
Marvel: Abysmal Spider-Man

(Imagine a Peter Parker with Garou from one punch man's build and then some, depressed and almost insane, brought back from the dead with no Aunt May to keep him grounded.) Sixteen-year-old Peter Parker's life was a mess. His successfully failed attempt at giving himself superpowers turned him into a giant mindless feral lizard and his death battle with the very vigilante that inspired his actions, the one who he once admired(Spider-Women) was the least of his problems. After being left for dead and actually dying, something brought him back, changing him to the point where he doesn't even know how much of him is him and how much is the cosmic being that's now a part of him. This novel is written by an amateur in their spare time, and as such will contain Grammar mistakes Spelling mistakes Syntax mistakes Disclaimer: This fanfiction is a work of fiction inspired by existing characters, settings, and/or concepts from [original source material]. It is created by fans for entertainment purposes only and is not intended for commercial use. All rights to the original characters, settings, and/or concepts belong to their respective creators and/or copyright holders. I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com and scribblehub.com too.

Othniel_Seth · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

Death & Evolution

(October 2011-11:25 pm)

- Harlem New York -

Everything was in chaos in the streets of Harlem.







People were screaming in panic, running in every direction from the hulking monster walking in the center of the road, tossing cars around like footballs. A line of jammed cars was abandoned in the road, left by the fleeing civilians, some burning, others overturned and crushed.

A row of cop cars stopped in front of the muscle bond beast, the officers quickly dismounting their vehicles, using it as a cover to shoot at it, all in a futile attempt to stop its rampage.

Gunshots filled the streets as more cops arrived to help what was left of the military.

Both joined forces, desperately attempting to calm the situation, help the people, and stop the monster from wreaking havoc on in their streets.

Through all that, Emil Blonsky never felt more alive.

He felt like a god.

His strength was immeasurable, he was tossing cars around and crushing them like they were made of cardboard. His skin was impenetrable, bullets bounced off it like they were made of rubber.

Was this how the freak Banner felt when he turned? All this power, all this strength with such little control.

Banner was weak.

That science geek couldn't control himself when he 'hulked out', his strength, his power, everything about him was weak, and all of it was wasted on him because he lacked the necessary discipline to control himself. Banner couldn't channel all his 'gifts' properly, he was a mindless monster, a walking destructive mass of muscle and rage.

A hulk.

Blonsky knew he was different; more superior, he had control, he had discipline, and he was far more capable than the Hulk in using these gifts.

The familiar sound of sirens wasn't as reassuring as it should be.

A line of standard police cars stopped in a line in front of him, the officers getting out in a hurry and hastily shooting at him with their little guns.

Blonsky found it funny that these people thought they could stop him, that weapons like that could harm him. He was beyond that now. Only the Hulk could match him now, he already let that bitch Ross know when he killed his man.

All he had to do now was make enough noise for the Hulk to find him. Only then will he have a real fight, only then will he show everyone how weak the Hulk really was and how he was now the strongest creature on earth.

"HAHAHAAHA!" he let out a deep throaty laugh.

Blonsky picked up another car and threw it at the cops shooting at him, only to blink in surprise when he saw it flung back at him faster than he threw it.

"Hey, fugly! I think you dropped this" A voice called out.


The car exploded on impact, launching Blonsky back, tumbling across the road into an abandoned bus, flipping it over in the process.


Peter landed on a streetlamp.

The cops all stopped shooting in shock for a moment, looking up at Peter in surprise and amazement.

Peter waved at them from the top of the post.

"Wow, that went boom quickly, hey, yo, hello, blue boys, up here, I know you are all trying to be all heroic and all, but this is the part where you run away, like as fast as you fucking can, like right now, before the big guy wakes up!" Peter said in a relaxed nonchalant tone, totally out of place in their current situation.

"Well what are you waiting for, go on get?" Peter teased, imitating a whimsical Southern accent for comedic effect.

The cops didn't need to be told twice after the flaming car was thrown back onto one of their cars. The Hulking abomination jumped out of the overturned bus looking unhurt by the car crashing into him at high speed and exploding in his face making their choices clear.

