
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime und Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 395: Mass invasion

Even if the monster was born in other dimensions, it was only a flesh and blood body. The blood was exploded when the first bullet hit. Barnes carried a heavy machine gun and kept getting closer, and his recoil seemed to be non-existent to him.

The transformed mechanical arm is also strengthened by the energy of the black hole dimension, and will not be easily caught by a small spider.

After Barnes smashed the monster with a heavy machine gun, Zod received the monster's soul.

"It's amazing, one soul can be compared to the souls of more than fifty sinners."

Zod tusk, in addition to the souls of these sinners, the souls of the innocent people killed by this monster are also absorbed by Zod's black hole dimension.

After all, he has used soul gems to block the heaven and **** dimensions and the claim of souls by "death". Now all souls can only enter the black hole dimension.

And the black hole dimension is inexhaustible, no matter what soul it is, it can be digested well.

When Johnny Blazer rushed over, it was equivalent to taking the people from SHIELD, and Johnny Blazer also told them the situation.

This monster is the pioneer of the invasion of other dimensions. After the gods abandoned the earth, these monsters that have been blocked have also begun to invade the earth.

Barnes thought it was over, but the second and third monsters appeared one after another, and he was caught off guard.

Fortunately, the evil spirit knight is immortal, otherwise, if it is replaced by Da Yijie, it will be gone.

The National Guard and the Army have also been dispatched, because too many monsters have come over, S.H.I.E.L.D. directly contacted the military.

The ground is shaking!

The utensils and bottles in the house made clanging noises.

After about 5 seconds, the vibration disappeared.


"Sir, come and see, we must expand the blockade immediately."

A subordinate took out the computer, and on it was a data simulation model, a football field, and the sky for a real simulation.

The young blond boy points the location on the screen with his mouse.

"This is the seismic source, this is the football field, and this is the range of diminishing vibration. Our encircling circle is directly below the longitudinal vibration wavelength. I used the principle of blasting impact to conduct a comparative analysis at this height."

In the model, a diagonal line begins to appear directly above the enclosing circle, and the edge is marked with an angle of 49 degrees.

The area at the diagonal line is far beyond the position of the encircling circle.

"In other words, the encirclement must be expanded!"

The model is clear at a glance, and they are not prepared enough.


The frequency of earthquakes is getting higher and higher, and has been shortened to once every ten minutes.

In fact, there is no need to evacuate, and the majority of New Yorkers are not stupid. After all, it is rare to gather where danger is. There are already many smart people driving away from the city or even outside the city.

Others ran with them because of fear and other reasons.

This process begins in the morning, slowly gathering little into more.

Although it is inevitable that there will be congestion in the outer main road section, at least in the newly scheduled expansion blockade, there are not many people who need to be evacuated, and a lot of evacuation work has also been saved.

Near the top of a thirty-story building near the football field, a team of soldiers was guarded here, including two snipers and observers, as well as other soldiers equipped with bazookas and automatic weapons, attacking about 20 people.

"The number of monsters is increasing!"

"We need manpower!"

Seeing the densely packed monsters in the football field and the burning skulls fighting these monsters, these soldiers looked very nervous.

What a ghost knows that joining the army will have to fight monsters, it is not an American blockbuster or popcorn movie!


A minor earthquake reappeared, and the soldiers on the building looked a little nervous, but due to frequent occurrences, they did not evacuate like the first few times.


The rumbling tremor followed closely behind.

The roar became clearer, and Zod even vaguely saw the wall of the world, which was a colorful and changing substance.

Its thickness has even reached an indescribable point.

A fiery red fragment-like object is particularly conspicuous in it, and it has touched the edge of the wall.

Whenever Barnes killed a monster, a violent shock would erupt inside, and the terrible roar would come again.

Every time the roar was like facing them face to face, containing complex emotions such as resentment and joy.


The violent shock in the sky exploded in space, and the two kinds of shock waves, tangible and intangible, diverged diffusively from that point.


There was a tremor that was far greater than before, and all the people on the ground were unsteady.

"Bang Bang Bang~~~"

The glass curtain walls of some buildings burst under the impact.

The ground "beep beep" vehicle alarm sounded in a string.

"Command center, command center, was hit, the plane was out of control, repeat, the plane was out of control!!"

Several helicopters hovering in the air were spinning vigorously in the air due to the impact of the impact. The pilot tried his best to control the joystick, but they were unable to offset the inertia.

But no one paid any attention to the crisis of those crew members, and the sky over New York City had turned fiery red.

A strange mirror crack appeared and expanded bit by bit.

In a short period of time when it was difficult to react, it was like a leak in the dam and the back being torn apart by the flood.

Countless magma-like substances rushed out of the unknown space.

The sky seemed to be on fire, and the temperature over the city rose sharply.

The magma-like substance directly gasified the buildings and everything below, and then it seemed that the temperature had dropped, but it was still hot, and the air was twisted visible to the naked eye.

Wherever it spread, even the steel melted into molten iron within a few breaths.

There is also a large amount of flames condensed in the sky ~www.mtlnovel.com~ The roar of violent roar is deafening.

The sound waves damaged the eardrums of all the troops on the ground and the remaining people, and there were even more inexplicable fires in many places.

A ferocious giant arm burning with orange-red flames stretched out of the flames in the air, followed by a huge tail.

Afterwards, the whole flame seemed to be shattered by some kind of suction and disappeared, revealing the existence inside.

It has a pair of bat-like bat wings composed of fire and magma. It has four-legged hands and a head like a unicorn. It holds a long burning whip in one hand, and its claws are empty in the other, and the tail is behind its body. It's still long.

The overall height is 20 to 30 meters, even the tail is even more difficult to consider.

When the surrounding flames dissipated, the burning monster fell in free fall.

"Boom~" It fell to the top of a 20-story residential building in the center of New York City.

All sights and sighting systems on the ground and in the air are pointed at this azimuth.