
Marvel/Dc: Rebirth Of The Honoured one , Dominate The Universe

Traveling across the American Comics universe, Su Ke finds himself the first of the eight evils in "Jackie Chan's Adventures"! Devil of the Moon: Curse Blue! It's the devil who wants to hit the earth with the moon at every turn... Forget it, the earth should not be destroyed for the time being, let's find a place to settle down first! As a demon, Gotham City is very good! As the saying goes, Gotham City is simple and honest, and Arkham is full of talents!

writer_in_disguise · Anime und Comics
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95 Chs

Chapter 47 The Villains Are All Here!

Early the next morning, Su Ke brought Wanda and Quicksilver here early in the morning. After all, today is their opening day, so why not come early?

And Jin Bing had already been waiting here with his younger brothers.

Jin Bin originally wanted to bring his family, but considering that there would be many super villains here today, he finally gave up on this idea.

Not long after, a car stopped in front of the clinic.

It was none other than Harley and Selena who came down.

This is what Su Ke asked Jin Bing to send someone to pick it up.

After all, of these two guys, one is his woman and the other is his future woman, how could such things happen without them?


"Su Ke!"

Seeing Su Ke, Selena and Harley immediately greeted each other warmly.

But after saying hello, Selena suddenly noticed something was wrong, that is, Harley's name for Su Ke seemed a little different?

You know, in the past, Harley used to call him Boss Su Ke just like him, why is he calling him by his name now?

Although she was curious, it was obvious that this was not the time to worry about this, and Selena immediately stopped caring.

"Come in!"

Seeing Selena and Harley, Su Ke immediately greeted them warmly, and then introduced them to Wanda.

After all, strictly speaking, they will be considered colleagues in the future..

Harley originally wanted to stand with Su Ke, but considering that there were too many people here, she finally quietly stepped aside...

Not long after, another guest came.

But the guest who came this time is a bit special, because he is almost fully armed, and he also wears a special mask on his face!

With just one glance, everyone present recognized his identity!


A guy strong enough to scare everyone, and one of Batman's rivals!


It was the guy who beat Batman to the brink of death before and told Batman to find Su Ke for help...


Su Ke said with a smile.

Deathstroke looked at Su Ke helplessly, and said, "You really shouldn't invite me for something like this, because I'm not suitable for this kind of party!"

"But you're still here, aren't you?"

Su Ke said with a smile.

Death Bell was speechless for a moment when he heard this.

He really didn't want to come, but he had no choice but to not come, because Su Ke personally invited him.

You must know that Su Ke saved his life before, and the grace of saving his life made it impossible for him to refuse Su Ke.

The reason why the dying Batman was sent to find Su Ke was just to further confirm Su Ke's strength.

In the end, he was very satisfied, because even if Batman was close to death, Su Ke could actually save him!

Befriending such a person is equivalent to saying that you have one or more lives in the future!

With this in mind, the death knell came...

"I didn't bring any gifts, just use this gold bar instead!"

The death knell said, and handed over a gold bar that was as thin as an arm.

Su Ke smiled slightly, and motioned to Quicksilver to accept the gift from Deathstroke.

Immediately afterwards, Death Bell walked into the store and saw Jin Bin, but he had no grudge against Jin, so the two sides just confronted each other, and then they both chose to turn a blind eye.

But then, the next man who appeared broke the atmosphere of the scene.

Because the next one to come is none other than the Punisher!

Strictly speaking, the Punisher isn't really a villain, he's an antihero, and most of the time he's fighting King.

So when the punisher appeared here, Jin Bing's younger brothers instantly became a little nervous.

The punisher's eyes changed slightly, and he reached out to touch the gun at his waist.

But at this moment, Su Ke walked over and patted the punisher on the shoulder, and said, "Give me some face today and stop causing trouble, okay?"

When the punisher heard this, although he was somewhat upset, he still nodded.

"There is nothing to give away, let me give you a gun!"

The punisher said, throwing a gun over.

Quicksilver took it in a hurry, and was instantly stunned. Can this thing be a gift?

The punisher walked into the clinic, and when he saw Jin Bin, his eyes instantly became sharp.

But Jin Bin chose to ignore it, because he promised Su Ke that he would not make trouble today.

If it wasn't for this, he would have killed the punisher with his bare hands today!

Immediately afterwards, other people who were invited by Su Ke also showed up.

And none of them came empty-handed, and the gifts were gold bars, diamonds, gems, cash, etc...

Although Su Ke is not interested in money, Selena and the others are very happy...