
Marvel: figth for tomorrow (Now in Fan-Fic)

he lost everything before he realized he had it, looking for a place in the world, he accepts the apparent goodness of some people, without realizing that it will lead him down a path that will be almost impossible to travel, a path that will lead him to have to fight for a tomorrow (I'm not a writer, this is my first story but seriously I've been toying with this idea for a long time, besides I don't speak English, so I apologize for the translation)

DaoistAUtOuh · Aktion
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16 Chs

Issue #6

A few days later, in a very large office, striker was sitting in the center, writing something on some sheets in front of him, however, while he took a moment to rest and drink some whiskey that he had to one side, a man with a white vata entered the office

The man dwells around for a few moments, seeing all the trophies and medals that Striker had hanging all over the walls.

striker when he saw who entered, he stood up and asked

"Are the experiments over?" asked striker with great interest

"Yes sir" said the man who had just entered with a document in his hands, the document looked very thick, understandable, since each case had to be very specific with each case.

"And how were the results?" Striker asked again, beginning to read the report that the man passed him.

"Sir, if I am honest, the results on the one hand were more than unsatisfactory even though the serum does work, of 150 children in whom the serum was applied, only 40 were successful, which is less than 35% success, 15 % less than the estimates, in addition to this 10 of the test subjects turned out with epsilon level mutations, which are totally useless, 14 delta level, which more than half have totally useless powers for fighting, 14 of which you present gamma mutations, the good thing about this group is that they can all be used in battle, 1 very low beta level, however, he has not awakened, but his physique shows a great improvement, he grew more than 15 centimeters, his physiological structure has changed, his bones are much denser and each muscle fiber is more than 5 times stronger than that of an average human, it is not known if he presents any mental or elemental power, however there is a good chance that he shows at least psychic or telekinetic, although very low "said the man, with disappointment in his voice, he was one of the scientists who was more involved in this, he was one of the main helpers in the development of the serum

"Apparently the serum is too invasive with the body, the children's bodies can't stand it and it starts to self-destruct," continued the scientist.

"The idea will have to be reconsidered, perhaps lowering the total dose or diluting it, you could also think about administering it procedurally, also, Mr. you spoke of 39 children, and the last one?" I comment striker, thinking about how to solve the problem

"I told him that on the one hand it seemed unsatisfactory, but on the other hand it's more than satisfactory, in fact it's a miracle... I woke up a high alpha level mutant, psychic" the man said with emotion in his voice

When the scientist said this, a very big smile on his face, now they had an alpha level mutant, as well as psychic, something that made her of almost incalculable value.

"Very well, that's excellent, maybe we'll have the next Emma Frost or Jean Grey, we'll have to give her the most attention in addition to a very good training" said striker, sitting back in his chair

"Sir, what do we do with the children below beta" asked the man, he honestly didn't know what to do with them, some were useful, others not so much

"Kill the epsilon, they are very disgusting and useless, with the useless delta you can do whatever you want, the other delta, gamma, and the beta, when they wake up train them, those who oppose or do not show any kind of attitude, kill them, look for all our psychics for the alpha, train her, we have to treat her the best possible so that she cooperates, we cannot lose her, also let her integrate with the other children, but if you have to be strong with her, do it, We have to show trust with her but we also have to show that she is under our power, also, suspend the hunt for the next children until further notice, the serum has proven to be too heavy for them" said striker as his everything had happened outside just a little inconvenience

"Yes sir" the ventifice nodded before walking out the door.


In a room you could see how a child was waking up from a long dream

"Aaaaaa" Arthur yelled, since he still felt pain from everything that happened a few days ago, although after the feeling of pain began to subside, he got up from the bed and began to look around, not knowing where he was.

"Help, someone get me out of here" said Arthur as he started to get nervous

"Subject No. 24, head right down the hall" a voice called through a speaker on the wall of the room, the door in front of him opened.

Arthur upon hearing this was scared, he did not know whether to go or not, he heard how he saw that there was no type of exit other than the door in front of him, he headed through this

Walking for about 3 minutes, artur soon found himself in a room, which looked like a dining room because of all the circular tables around it, the whole place was white, the tables were made of metal that shone thanks to the whiteness of the room, in the center of the room, Arthur can see a group of children, who looked just as lost as him, although what surprised him the most was seeing some who had very animal features.

there were 6, if he counted them correctly, some looked like wolves or dogs, others like tigers or cats and one looked like a reptile

"Very well children, you will wonder why you are here, you are here to be trained, to be able to fight against those disgusting mutants, your physical and mental abilities will be seen and you will be put in groups, even though everyone will participate in group classes" he said a woman who entered the room through a door

"Ma'am, I want to see my parents, please take me to my parents, I missed them," said a normal-looking boy, with tears in his eyes, or he seemed to be about 12 years old.

"You will be able to see your parents if you behave well," said the woman with all the affection possible.

"But I want to see them now, please let me talk to them" the same boy said again

Contrary to what any of the children expected, the woman pulled out a gun and shot the child in the leg.

all the children were in shock and did not react, until the child began to scream and cry in pain, when that happened, all the children (Arthur too) began to cry very loudly and also began to run like headless chickens

The woman shot again, this time towards the ceiling of the room, when the children heard this they stood still.

"Okay, if you're not going to do this the hard way, you're going to do this the hard way, all in a line in front of me NOW," the woman finished with a yell, her attitude doing a 180 degree turn.

All the children ran and lined up, although they were so scared that they pushed each other or fell to the ground, some could not control the changes through which their body passed, like a girl who looked like a cat, since it moved faster than all the other children and ended up tripping over his own feet, in addition to another child, who was much taller than the others, who had a bit of the same thing happen to him, but when he passed by another child, he accidentally pushed him, but Contrary to what the children expected, the other child only fell or stumbled a bit, he fell hard to the ground, the child looked at his hands without believing why he had so much strength

"Okay, now each of you are going to go separately to different slas where they will do some tests" the woman said as a group of men and women took each child to a few rooms.

"What do we do with the boy" said a man in a tactical uniform looking at the boy who was bleeding from his leg

"Take him to the doctor, we don't know what he can do, so it may be useful to treat his leg, but without anesthesia, we need him to learn" said the woman turning around


Arthur entered a room with a woman dressed in a lab coat.

"Well, the first thing we are going to do is measure your intelligence" said the woman as she made the boy sit on a chair and took out a piece of paper

Arthur, his eyes red from crying, simply nodded and tried to answer the questions as best he could.