Stay and die or...

Run and let the two superhumans? fight it out.


Blonsky let out an enraged roar, looking up at Peter with a curious gaze. Another freak plays superhero he thought to himself.

"Hey now, it's just you and me big guy."

Peter jumped at the monster, using the streetlamp to propel himself, bandages manifested around Peter, attaching themselves to the overturned bus behind him, using it for extra momentum and speed.

Peter's heels met its face faster than it could blink, causing it to stumble back.

Peter flipped back in one fluid motion.

"Arrrg" The monster growled, annoyed.

It tried to grab him, but Peter used his bandages to hold his hand back, mentally willing them into invisibility. They pulled the arm aside and caused it to blink in surprised confusion.

He flipped in the air, dodging another grab and hitting the monster a few times in the face.

He slipped past another grab and landed on a nearby car, his bandages following him, invisible to the human eye.

"Aww Shomeone'sh Angry" he teased, blasting off the car at the monster again.

"GRRAAARRR!" It growled in frustration, ripped out a light post, and attempted to crush Peter with it.

He failed.

Peter dodged to the side, jumping and sliding; darting around the abandoned cars as they were thrown aside by the large muscled brute, running circles around the abomination as it attempted to smash Peter.

Whatever this thing was it was big and strong but slow, and its actions were deliberate and somewhat clumsy. Like it was getting used to its own body.

Peter was going to exploit that weakness. He switched his posture to the watchdog style and accelerated in speed.

Peter gave it a good punch to its face.

'Damn, that hurt almost broke my freaking hand, wait did it just smirk at me.'

The monster seemed to smile at him like it didn't feel anything, it was pissing Peter off.

Peter dodged another hit, and another, his skill and strength.

Peter was running circles around it, much like how he speed-blitzed Colleen in the ring, he did the same here using the cars, buildings, and lamp posts as springs. Attacking from every angle while simultaneously wrapping the monster in invisible bandages.


He pummeled and pounded it from every direction, speed was on his side. His hands were bleeding now, bruising from every hit, this thing's hide was tough, and even the protection his bandages provided him wasn't enough.

He dodged a car thrown at him and went in for another hit.

'Oh shit.'

The frustrated brute caught him mid-air and slammed him into a nearby car. Peter felt his bones break for the second time; he couldn't feel his legs.

Despite his efforts, he was still only slightly stronger than an athlete in the end.

It picked Peter up and repeated that a couple more times. Peter tried binding it in desperation, but the creature wouldn't have it, despite being quite resilient his bandages snaped like a piece of cloth when it flexed its muscles.

This thing was getting stronger, and it made sure to put it to use.

It threw Peter with the force of a fright train.

Peter was smashed like a broken doll violently against cars, the road, and even a fire hydrant until he was a bleeding mess of blood, broken bones, and flesh.

The abomination gave a monstrous triumphant grin as he glanced at the broken human.

"You must be one of those freaks playing hero, huh, Just like Banner, this power is wasted on you people." The beast spoke in a deep rumbling tone, surprising Peter.

'It can talk!'

Peter couldn't feel much right now, his body was broken for the second time today, some of his flesh was sticking out of the bone with bones sticking out of the flesh, visible for the world to see, and his mind was hazy, his eyes bloodshot.

It made its way to Peter in slow strides, reveling in the power it held over one of these so-called superheroes.

The abomination couldn't describe the feeling it had at that moment but one thing was clear, it was intoxicating, to have the strength to match beings that made most humans cower in fear.

Beings that pretended to be human but had the power to rival an army.

It held Peter up in a tight squeeze, its large hand encompassing all of peters body from neck down, its fingers meeting at peters back, locking his arms to his side, squeezing him, with blood and meshes of flesh oozing through the gaps of its finger.

It held a sadistic glint in its eyes, recalling the pain it caused to Peter. It was going to enjoy killing Peter, this weak little pest, a so-called superhuman.


The sound of a gunshot filled the air followed by more.

It flinched, and something bounced on his face, between his brows.




The hulking beast glanced at the source of the bullets, policewomen of Asian descent stood alone on the streets, firing at him from behind her police car.

