
Marvel and DC:- How The Heck Did I Travel here?

In a sudden twist of fate, Anup, finds himself unexpectedly transported to the extraordinary world of Marvel. Unbeknownst to him, he possesses a unique and mysterious ability, one that allows him to acquire powers from dead bodies. While still oblivious to this newfound gift, Anup awakens in a desolate New York alley, greeted by a shocking sight: the aftermath of the climactic final battle scene from the first Avengers film. As he emerges from the alley, the magnitude of destruction leaves him utterly flabbergasted. Lifeless bodies scatter the ground, survivors desperately flee, and determined agents scramble to safeguard the innocent. Anup, now an unwilling participant in this catastrophic event, experiences a visceral understanding of the true terror and devastation. As he navigates this surreal and treacherous world, he must come to terms with his own identity, all while unraveling the depths of his power. This captivating novel explores the juxtaposition of ordinary existence and extraordinary circumstances, paving the way for an enthralling journey of self-discovery and unexpected destinies.

Anup_RyuSenju · Anime und Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Hidden Power

As Anup raced alongside the other survivors, his heart pounded in his chest as he sprinted through the crumbling streets, his breath ragged and heavy.

The air was thick with smoke and the acrid stench of destruction.

Screams of terror filled the air, mingling with the cacophony of the bio chemical leviathan's monstrous roars.

The Avengers, Earth's mightiest heroes, fought valiantly to protect the innocent from the merciless onslaught.

Iron Man swooped through the sky, his repulsor blasts slicing through the air with precision.

Captain America's iconic shield gleamed in the dim light as he deflected the leviathan's deadly strikes.

Black Widow, a blur of sleek athleticism, weaved through the chaos with her trademark grace.

And there, amidst the chaos, was Thor, his mighty hammer Mjolnir crackling with thunderous power.

Anup's eyes widened as he watched the battle unfold before him but he ignored them as now he had to escape from here at any rate.

The Avengers, who now had embodiment of heroism, were risking their lives to protect the helpless survivors.

But Anup didn't care a bit, as he quickened his pace, determined to escape the clutches of the bio-chemical Chitauri Army.

He sprinted through the debris-strewn streets, his breath ragged and heavy. The air was thick with smoke and the acrid stench of destruction.

Screams of terror filled the air, mingling with the chaotic roars of the bio chemical leviathan. The city was in ruins, reduced to a nightmarish wasteland.

Suddenly, an explosion erupted nearby, shaking the ground and sending shockwaves through the air.

Anup and the other survivors were thrown off their feet, their bodies battered by the force of the blast and everyone except him died as he was behind them and wasn't in the center of explosion but he still sustained heavy injuries.

Pain seared through Anup's body as he collided with a pile of rubble, but his determination to survive pushed him onward.

Gritting his teeth against the pain, Anup fought against the waves of darkness that threatened to engulf his consciousness.

He knew that if he stayed, death would be his only fate. With every ounce of strength left in him, he staggered to his feet, his movements unsteady and disoriented.

His vision blurred, the world around him reduced to a haze of shapes and shadows.

Blinking rapidly, Anup tried to clear his sight, but the injury had taken its toll, impairing his ability to see clearly.

Yet, he refused to surrender to the darkness. He knew that if he stopped, if he succumbed to his injuries, it would be the end.

In his blurry state, Anup stumbled forward, his body swaying with each unsteady step. Every movement was an agonizing effort, but he pressed on, driven by sheer willpower and an instinctual need to survive.

As he stumbled through the chaos, his surroundings a blur of destruction, Anup's foot caught on something solid.

His body lurched forward, unable to regain its balance. With a resounding thud, he fell onto the lifeless body of one of the survivors, his injuries exacerbating the pain of the impact.

He lay there, his breath shallow and labored, his vision swimming between darkness and light.

The weight of his injuries threatened to pull him into unconsciousness, but his survival instinct fought against the encroaching oblivion.

His hand trembled slightly as he tried to rise himself and reached out to touch the cold flesh of the lifeless mutant cold flesh.

But in that moment, a surge of energy coursed through his hand, tingling its way up his arm and then to whole body.

In that moment, an inexplicable surge of energy coursed through his hand, tingling its way up his arm and throughout his entire body.

The sensation was unlike anything he had ever experienced before. It was as if an electric current was awakening something deep within him.

As the energy surged through his being, Anup's mind was suddenly flooded with fragmented memories.

Like a movie playing in fast-forward, he caught glimpses of the life that once inhabited the now lifeless body.

"No," he whispered to himself, his voice barely audible amidst the rush of foreign memories. "I can't... I can't let myself be overwhelmed by the memories of a stranger."

He instinctively rejected them. He didn't want to be overwhelmed by the experiences of a stranger.

He understood that delving too deeply into the experiences of others could disrupt his own sense of self, creating a tangled web of emotions and thoughts that he might never be able to unravel.

Yet, it was during this time that Anup came to a profound realization. He discovered a power within him—a power to absorb the abilities of the deceased.

With determination in his eyes, Anup activated this newfound ability, embracing the dormant potential within him.

As the energy from the deceased mutant flowed into his being, He could feel the power of the deceased mutant merging with his own and transformation occurring within himself and gaining new ability of the dead body. His physical and mental stats also began to elevate, expanding beyond the limitations of an ordinary human.

The dead body before him belonged to a mutant. The deceased mutant possessed the power of evolution—a unique ability to absorb various forms of energy to enhance his physical and mental attributes.

Although the mutant had never fully tapped into his potential, but now Anup possessed that power.

It wasn't an overwhelming force, but a subtle enhancement that pushed him slightly beyond the capabilities of peak humans like Bucky Barnes(Winter Soldier).

By absorbing various forms of energy, he could also enhance his physical and mental capabilities and definately by his innate ability to absorb the power of dead, he could be unstoppable.

As the power of evolution merged with Anup's own essence, he felt a surge of vitality course through his body.

His muscles seemed to grow denser, his reflexes sharpened, and his senses heightened.

It was as if a dormant potential had been awakened within him, granting him a taste of what he could become.

In addition to the physical and mental enhancements, Anup also experienced a miraculous healing.

His injuries, sustained in the explosion of the of earlier, were now completely mended.

It was as if the absorbed power had revitalized him from within, restoring his body to its peak condition.

As Anup stood there, a transformed individual, he contemplated the immense potential that now lay within his grasp.

The power of evolution had granted him a glimpse of what it meant to transcend his own limitations.

And yet, he knew that this was just the beginning of his journey—a mere glimpse of the vastness of his newfound abilities.