
Marvel: Gacha Game

Playing a gacha game in the Marvel multiverse, this definitely won't be extremely annoying.

Jacob_Smith_7819 · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: Public Appearance

"Ah help!"

"Someone please save us!"

People screamed in terror as a giant hulking monster ran throughout the city. It's muscular green body lifted up cars and threw them several dozen meters into nearby buildings with no difficulty.


The monster jumped up over 200 hundred feet into the air before landing down on the top of a building and crashing through all of it's stories.




The entire building crumbled into pieces from the ridiculous force and blood spilled onto the pavement from the broken human bodies laying dead on the floor.

"Holy mother of God..."

A solider suited in a black uniform sat behind a wrecked vehicle with sweat dripping down his neck. The smoking barrel in his hands trembled as he saw the green demon rise from the debris of the fallen structure.

Even after being lodged with several dozen bullets from powerful guns the green beast of a man rose with no recognition to the plethora of bullets shot at him.

Realizing the precarious situation, the man quickly pulled out his walkie talkie and recorded what he believed to be his final message.

"General Ross! General Ross! Dr. Banner has lost control of the Hulk and he's now rampaging in the middle of Times Square."


The soldier froze with tears having formed in his eyes as he heard a heavy weight crack the ground behind him. Deep heated breaths brushed against the back of his now exposed neck as a deep sense of fear instilled itself in the man's mind.

"God, please forgive me for my sins."

The man brought himself down to his knees and clasped his hands together in a praying position as a giant green hand hovered over his head.


A sickening crack came as the green hand squeezed, blood erupted from the man's squashed head like a gusher before being flung away like a broken toy.

The headless body dropped to the floor but the Incredible Hulk didn't even pay attention to the dead man, his lack of remorse scared every single person watching as they ran away as quickly as possible, disregarding even their own children for the chance to survive.


A strange twisted laughter made the Hulk turn back to meet the gaze of a young man with glowing red eyes. His stare was filled with so much mockery and contempt that the Hulk felt an intense urge to kill him.

Even so, the Hulk recognized that the man standing in front of him was different from the other people he had killed. The aura around him was heavy, similar to his own astonishing momentum.

"What an ugly ass motherfucker. Who designed your character?"

The Hulk spoke in a deep disgruntled voice, "What did you call me? Puny human!"

The Hulk flew high into the air with a jump that left two giant foot prints in the concrete. A helicopter that had been flying overhead got broken in two as the Hulk smashed his body into the flying vehicle.


The man piloting the helicopter awkwardly fell out of the door of the plane before plummeting down to earth.

Seeing this, Sasuke brought his hands together and crossed two fingers from each hand over each other.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu."

The moment the words left his mouth four exact copies of Sasuke appeared next to him in a large dust cloud.

"Go save as many people as possible. Prioritize any civilians you see over soldiers. Try and contact the U.S government as soon as possible."

One of the clones quickly ran up the closest building to the falling pilot before jumping high in the air to catch him in a princess carry.

The man was so shocked that he wasn't dead that he lost the ability to speak for a few seconds.

"W-who are you?"

The clone ignored his question and ripped out the walkie talkie the man had on his uniform.


"The actions of the U.S military have gone too far. The Akatsuki has decided to permanently take possession of the Hulk for an indefinite amount of time."




The walkie talkie buzzed a few times before an angry rough voice came from the other side.

"This is General Ross. Any person who tries to interfere with the Hulk's detainment will be immediately gunned down. I repeat, any per-."

The clone crushed the walkie talkie in his hands before dumping the pilot on the floor.

"Make sure you get to safe grounds. The Hulk's attacks are capable of obliterating entire buildings."

Before the pilot could reply, the clone flashed away in a grand trail of bouncing blue lightning.


"Sir, there's a person fighting the Hulk."

General Ross looked over to the soldier pointing at one of the many cameras surveiling the Hulk.

Sure enough, a young male teenager was somehow scrapping against the Hulk by using a lightning coated blade to redirect the Hulk's shockwave inducing punches.

No matter the number of times the Hulk hit the boy, he always managed to avoid the brunt force of the punch and even counter attack the second later. Despite the Hulk now having several bloody slash wounds, the boy was completely unharmed, almost seeming bored of the green beast and this fight.


'A new superhuman? I've never seen this person before, has a new monster appeared among the populas?'

Suddenly the words he had heard just a minute ago rang once again in his head.

'The Akatsuki has decided to permanently take possession of the Hulk for an indefinite amount of time.'

"Dammit! Those bastards."

General Ross immediately took control of the surveiling cameras and zoomed in on the teenagers face and his spinning red eyes.

"Make sure to scan the database for anyone that matches him. I want the identity of this person found by tomorrow! Also make sure to find any information you can about the Akatsuki."

'Those bastards in cabinet will have my head if I can't get Banner back. I'll crush that stupid brat and whatever the hell the Akatsuki is if I have to.'

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