Click! Click! Click!

Abomination smiled at the horror-stricken face of the police officer after realizing she had run out of bullets. It was all but ready to jump over there and squash her like the bug she was but something else caused it to writhe in pain and drop Peter.

{Host has consumed blood, slot four conditions met}

{Kagune-Altered active_Awaiting Evolution}

{Link to fragment: Darth2346# reforged}

{Altered Original ability from fragment host: Azura Malekith -The Cannibal of Sin granted to host}

The abomination saw that a large chunk of the flesh of its palm just between the thumb and the finger was ripped off; bitten by some animal, It looked back at Peter and saw a sight it would never forget.

There, standing in the middle of the streets, blood and beaten, bones sticking with flesh just hanging loosely from it, was Peter. His bandaged face hid most of the damage done to his face, but it could see some brain matter sticking out from his injured skull.

Hanging loosely from his mouth was the missing piece of flesh.


Peter spit it out in disgust.

"You taste disgusting," he said with a deranged smirk on his face, his mind was in shambles contrary to his expression.

Cough... Cough...


'Why am I doing this.'

'It hurts..'


"HAHAHAHAHAAH" Peter let out a gurgling laugh, only to cough out more blood, writhing in pain from it. Whatever was left in his muddled thoughts and mind focused on a single goal.


His expression grew even more deranged, his blooded smirk turned into a gleefully lip-splitting smile.

"I'm about to fuck you up!"

{Will of Saitama Active}


The road beneath Peter cracked, a shock wave reverberated throughout the streets, glasses shattered.


Every bone in Peter's or what was left of his arm was shattered even more when his fist met the creature's chest.

Abomination didn't even see Peter move, but it sure as hell felt it as it was sent flying across the street smashing through cars at bottleneck speeds, until finally stopping when he crashed into a building. Pain flooded its chest, pain like he never felt since his transformation.



The abomination stood up and stared for a few seconds, shocked at what just occurred.

How was this even possible?

In this state, he was fucking tank-proof for god's sake. he looked back at the teen, standing in the middle of the destruction he caused. A straight line curved through the road with destroyed cars and piles of debris on each side.

At the end he stood, still crackling and smiling as he walked towards him. His entire right arm missing, blown away by his own punch, it was as if his body couldn't handle his own strength.

"You hurt me?" It questioned, there was a slight tremble in his voice, a fear he refused to acknowledge at this crazy psychotic superhuman.

He thought only the Hulk could hurt it now, how wrong he was.


Peter coughed out more blood, his mind was fading fast, he stumbled a bit but would not let himself fall in front of this thing, in a false bravado Peter let out a small chuckle and forcefully, and painfully brought up his remaining left arm.

"That's the point you dumb fucking cunt... hahaha..cough...cough"

Peter flipped him off, his middle finger twisted, and bruised brought out shakily amongst his clenched fist, the smile still plastered on his face.


The abomination let out an ear-splitting enraged roar and mindlessly rushed at Peter. Punching him into the air and jumping after him.


It felt rage like never before, whatever fear it refused to acknowledge bled into his anger, fueling his actions.

Peter was thrown into the very same bus he rode on before, the one that was flipped over, slamming into its roof, the abomination rammed into him at rapid speeds, shredding through the bus, Sending it rolling over, flipping the bus back on its wheels.


It exploded as the abomination slammed Peter into a fire truck and then proceeded to pound both Peter and the truck into smithereens.

It proceeded to pummel Peter over and over and over again, how could this fucking kid cause it to feel such pain, such fear, he was beyond human right now.

It hit harder, rocking the streets.

It would never feel like this again.

Its hits got stronger.

Not to this human thing.

Not to the HULK.

Not to Banner, not to ROSS.

It would never fear anyone ever again.

"Huff...huff... huff..." the monster let out deep breaths it didn't even know it was taking, the boy's body, just a mushy past of bone-smushed flesh, his internal organs and bone littered the crater the abomination made.

"GRrrrrrr" A low growl filled the streets.

In his mindless rage-filled rampage he smashed through the fire truck and made a crater in the streets.


