it rough. They're hated and feared by society. The clash between Magneto and Charles Xavier is fascinating—both have valid points, but they're also both wrong in their own ways. Magneto's aggression and Charles' idealism... there has to be a middle ground.'

He reflected on the complexities of the Marvel Universe. 'Charles Xavier's dream of peaceful coexistence is noble, but it's also naive. Humans will never completely accept the reality that there are people who are superior to them. Fear and jealousy are too ingrained in human nature,' he mused. 'But Magneto's approach... He's making their fears a reality. His actions only deepen the divide, turning humans against mutants even more. Yet, humans are actively provocative towards mutants, scheming to turn them extinct, use them as weapons, or subject them to experiments. It's a vicious cycle.'

As he walked, he observed the people around him. 'These are real, living, breathing people. They have no idea about the kinds of horrors that can befall them at any moment. Supervillains, cosmic threats, alternate dimensions... It's all real. Not just drawings on paper but actual dangers.'

He suddenly stopped, a new thought striking him. 'Wait, have I changed the timeline by being here? If so, will the Ancient One be alerted to my existence? Will she confront me?' He felt a brief surge of panic before calming himself. 'If that happens, I'll deal with it. I have the power to hold my own.'

As he continued walking, he passed by a shop selling sunglasses. He paused, intrigued by a pair with extremely black lenses. 'These look just like Gojo's shades,' he thought. Deciding to buy them, he entered the shop.

The shopkeeper looked up as he approached. "Can I help you with something?" he asked. Gojo picked up the shades and tried them on. The shopkeeper raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure you want those? They're very dark. Most people find them too hard to see through."

Gojo glanced at himself in the mirror, his eyes hidden behind the black lenses. "Yeah, I'm sure," he said, handing over the money. The shopkeeper handed him the change, his eyes widening as he got a glimpse of Gojo's uncovered eyes.

"Whoa, your eyes are... something else," the shopkeeper said, stunned. Gojo just smiled. 'It's strange that I can still see normally even with these dark shades on,' he thought, leaving the shop.

Continuing his walk, he spotted a pizza shop and chuckled at the coincidence. 'Pizza sounds good right now.' He entered the shop and ordered his favorite pizza and a drink. While waiting for his order, he looked outside at the people passing by.

Lost in his thoughts, he suddenly noticed a group of teenagers entering the shop. They were a striking bunch, each with a unique presence. One girl had fiery red hair and an intense gaze, while a young man with a visor over his eyes stood protectively close to her. A girl with a streak of white in her hair and a Southern accent was chatting animatedly with a boy whose hair was frosty white. Another girl, slightly younger, with short brown hair and an energetic demeanor, completed the group.

He thought about the X-Men, remembering seeing them at school or at least from the memories of his body. 'Jean Grey, Scott Summers, Rogue, Iceman, Kitty Pryde, and Kurt Wagner... They all stood out, even before I knew who they really were,' he reflected.

'They're even more recognizable in person,' he thought.

It was Kurt who noticed him first, despite his disguise. "Gojo? Is that you?" Kurt asked, his voice tinged with surprise.

Gojo turned, slightly taken aback. "Hey, Kurt. Long time no see," he replied.

The rest of the group looked over and recognized him. They approached, their expressions a mix of curiosity and concern. Jean was the first to speak. "Gojo, we haven't seen you at school lately. How have you been?"

Scott added, "We heard about your parents. We're really sorry."

Rogue nodded sympathetically. "Yeah, sugar. We're here for you if you need anything."

Gojo felt a mix of emotions, but managed a smile. "Thanks, guys. It's been tough, but I'm managing."

Kitty grinned. "You look different, in a good way," she said, eyeing his new shades.

Bobby, also known as Iceman, chimed in, "Yeah, those shades are cool different from the usual. They really suit you."

Gojo chuckled. "Thanks. I just got them today you know how sensitive my eyes are to light. Figured I needed a change."

Jean looked at him with concern. "We've missed you at school. Are you planning to come back soon?"

Gojo shrugged. "I'm not sure yet. A lot's been going on."

Kurt nodded, understandingly. "We get it. If you ever need to talk, we're here for you."

Just then, a beeping sound came from their phones. Scott glanced at his and sighed. "We have to go. But we hope to see you around soon, Gojo."

Jean smiled warmly. "Take care of yourself, okay?"

As they left, Gojo watched them go, feeling a strange mix of nostalgia. 'They're good people. I need to figure out my own path in this world, things are definitely moving in the mutant world. I need to be careful. Getting involved with them could bring a lot of attention.'

As he waited for his order, he continued to observe the group. 'They're just kids, well same as I now,' he realized. 'Kids with immense power and a lot of responsibility. They don't deserve the hate they get.'

His thoughts drifted back to his own situation. 'I have the power to make a difference here. But I need to be smart about it. There are too many variables, too many risks. For now, I'll focus on getting my bearings and training my abilities. There's no rush.'

Gojo's pizza arrived, and he took a seat by the window, still watching the X-Men. 'This is just the beginning,' he thought, taking a bite of his pizza. 'I have a lot to learn and a lot to do. But I'm ready for whatever comes next.'