

Chapter 4: The Eve of Ascension

In the silent halls of the temple, Odin stood leaning against the balcony, gazing up at the night sky, his mind troubled.

"What's troubling you?" Frigga emerged from the shadows, her concern evident.

"I can't see Victor's future. It's like a blank slate, devoid of any information," Odin confessed, his worry etched on his face.

Odin, with his penchant for peering into the future, had often sought insights into the destinies of many. Yet, today, when he attempted to glimpse Victor's future, he was met with an unsettling void—a rare occurrence even for him, lacking the precision of the Time Stone yet still potent in its own right.

"It may be his destiny, dear. Sometimes, our children's paths defy even our sight," Frigga replied, a knowing smile crossing her lips.

Raised by a witch, Frigga possessed a sensitivity to nuances that eluded ordinary Asgardians.

"I hope... I hope nothing untoward happens tomorrow," Odin murmured, his thoughts drifting.

The glimpses he'd caught of Victor's future today echoed vaguely in his mind, much like the snippets of uncertainty Victor had inadvertently shared earlier. Though lacking specifics—such as Loki's impending betrayal—he couldn't shake a sense of foreboding.

"I think you should speak with Victor," Frigga suggested softly, breaking the silence.

"Hmm," Odin nodded thoughtfully, trusting in his queen's instincts.


Nightfall descended upon Asgard. Victor lounged in an armchair beside his bed, absorbed in a biography.

"Victor, may I come in?" Odin's voice interrupted, his figure appearing in the doorway.

"Father, what brings you here at this hour?" Victor set aside his book, curious.

[What's up with this nighttime visit?]

[Do you want to spar now?!]

"Why, can't a father visit his son?" Odin retorted mildly.

"Sure, there's something on your mind," Victor acknowledged.

[As long as it's not about cultivation or chores, I'm all ears!]

"Ahem..." Odin sighed, momentarily at a loss for words.

Was cultivation truly such a chore for his son?

No, he needed to address this misconception.

"Victor, do you believe Thor is fit for the throne?" Odin ventured, seeking Victor's perspective, driven by the cryptic inklings he'd sensed earlier.

He sensed Victor harbored insights about the future, prompted by Frigga's cryptic behavior earlier that day.

"I can't say for certain. He's too impulsive, relying on force to solve everything," Victor replied, a hint of suspicion tainting his words.

[It's not just impulsivity. What unfolds tomorrow may vex you!]

[Hey, Loki's been out of sight for days. Who knows what surprises he's brewing?]

[Loki is adept at stirring up trouble. Let's hope for no new complications.]

"I see," Odin mused thoughtfully, weighing Victor's words.

Why had Victor mentioned Loki as a potential variable?

Loki remained unaware of his Frost Giant lineage, ruling out that possibility.

Could Loki's aspirations for the throne have influenced Victor's foresight?

As the second prince of Asgard, Loki harbored ambitions typical for his station. Moreover, his role as the God of Mischief and Lies further complicated matters.

"Do you consider Loki suitable for the throne?" Odin inquired cautiously, his resolve firm against placing a non-blood relation on the throne.

"If we consider strategy alone, Loki surpasses Thor. However, his lack of martial prowess undermines Asgard's dominance over the nine realms," Victor remarked, offering a perspective shared by many within the temple.

[Loki may excel beyond Thor, but can we truly entrust the throne to a Frost Giant?]

[Moreover, Loki craves your approval, not just Thor's.]

[Unless Loki aspires to idleness like me, ignoring your favor.]

[After all, he hasn't been influenced by you yet.]

[But those like me, indifferent to the throne, are few. Let Loki and Thor settle this matter.]

"I see," Odin acknowledged, somewhat taken aback by Victor's insight.

Victor might indeed possess foresight, possibly having glimpsed Loki's true nature through his unusual comments.

He was unequivocal about not bestowing the throne upon someone not of his bloodline.

Yet, Loki remained a wildcard, his potential influence subject to Odin's acknowledgment.

"Well then, rest up. Tomorrow marks Thor's ascension to the throne," Odin advised, noting Victor's feigned drowsiness as he turned back to his biography.

[Hurry and go. I'll resume my reading.]

"You young scamp. I shall depart," Odin conceded, satisfied with the information gleaned.

Returning to the temple, Odin resolved to bolster its defenses, anticipating any potential incursion by Frost Giants.

For should Victor's foreseen chaos come to pass, Asgard would need to be ready.