A loud crash came from far behind him, an enraged almost animalistic, and primal roar followed, shaking the streets once more.


The abomination turned and spit on the blood-stained crater.

"BANNER" it whispered in a low tone.

'Yes', it thought, finally, it would prove its strength, its superiority.

It would beat the Hulk and prove that he had no equal. It took one last look at its handy work, the blooded mesh at its feet, and turned, jumping off to face its mortal enemy, the immortal green giant.

In its hast, it failed to notice that some of the blood stains were no longer there, slowly vanishing into black particles, particles not many could see.

The crater was filling up with black miasma made from those strange particles. All the blood and viscera disappeared into it as it took the shape of a human

{Commencing slot 4 Evolution}

{Integration 37%}

{Slot 4

Fragment: Darth23423*

Ability Granted to Host: The Ghoul of Blood and Sin

Tier: D

Class: Building-City

Growth: 25.5% (A/N: This shows Peter's progression and how close they are to the Character they got their powers from)

Range: N/A


- Host Kagune can also function as a secondary heart and holder of the original sin strain altering the host blood into RC cells and allowing the host to crystallize and weaponize his blood.

-The user's skin is also impenetrable to most metals and objects.

Active state

-This allows the host to weaponize his blood to produce various effects and utilize is kagune

-Four appendages will protrude from the base of his spine, which he can use as weapons, manipulating them at will, Harding and crystallizing them to make projectiles too.

Trait Gained

Primary Trait: Original Sin

- The host is now the holder of the original sin shard/Strain from which he can create other smaller shards/Strains (branches of Sin) that can be used to infect others, granting them the ability to crystallize and weaponize their own blood

Secondary Trait: Branch of Sin

-Those the host infects can utilize their blood as weapons, crystallizing and hardening them and using it to various effects all depending on the individual along with cellular regeneration and an enhanced physical body

- Branches of sin possess a mania-like loyalty to the holder of the original sin

- Branches of sin develop somewhat negative personality traits that match a particular branch of sin



-Chapter End-

So, the polls were up and you have decided, the winner is, drum roll, please.


Here's a sneak peek at his abilities, this isn't really the real stuff am still thinking it over but if it works, might as well roll with it.

Ability Granted to host: Skeletons in the Closet

Tire: C

Class: Street-Universal

-The host can be aware of a person's location regardless of where they are in the universe, His laws are something he forces upon his universe

Range: Multiversal

- The host can track them into other dimensions and alternate realities.

Growth: N/A

The Self-Keeping Secret

This ability operates under three Laws which the host forces upon the universe

Law of Secret

-When the host designates something a secret, only those he allows the knowledge onto can keep his secret

-Should an individual discover his secret without his knowledge or permission, the host will be compelled to act upon their intent the instant of their discovery and become aware of their physical location regardless of how far they are from him or which dimension/world they reside in. If they are hostile, the host will be compelled to react with hostile intent, if they wish to kill him, he will be compelled to kill them, if they are friendly then he will react with friendlier intent.

Active secret:

-Secret Identity

Law of Promise

- Any promise made with the host must be kept, if broken the host's Ajin will ensure the one responsible is hunted down and suffers for it.

-The host will also be forced to uphold his own promises, upon breaking them if any, he shall experience a painful death before being resurrected.

Active Promise:

Peter's Promise of Revenge

Law of Bond

-When a bond is formed with the host, be it friendship, subordinate, familial, or that of a lover, the host will be aware when he is betrayed by those he shared a bond with.

-Depending on the level of betrayal, the host will be compelled to take actions similar to the law of Secret.

-This bond also allows the host to know if those closest to him are in imminent danger. This only applies to those he holds dear to him, or when a bond goes past up a certain level.

Active Bonds:

May Parker (Familial Bond)

Gwen Stacy (Broken Bond)

Trait: Unbreakable bones

- Peter's bones are indestructible and incapable of being harmed by anything below the continentals' level of strength, they grow stronger the more Peter's strength increases.

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Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

hope you all enjoyed the story so far. You all have a good one.

Othniel_Sethcreators' thoughts