
Marvel - Shinobi Login

Lawrence a doctor died because of overwork before he gets reborn in the world of Marvel unfortunately he has no superpower however one day he buys a VR game that changes his life forever.

Sakata_Kakashi · Anime und Comics
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14 Chs

Good morning Sasuke

"Good morning. " after entering the classroom says Hashimoto with a smile just find Shikamaru sleeping on the 3rd desk.

"Good morning. " says Shikamaru with a tired face before again resting his head on his crossed arms.

"If you are feeling tired Is it really necessary to arrive this early in the morning. " asks Hashimoto with a curious face looking at Shikamaru who might have arrived earlier than anyone in the school.

"I know you are wondering why I arrive an hour earlier than everyone if I am going to sleep but if you had a mother like mine at home then you would know. " says Shikamaru with a sigh as he lifts his head to answer Hashimoto.

"In that case, you should just tell her about your issues. " advised Hashimoto with a smile since he always does that in the real world.

"For what just get hit by her? " asks Shikamaru with annoyance before saying "I know there is not anyone else in the class but I am really tired so can you keep quiet for a while and allow me a good sleep. "

"Oh! Sorry for bothering you. " understanding Shikamaru's intention of not wanting to have a conversation but sleeping says Hashimoto with a smile before he takes the seat in the back row and opens the books that he received from Hiruzen last night.

"No, I am not bothered but am truly tired and I would like to have a conversation with you some other time but for now I want to sleep. " worrying that the new kid might take him for someone with issues Shikamaru quickly says turning his head towards Hashimoto.

"I understand. " says Hashimoto with a nod before he concentrates on the book at hand while the room went completely silent.

The basic theory of Chakra and Chakra Network.

While no one has arrived in the classroom Shikamaru is sleeping and Hashimoto continues reading the book about Chakra, Chakra nature, network, and various important issues and soon half an hour went by when Choji arrived with a big package of Chips with a displeased face before crying out "Shikamaru you left me behind again? "

"Come on Choji you were sleeping when I arrived at the school, so I wasn't able to call you back then. " explained Shikamaru with a lazy sigh before Choji can create more nose and destroy his nap completely different.

"Alright. " says Choji with a nod and asks with a curious face as he takes the seat beside Shikamaru before saying with a low tone "That kid from yesterday is reading something in the back Shikamaru. "

"Yeah, he arrived not long after me and started reading. " agreed Shikamaru with a nod as he remembers Hashimoto opening a book and not disturbing him ever since then.

"Did you have a conversation with him? " asks Choji with a curious face as he peeks at Hashimoto for a moment.

"Is there a problem? " asks Shikamaru with a confused face.

"No. " answers Choji shaking his head before asking "Since you want to sleep do you think it's a good idea for me to speak with him. "

"I don't think why it will be but just don't disturb me since I am tired from the training from yesterday. " says Shikamaru with a sigh before he once again went to sleep.

"Hello Hashimoto, Good morning. " says Choji with a smile as he turns to call Hashimoto.

"Well good morning to you as well Choji. " says Hashimoto with a smile as he moves his eyes from the book and turns towards Choji and while they were having a conversation about Naruto and what they did after leaving the school the door of the classroom opens once again and enters Sasuke with a cold face making Hashimoto ask "And what is wrong with him to make a face like that in the early morning? "

"Don't worry about him since he is always like that. " advised Choji with a sigh before shaking his head.

"Maybe he is having a hard time sleeping at home. " says Hashimoto with a smile as he gives Choji a nod before turning towards Sasuke "Good morning Sasuke? "

Do you think Sasuke will reply or get angry toward Hashimoto for the sudden call, stay with us to know what waits

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